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It is a method of analysis that estimates the present value of an asset, studying the projected utility and benefits of the property and is evaluated through the capitalization process of a determined level of income.

* Shows the future viability of a business* More accurate than other commercial valuation methods

calculation, of the income approach method

Contains all payments of salaries and wages made by producers to their employees.

It is the approach in which GDP is seen in terms of those who take it as income, instead of who buys it.

It includes all the profits that are created by actions carried out by experts, self-employed workers, entrepreneurs and productive activities in general.

That is why we must take into account to carry out the calculation, the income categories of the productive elements that are:



Presented by: Timo Andrés Salcedo

Group number: 115

Date: 07/04/2024

Selected topic: Income approach method



Remuneration of Employees (RA):

Gross Operating Surplus (EBE):

Indirect taxes

They are collected from producers and are related to the manufacture, purchase or use of goods and services.

Subsidies (SUBS):

It contains all the donations in current accounts that the company and public organizations receive from the state directorates to remedy operating losses.


PIB = RA + EO + II – SUBS.When the income approach is used, GDP is calculated by adding these four components, in equation form it would look like this:

¿How can companies create value from their innovation?

New business methods can be promoted, new services provided and methods improved to make people's lives more comfortable, so that these advances reach those who need them, innovation is not only based on developing new products, but also services that improve services in the company.

* World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) & International Trade Centre (ITC), (2010). Exchanging Value – Negotiating Technology Licenses, A Training Manual (pp 32-41).* https://finmodelslab.com/es/blogs/blog/use-income-approach-value-business


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