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Words like 'something', 'everywhere', 'anybody' and 'no-one' are indefinite pronouns. We use them for people, things and places. People: somebody* / anybody* / nobody* / everybody* Things: something / anything / nothing / everything Places: somewhere / anywhere / nowhere / everywhere
These are singular words, so we use a singular verb with them. Examples:Does anybody want cake? Everybody loves the new puppy.However, we can use 'they / them / their'. Anybody who wants cake should pass their plate. Nobody brought their bag.
We can use these words on their own for a short answer.A: What do you want to eat? B: Nothing!We can use them at the beginning of a sentence as the subject or as the object of a sentence. Nothing was done. She did nothing.
We use somebody / something / somewhere mainly in positive sentences. We can find somebody who can help. There's something in the bag. Let's go somewhere this weekend. We use anybody / anything / anywhere in the same way, but for questions and negative sentences. I can't find anybody who can help. Is there anything in the bag? We didn't go anywhere this weekend.


Everybody = all the people. Everything = all the things. Everywhere = all the places. These can be used in positive sentences, negative sentences and questions.I think that she has been everywhere in Europe. He doesn't know everything. Do you know everybody here?
"Anybody can come to my party" would mean your party is open to any person. Everybody can come. "Nobody can come to my party" would mean that no person can come to your party. There will be no guests at all. Not much of a party, really.(Los NO por lo general van al comienzo de la oracion)


"Anybody / anyone" (cualquiera) and "nobody / no one" (nadie) do not mean the same thing and are not interchangeable. Nobody/no one mean NO persons. Anybody/anyone mean ANY person.



Nobody = not anybody. Nothing = not anything. Nowhere = not anywhere. I don't know anyone who's coming = I know nobody who's coming.There isn't anything here = there's nothing here. She doesn't want to go anywhere = she wants to go nowhere.
We also use anybody / anything / anywhere with sentences that have a negative feeling. There is hardly anybody here. (No hay casi nadie)She ate hardly anything. (Ella casi no comio)We spent the weekend at home without going anywhere. We can use somebody / something / somewhere in questions when they are offers or requests or when we think the answer is yes. Are you looking for something? (= I think you're looking for something.) Would you like something to eat?
We often use anybody / anything / anywhere after 'if'. If anybody would like a coffee, tell me now! If anything is wrong, you need to phone the reception. If there's anywhere that you don't want to go, please send me an email. We also use anybody / anything / anywhere with the meaning 'it doesn't matter who / which / where'. Anybody can do this. I'd like to go anywhere! I just don't want to be here! She was so hungry that she ate anything.