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Rise & Fall of Temp

Mollee Lamm

The Hydration Equation

Explain the Effects of Heat on Cardiovascular Function

Hydration Practices

Visuals for Understanding

Vasodilation occurs when the blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate. This increases blood flow to the skin which then leads to heat loss through radiation and convection


As the body's core temperature increases, the production of sweat will also increase. The evaporation of sweat from the surface helps with this to cool the body but it can also cause loss of fluids.


Due to the reduced blood volume due to sweating and vasodilation the heart rate will also increase to keep blood pressure normal along with blood flow to vital organs.


In order to maintain cardiovascular function among other things, hydration is crucial. Before exercise or activity fluids should be drank to prepare.During exercise seven to ten ounces of warer should be drank every 10-20 minutes.Along with water, during exercise, electrolytes such as gatorade should be consumed to replace the sodium lost through sweat.Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided because these can lead to dehydration which can be detrimental in a hot environment.Cold fluids should be consumed because these will help cool body temperatures down.


Hydration Plan

When the body temperature icreased too much, the hypothalamus sends signals to the capillaries that give blood to the skin, to dilate. This leads to heat loss. This is a similar process even in cold temperatures, it just constricts.
