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May 1, 2024


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The Calling



We commit to strengthening family and community relationships through engagement and mutual participation between members of the school community.


We commit to giving every child the opportunity and authority to drive and shape their own learning.


We commit to engaging students in meaningful learning that is relevant to them.

Meaningful Learning:



*Continue Looping

Expanding Fundations to Grade 3,i-Ready Math K-4,i-Ready ELA pilot

Year 2 of Coaching for Excellence with a more specific and targeted focus

Sharing of best practices through PD, the Pineapple Chart, PLCs and Book Studies

Linking Teaching & Learning

Meaningful Learning

We commit to engaging students in meaningful learning that is relevant to them.

Identity Projects


*Continue Student Led Conferences

Centering Students

Continue building student created video library

Peer Mentoring/Student Advisory


We commit to giving every child the opportunity and authority to drive and shape their own learning.


Organizing Adults

Care Cart

Family Workshops

Family & community members as guests on morning announcements & monthly school-wide meetings

*Continue family surveys

Potlucks & Conversation


We commit to strengthen family and community relationships through engagement and mutual participation between members of the school community.

Exit Ticket!

A collective effort



2024-2025 SCEP Planning

Looking Ahead...

What should we prioritize as we plan for the year ahead?

What are some things that matter to us as a school community?

Family Survey Data

Family Survey Data

  • I hope they can go on some type of actual field trip besides upac
  • IT has been nice n awesome, also Hashir's improvement is amazing. He is always excited and happy to go to school. He was shy in the early days and now he is more confident.
  • Estoy muy contento que mi hijo valla a la escuela por qué está aprendiendo mucho gracias a Dios y los maestros
  • keep up the great work
  • Everything and everyone at the school is great. I love all of the events that involve the families in the school and make us feel like we’re part of the school community.
  • My daughter is making lasting memories and building lasting relationships with her teachers and peers. We're going to be sad when it's time to move up.

Family Survey Data

  • Very excited about a new year but the last month has been rough for her. She's no longer excited to go to school but loves to tell me about her days if they are good. I wish situations were more transparent when children are having issues.
  • Some days are better than other for Jonah. Should work on kids bullying others. He has a great teacher. Should invite parents more and talk more to kids about bullying and hurting others.
  • Landon loves school. I see great progress with Landon this year. Thank you for all you teachers do and staff to make Landon's school experience happy and safe
  • Ms. Jamieson and the staff at JFK go above and beyond for the students. Their hard work and dedication is very much appreciated. They work with the students needs and make going to school exciting. Zaiden went from disliking school in pre-k to looking forward to school each morning since going to JFK
  • Cuando tengan programad como Top me gustaría que también dieran bus,para los niños que lo necesitan,ya que a vemos familias que no tenemos auto y viven lejos de la escuela y nos gustaría que nuestros hijos se quedarán pero por ese motivo no pueden asistir o quedarse para que sigan fortaleciéndose en su educación.

Family Survey Data

  • They are not thrilled about going to school but love their teachers and friends. Thank you for all you do, we appreciate it.
  • Our daughter has loved JFK, has had a fabulous teacher and great friends. She is involved and engaged.
  • We love JFK
  • "1. Sage - I really like my classmates and teachers. Mom - great communication and lots of cool initiatives and programs 2. Sage - I like the farm fresh foods and my class does fun activities. Mom - Sage loves school and reports back with enthusiasm 3. Sage - My teachers and most friends honor my identity. Sometimes people say unkind things. Mom - Yes. and we love coming in to school and to share parts of our heritage and when other families share. 4. Sage - I think so, I am working on adding 3 numbers together. Mom - yes Our conference was informative. I miss the monthly newsletter. We love you JFK Thank you for all you do. "
  • I am very happy with this year
  • I feel there should be monitoring on the buses and the lady who sits in the front of the building at the desk should be more friendly. My grandchild should be more excited about school and he’s not

