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Sledge dogs… There are dogs who have to pull a big sledge at the north trying to find some gold, that, is how lives Buck. Buck is a dog from northern California that one day he got sold to a company of sledges, and has to survive in his life, being hungry and living with a terrible condition in the north.Buck, is getting slowly more mature because he sees a lot of people he loved die. He will survive at the north?


Personally, I think this is a very good book because it makes you feel happy, sad or funny depending on the moment and reflects a beautiful idea of life as a way to the north, there are good moments, moments to learn, moments to prove your strong and moments of suffer like the death of a very around friend yours.It's a dramatic book and I really not recommend it to the people that don't like the sad books, but I think it's a book that do you have to read because it marks a before and after to you.




The Call of the Wild

From the jack london's hand...

Buck is a Greenland husky. He's a dog that lives in north California, and one day he's betrayed by the gardener of his house. He is sold to the north to be a sled dog, and since this moment Buck belongs a big and strong dog, seeing his friends die for the hard life at the north.

Perrault bought Buck to his sledge, and with François help, road with him a lot of kilometres to the north trying to find gold. With there, Buck, learns to survive at the north, digging his holes to sleep or learning to pull the sledge.

Thornton is a character that appear very little in the book, although, is a very important character because it is the only person in Buck's life that make he loves someone and feeling home.