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The pie charts to the left and above coincide with each other to display the occupations of Afro-Americans and why the opportunities they've been given have them working that specific type of job.

Occupations of Afro-American Males (San Antonio), 1870

By demonstrating the size of farms by a pie chart displays that smaller farms ruled over the farms over 50 acres. This information also shows the amount of occupation opprotunities due to amount and size of plantations/farms within Bexar County.

Percentage of farms by agricultural acreage Bexar County, 1870

Percentage Enslaved persons by Group Size, 1860

Percentage of slave holders by number of Enslaved persons held, 1860

Quantity of Enslaved Persons

IMportance of African American History in Bexar COunty - tHesis

African American history in Bexar COunty

By: Michael Jozwiak


This graph illustrates the number of slaves held by an individual slave holder. Although most slave holders only had one or two slaves, most enslaved persons lived within small groups.

This pie chart complements the pie chart displayed to the left by demonstrating how although most slave holders only held a single enslaved person, most all were enslaved in groups.

This bar graph displays the amount of Africans brought to New Spain. Although these numbers collectively exceed 120,000 Abducted to New Spain, in a 1777 census only 15 enslaved Africans would be accounted for in Bexar County.


African American history within Bexar county can be grasped with the information provided in this infographic. By learning about when they arrived, how they lived together and what they did, anyone can be able to have a sound understanding of African American history in Bexar County.