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Curriculum Map Foundations:A Visual

Where are we going? How will we get there? What do need to arrive?

Elisabeth A. Page College of Education, Grand Canyon University EDU-546: Curriculum Mapping Dr. Phyllis Carbonaro May 1, 2024


Curriculum Map

Pacing Guide

Lesson Plan

Lesson plans provide teachers with the daily instrution, activities, and assessments they will use to teach their students (School of Education, 2018). .

Curriculum maps inform teachers what students need to know and be able to do at the end of a unit of study. They allow teachers and students to know the goal of the unit; what students should walk away knowing after the unit is taught (Bowen, 2017).

Pacing guides help teachers know when and where during the unit they are teaching a specific topic or idea. When teachers know what students need to learn, pacing gudes help keep the content organized and in logical sequence and prevent disjointed information from confusing learners (Mazur, 2018).

Understanding the important elements and differences of a curriculum map, pacing guide, and lesson plan helps teachers differentiate between learning and instruction (School of Education, 2018). When teachers know what they want students to learn and be able to do, when and where they will teach them, and how they will meet their learners' needs in their instruction, students are better prepared for success in the classroom.

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Baldock, K. (2019). Inquiry-based learning: how do i start? The Agricultural EducationMagazine, 91(5), 10-11. https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/loginurl=https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/inquiry-based-learning-how-do-i-start/docview/2275866975/se-2 Bowen, R. S. (2017). Understanding by design. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/understanding-by-design/. Mazur, R. (2018). Backward design. In the sage encyclopedia of educational research,measurement, and evaluation (Vol. 4, pp. 164-168). SAGE Publications.https://doi.org/10.4135/9781506326139 School of Education. (2018, February 28). The differences between lesson plans and curriculum maps [Video]. Youtube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aur-2lsoWY0

  • Directly supports clear and organized learning through horizontal and vertical alingment of state standards
  • Help students understand the goal and purpose of their learning experience

Curriculum maps for students...

  • Provide standards, lessons, materials, assessments
  • Offer organized sequencing of lessons/topics to be taught
  • Inform teachers of learning target and the enduring understanding students must aquire (Mazur, 2018

Curriculum maps for teachers...

  • Depicting how ideas and concepts will build upon each other in a logical progression
  • Showing students where they are in their learning journey

Pacing guides support students by...

  • Telling teachers "when" they are teaching which concepts and ideas
  • Showing teachers where in a unit it makes the most sense to provide certain information to students

Pacing guides help teachers by...

  • Showing the activites they will use to support learning
  • Monitoring how they will structure the learning experience to differetiate for the needs of all students (Baldock, 2019)
  • Evaluating how student learning will be formatively and summitively assessd

Lesson plans guide teachers in...

  • how their daily lessons and activties support the pacing and overacrhing goals of the unit
  • when they have mastered a learning target and the growth they have made
  • whether the learning experiene is designed to support their needs and learning styles

Lesson plans help students see...