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carlos v's 
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c o n f l i c t s

carlos v's

The battles with France
  • 1536-1538: War of the League of Cognac (against France and the Pope): inconclusive war with no major battles.
  • 1542-1544: French-Ottoman Alliance:1543: Siege of Nice (against France and Ottomans)
  • Charles V recaptures Nice 1552: Siege of Metz (against France).
  • When the failure to capture the city.
The battle in France


  • Siege of Vienna (against the Ottoman Empire)
  • Successful defense by Charles V's forces halts Ottoman expansion in Europe.

  • 1546-1547: Schmalkaldic War (against German Protestant Princes).
  • 1547: Battle of Mühlberg - Victory for Charles V over the Schmalkaldic League.
The battle in Germany
The battles in Italy
  • 1519: Carlos V becomes the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • 1521-1526: Italian wars against France.
  • 1521: Battle of Pavia.There was a decisive victory for Charles V, Francis I of France captured.
  • 1525: Battle of Pavia (second battle). French attempt to recapture the city fails.