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Black American History

Two important figures on that times periods

6. Thanks

5. Conclusion

4. Biography of Cudjoe Queen Nanny

3. Period of the famous Cudjoe Queen Nanny

2. Biography of Malcom X

1. Period of the famous Malcom X


Information to know :

Black patients were not allowed to receive blood from a white person.

Jim Crow laws are named after an 1830 song mocking black people.

Segregation was from 1876 to 1965

During segregation, many laws were created. They were called “Jim Crows Laws”. These laws are: 1. "Colored people and white people were not allowed to eat in the same room. They had to use different doors to enter the restaurant." 2. "Colored people and whites were obliged to use different toilet facilities." 3. "Colored and whites kids had to go to separate schools. They couldn't study together." 4. "They didn't have the right to go to the same theaters." 5. "It was illegal for a black man to marry a white woman."

As a reminder: Segregation is racial discrimination

Malcom X lived in the period of segregation.

Period of Malcom X

His education : Malcolm X went to Mason School and had not been to university. He had worked as an speacker.

He died in 1965 in Harlem.

His parents: His parents were Earl Little and Louise Little. Earl Little was born in 1890 and died in 1931. Louise Little was born in 1894 and died in 1991.

His real name is Malcom Little

His achevements : Malcolm X is one of the great icons of the African-American movements to abolish racial discrimination in the United States. He had organized temples; founded a newspaper; and had directed Temple No. 7 in Harlem. Malcom X had contribued to shape the debate over how to achieve freedom and equality in a nation that had long denied a portion of American citizens full protection of their rights.

He was born in 1925 in Omaha.

Biography of Malcom X
It was illegal for them to sleap in house owner's
They didn't have the right to escape

For house slave's, had to took care of the owner's house and family

For field slave's, were obliged to work from sunrise to sunset and had one fifteen minute breack a day.
Slaves were not allowed to eat more than one meal every day.

As a reminder: Slavery was a condition in which a colored person belonged to someone and followed orders.

Cudjoe Queen Nanny lived in the period of slavery.
Period of Cujoe Queen Nanny
She died in 1733 in Nanny Town

Her education :She didn't study at school. She had worked as a slave in the fields.

Her achievements: Queen Nanny was one of the greatest emblematic figures of the resistance of Jamaican slaves, in Eighteenth century. Military strategist, leader of men, founder of a black community, she had fought against the English and slavery. She was a national heroine in Jamaican history. She had founded a town called "Nanny Town" for only blacks. She is placed in Jamaica's Hall of Heroes. Thanks for her and men and women, slavery was abolished 100 years later in Jamaica. She had appeared on 500 dollars bills in Jamaica.

No information on her parents but she has four brothers, Accompong, Cudjoe, Johnny and Quao.

Nanny was born in 1686 in Ghana
Biography of Cudjoe Queen Nanny

These two historical figures are very important in the world of African-Americans history. They both had a role in society to fight against all forms of racial discrimination.


Source : wikipédia, la toupie, rebellyon, the official wevsite of Malcom X, l'histoire par les femmes, CSME-SQY, 20minutes.
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