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Fact Sheet

Candela vázquez

Marilla Cuthbert






Marilla Cuthbert and her brother Matthew want to adopt an orphaned boy to help out on the Green Gables farm. But a child does not arrive, Anne arrives, a girl, who has red hair, freckles and talks a lot. They want to return her but Anne does everything possible to stay and her life begins to be like that of a normal girl at her age.

Anne of Green Gables

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Anne Shirley Anne Shirley is a passionate and creative young woman, gifted with a brilliance, imagination and artistic talent that often leads her to retreat into a dream world. Despite her brilliance, she constantly struggles with difficult beginnings as an orphan and the need for acceptance and affection. As she faces the challenges of adolescence and ventures out to find her identity in the world, she experiences profound personal growth throughout the series.

Marilla Cuthbert: Marilla Cuthbert is a conservative, traditional woman at first, but as she gets to know Anne Shirley, she reveals her loving heart and her readiness to welcome joy and change in her life. Marilla Cuthbert also demonstrates profound compassion and personal development.

Diana Barry Diana Barry is a loyal and understanding friend. She is sweet, kind and has a generous heart. Although she can sometimes be influenced by the social expectations of her time, her friendship with Anne allows her to explore her individuality and her ability to challenge the norms.

Gilbert Blythe: Gilbert Blythe is a thoughtful and compassionate young man. Although there is some bickering at the beginning, he quickly treats Anne Shirley with respect and support. As he grows as a character throughout the series, showing courage, tenacity and deep empathy, he becomes Anne's close friend and a vital source of support.

Matthew Cuthbert Though he is quiet at first, Matthew Cuthbert is a kind, shy, and kind man who genuinely cares for Anne Shirley. He is kind and has a great deal of affection for his family; throughout the series, he shows signs of warmth and protectiveness.

Opinión: It is an emotional, touching, romantic book. It shows you a love for an adopted 'son'. I liked it very much

Anne, Marilla and Matthew

The house where the brothers live, Anne's new house