Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


by Felicity Sarmiento



I have had Filipino food before since I lived in the Philippines but I wanted to see if the Filipino foods here has the same taste as the ones back home...

Look at the note on the fridge



Food Lore

My Experience

Pre & After-experience

Come with me to learn about the Philippine's food culture, this is like an escape room so feel free to play around!

Filipino diet usually consists of..

Lots of Rice

Pork, beef, chicken and lots of vegetables


People from the Philipines also...

Don't feed their kids as much

Eats food about 5x a day; breakfast, miryenda,lunch, miryenda, and dinner

Eat using their hands, or use both spoon and fork at the same time during meal time

Miryenda means snack

During grand celebrations like birthday parties or events..

Food will be served using big banana leaves

The Host's priority is to make sure people are eating

Hosts asks for large sum of money



Food Lore

My Experience

Pre & After-experience

Food Lore in the Philippines


Often consists of a type of meat and a bunch of vegetables eaten with rice

Although there are many vegetables in meals, Filipino foods are packed with high saturated fats making it bad for the people

Filipinos always eat together during meal time and they eat dinner pretty late like 9 or 10 pm

There are high numbers of people who are considered malnourished in the Philippines due to lack of nutrients in their food

Additionally, many Filipinos really like sugary and sweet things. Thus alot of the foods have some amount of sugar in it to better the flavorings


more health food lore



Food Lore

My Experience

Pre & After-experience

Here is my experience!

I went to a Filipino Restaurant called 'At my place' in chandler, az. The place felt extremely homey which was nice because most people who come here to get filipino food wants to see if they can have the taste of home

my friend emily

here is the menu for the restaurant, its kind of hard to read but every single meal, it comes with white rice

me and my friend both got the Pork Sisig. Sisig is a Filipino dish made from pork jowl and ears, pork belly, and chicken liver

Leche Flan (left) and Sisig (right)

Sisig is usually paired with drinking beer, but it can also be eaten on its own with rice. Sisig is often prepared when older people are hanging out and drinking together.

Leche Flan is very similar to mexico's flan but it is creamier and sweeter. This dessert is often sold in the streets during christmas season or during sundays

(sorry i was so excited to eat this I forgot to take a picture before)



Food Lore

My Experience

Pre & After-experience


For my pre-experience, I was very skeptical because I didn't know if the taste would be similar back home so I didn't have high expectations. Additionally, I thought the Sisig would not be spicy at all and the leche flan would be very sweet

I also thought that the place would have cheaper food prices and would have more street food selection


My after-experience was really good, I really really liked this place. The food were very similar to home food but not exactly the same but I am fine with that. I also thought that it really expensive.

They didn't really have the street foods I was looking for, and the Leche flan wasn't as sweet as the one back home. But I definitely recommend this place for someone who would want to try authenthic Filipino food!



Food Lore

My Experience

Pre & After-experience

starT over?

Thanks for listening!


Why'd u pick that