Family Survey Data

  • We are so happy with the caring and supportive environment at JFK. I would like to know more about what is being taught in the classroom and how.
  • Emily has made lasting memories and relationships. She can't wait to come home and show us her completed work and tell us the new things she is learning. Always fun to be included and we will miss JFK
  • Everyday Christopher comes home happy with what he has learned
  • Thank you so much for all of your attention
  • Excellent year. This school is a part of our family.
  • I think JFK is better than any other elementary school in the area
  • It has been a wonderful year for our family

Family Survey Data

  • Absolutely amazing, my son comes home so excited to tell me what he has learned. Nothing but good things to say. My son loves going to JFK. He has blown me away with the knowledge he has retained so far. My son is always greeted with a smile, everyone has called him by name and has always been welcoming. I am always updated on where my son stands, we continue to work on building his skills at home. I could not have chosen a better teacher for my son. He has come so far. Ms. Fuga is so awesome! JFK has made my son so happy and ready to learn.
  • I've never been invited
  • We love JFK and are very happy. I always talk with the school!
  • Excellent school
  • I wish we had more communication about curriculum; when homework is sent home, I don't know if it gets looked at. I need help getting onto the KCSD website.

Family Survey Data





Additional Data



i-Ready Data

Attendance Data

2 Small Groups: Linking Teaching & Learning

2 Small Groups: Centering Students

2 Small Groups: Organizing Adults

1. What are the top three most positive instructional practices teachers have embraced schoolwide? 2. What are two or three less effective practices that seem to be pervasive schoolwide? 3. What are the one or two best examples of our school as a place where learning occurs? 4. When it comes to student learning, what are some barriers within our control that make working together challenging?

1. What are the two or three most consistent factors in the school that promote a positive environment and make this a place students want to be? 2. What are one or two examples of where our work toward ensuring a positive environment could use some strengthening? 3. What are the one or two best examples of our school as a student-centered school? 4. In consideration of the link between school connectedness and student success, what are some barriers within our control that make it challenging to ensure that the students feel connected to our school?

We commit to engaging students in meaningful learning that is relevant to them.

We commit to engaging students in meaningful learning that is relevant to them.

1. What are the one or two best examples of professional collaboration and teamwork within the school? 2. What are one or two examples where professional collaboration and teamwork could use some strengthening?3. What are the one or two best examples of how school leaders or teachers communicate with families and/or the school community? 4. When it comes to how adults work together toward common goals, what are some barriers within our control that make working together challenging?

Envisioning Activity Prompts

Exit Ticket

JFK has used the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) strategy of Check-In/Check-Out for several years. This strategy entails having a staff member complete a check-in (morning) and check-out (afternoon) session with students who struggle with self-regulation or social-emotional skills. This year will be extending this program to include peer mentoring. We have found that students who have gone through Check-in/Check-out are the first students to help a student in crisis or in need of co-regulation. 3rd & 4th grade students interested will be trained on this method and assigned as a peer mentor for younger students.

Using the work started by our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professional Learning Community team members during the 2022-2023 school year and growing our ability to provide students with choice and voice, each class will complete at least one project using project-based learning that is tied to student identity.

We currently have a robust Backpack Program that provides students with bags of food to take home on the weekends. We will be extending our support this year to include a Care Cart. The Care Cart will have self-care items such as laundry detergent, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shoelaces, lice treatment, and other items that may hinder a child’s ability to attend and focus on school.

-Family members will be invited to visit classes, speak at our monthly morning meetings and/or co-anchor on the WJFK morning announcements to share about their careers, interests or experiences -During the 2022-2023 school year, one 3rd grade class invited parents in to share about their careers or passions and it was incredibly successful. The students participated in goal setting activities based on what they learned about various career paths -Instead of having families come in to share to just one class, they will be able to reach the whole school community this year -This will provide students with an opportunity to learn from and about people from different races, ethnicities and cultures and also allow family members an additional opportunity to be active partners in their child’s education.