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Dystopian Examples(stu watson, 4/16)

Characters conform to uniform expectations

The Lego Movie(2014)

In the lego movie all of the characters conform to a uniform expectaion of a perfect life. When the main character Emmet breaks those norms and questions the society he lives in, He is challenged by their "president" / "ruler" Lord Buisness. This causes a split in the society and reveals what is truly going on.

Characters conform to uniform expectations

The lego movie(2014)

In the lego movie all of the characters conform to a uniform expectaion of a perfect life. When the main character Emmet breaks those norms and questions the society he lives in, He is challenged by their "president" / "ruler" Lord Buisness. This causes a split in the society and reveals what is truly going on.

The natural world is left behind

ready player one (2018)

Ready player one takes place in 2045, when the world has been completely abandoned and everything is virtual. this sends Wade watts to question his society. The movie shows his search for a easter egg in the "virtual world"

Citizens live in a dehumanized state

the man who fell to earth(1976)

"The film follows Newton as he tries to build a large industrial enterprise to raise money for his people, but is ultimately thwarted by the US government and his own physical and psychological decline through exposure to the world. terrestrial." -indiecinema.co

Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.

the truman show (1998)

This movie follows Truman in his perfect life, but the one thing he does not know is that he is constantly being watched by people all over the world. We watch how he starts to unravel as he realized he is being watched.

the real world is left behind

the pedestrian(by ray bradbury)

TThe pedestrian by Ray Bradbury is about a man who goes for a walk everyday in a society where everyone is glued to a television screen after work. he later gets investigated by a police car and sent to a mental institution.