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Teachers' Beliefs About Social Studies

How will you advocate your vision of social studies, especially if you are in a less supportive environment?

What kinds of things should they be able to do?

What kind of teacher do you need to be to be able to help your students benefit from their work in social studies?

What kind of people/citizens do you want your students to be?

What do you think the purpose of education is, overall?

What, therefore, is the purpose/are the purposes of social studies, and what should it look like, given the purpose(s)?

What knowledge is important for them to have?

What kinds of things should students learn about?

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I want my students to be dependable, honest, and reliable citizens. They should always want to work on bettering themselves and the world around them.

Students should be able to conduct their own research to expand their knowledge beyond what is presented in class.

I want my students to be active, proactive, and compassionate citizens. I want them to know that they matter and can make an impact on the world.

Students should learn from the categories of social sciences. They include but are not limited to political science, civics, history, government, and geography.

I think the purpose of education is to help our students become well-rounded, not just academically but also civically. We shouldn’t limit what they learn in school to just academic-related things.

The purpose of social studies is to provide knowledge to the students. Social studies makes sure students are well educated on things such as cultures, environments, individual development and identity, and global connections.

Students should have a vast understanding of different cultures practiced all over the world. They are able to have more sensitive, in-depth conversations with their peers.

Students should learn about and develop their own personal values. When students develop their own positive personal values, they are more connected and likely to uphold them.

I think the purpose of education is to lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning. In order to successfully live independently, nearly everything is dependent on a person's ability to read, write, speak, and listen, all of which is developed with a proper education.

Students should learn about all sides of things. They should not just be limited to what they experience personally. It is our job to show them different perspectives to become better humans than some of the people they learn about.

Students should be able to analyze sources, compare and contrast, and examine cause and effect.

It is important for students to know how to use critical thinking skills. The only way to improve your skills is by using them. It is a necessary skill for the future.

I think the purpose of education is to develop knowledge and skills to prepare our students to live productive and fulfilling lives.

I want my students to be civic-minded people. Not only should they know about their community but they should also feel inspired to be active in their community.

Schools should follow their academic standards while teaching social studies. Standards may slightly differ from state to state but they follow the same basics.

I want my students to become responsible, hard-working, and justice-oriented citizens. I want them to be able to feel pride in the world they are creating.

The purpose of social studies is to make sure that students are well-cultured. They are exposed to numerous different aspects of history, government, economics, geography, anthropology, and many other social sciences.

I need to be a teacher that makes sure to foster an environment of inclusivity. I don’t just want to teach inclusivity, I want all of my students to be welcomed and included in the lesson.

I will advocate my vision of social studies through sending home weekly summaries for parents. I want them to have upfront knowledge of what is being taught in social studies.

I will advocate my vision of social studies through using effective and purposeful teaching. I should not teach things just because I feel like I need to.

Students should be able to communicate with people from different groups. They will learn what is culturally appropriate and what should not be discussed in certain conversations.

I need to be a teacher that is constantly adjusting and fitting the needs and interests of my students. The world is changing rapidly, it is important to make sure my lessons are not static.

I will advocate my vision of social studies by getting my students to help write a letter to someone we feel is of importance. We will create a letter to address changes we want to see made.

I think the purpose of education is to prepare our students for their futures in a world that is constantly changing, create people who are able to compete in a global economy, lifelong learners, and emotionally healthy people who are able to engage in meaningful relationships.

Social studies is not just about the past, government, and geography, it is als important for students to be exposed to current events. The world is constantly changing, it is important that students understand what is going on.

I need to be a teacher that models what I am teaching to my students. I can’t just talk at them and expect them to learn from that.

I need to be a teacher that makes my students feel welcomed, represented, and heard. This will allow me to foster an environment where students want to learn.

Students should be able to do in-depth analysis of primary and secondary sources.

The purpose of social studies is to expose students to multiple perspectives. Many different articles can report on the same topic but have different details in it.

I think the purpose of education is to help students be able to engage with the world around them. Students shouldn’t be limited to knowing things from reading it, they should be able to experience it.

Students should be able to hold meaningful conversations regarding many different topics relating to social sciences.

It is important for students to know how the government works. They need to know the inner workings, structure, and purpose of why we have the government.

Students should be able to identify reliable sources. They should know what to look for or do if they are not confident it is a trusted source.

Students should learn from experiencing and personal inquiry rather than only being exposed to social studies through something like social studies weekly.

The purpose of social studies is to give students a real-world understanding. It should not solely be related to things that have happened in the past.

I want my students to be people who are proud of their citizenship. It took me personal research to learn true facts about our nation, I don’t want my students to have to do that.

The purpose of social studies is to help students learn to make educated and justified decisions.

I will advocate my vision of social studies through children's books. I need to practice what I preach by showing inclusivity through the childrens books I choose to use in class.

I will advocate my vision of social studies out-of-class meeting times. If students have additional questions, need help, or want to explore a topic we didn’t cover, they can come meet with me.

Students must learn more than just about our country. It is important that students understand the advantages granted to us just by being born in this country.

It is important that students know about media biases. In this day in age, we are so consumed by social media, that students must know you can’t trust everything you read and how to find reliable sources.

I think the purpose of education is to help shape your students into the best version of themselves.

I want my students to have good critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This allows for a great foundation for future decision-making and communication skills.

It is important for students to have civic knowledge. Students should understand the culture, current events, and history of our country.

I need to be a teacher who teaches inclusive and complex content. I can’t just teach one side at face value. My students deserve to understand the world they are living in.

The purpose of social studies is to learn about the past to make sure that we do not repeat the bad. It also allows us to use the good as inspiration.