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Cuenta la leyenda407 Collège Achille GRONDIN - Réunion2°ESO IES Puerto del Carmen - Canary islandsProfesoras : Cristina ARRIBE MOULE / Betty PINEDA ARTEAGA
GARA Y JONAYGara, a princess from La Gomera, go with other girls to the Chorros de Espina. She look his reflection in the water. Suddenly, a hard sun is reflected in the puddle. Gerian is looking the puddle and he say “The death is coming”. In Tenerife Jonay, son of mencey de Adeje, he felt attracted by a mysterious force when he looked at La Gomera. He decided to swim towards La Gomera with the help of two inflated goat bladders. He met some shepherds who told him about Gara, the most beautiful princess. Jonay went to the fountain where the shepherds told him he would find her and he came closer to her. He told her: Gara, I never imagined you were so beautiful. Gara rejected him, but her heart knew that Jonay was the love she wanted. A shepherd saw what happened and he alerted the rests of the shepherds. They remembered the old Gerian's omen: “the shadow of the fire burns the water”. Gara was princess of Angulo, el Lugar del Agua, Jonay came from land of fire. Gara and Jonay, water and fire, could not unite. His love was impossible. Jonay was freed but was prohibited from seeing Gara again. Gara and Jonay scaped. They ran into the mountains of laurisilva until take refuge at El Cedro. The dad of Gara said to search for them. And when they found each other, they promised to be together for ever. Jonay cut a branch of heather and sharpened both ends. Jonay placed the branch between Gara's chest and his. They looked into each other's eyes and melted into a very strong hug. The tips sank on the chests of the lovers.GARA ET JONAY L’histoire se passe à la Gomera, elle raconte l’amour impossible entre Gara et Jonay. Gara est la princesse d’Agula et Jonay est un berger de l’île de Tenerife. Jonay, obsédé par Gara, partit à la nage à la Gomera. A leur rencontre Gara rejeta Jonay pour ses conditions de princesse, mais son cœur battait fort… Jonay fut emmené pour voir les nobles, mais l’eau, Gara, et le feu, Jonay, ne pouvaient pas s’unir et par conséquent, il fut interdit de revoir Gara. Mais rien n’empêche deux amoureux de se voir, alors, ils partirent ensemble à travers les montagnes de Laurisylvia et décidèrent de s’unir pour toujours et ainsi de mourir les yeux dans les yeux. Alors, Jonay coupa une branche de bruyère avec son Bona et il l’aiguisa. Puis, il le plaça dans la poitrine de Gara et la sienne, les pointes appuyées dans leurs cœurs.
GUAYOTALegend has it that Guayota, the ancient devil, made Magec a prisoner, the Sun, leaving the sun in darkness and endangering the existente in the Earth. The Guanches, scared, they asked their god Achaman to free him so the light and the life come back. Achaman went to the same hell doors, he knew that in Echeyde was living Guayota. Achaman asked to free the sun, but Guayota started throwing lava, big burning stones and sulfurs out of the volcano mouth. How ever, Achaman got to go in the Echeyde, in the Big mountain, started a bloody combat. The floor was shaking, black clouds covered all the sky and it wasnt able to breath. The sea started warming dangerously. The Guanches were terrified. Achaman got to defeat Guayota and took out Magec inside from Echeyde. The sun came out. Achaman covered the crater so the evil Guayota couldnt escape from hell. The legend says, the last cone, of color white, that crowns Teide, its the plug that Achaman put on. GUAYOTA Guayota (Le diable ancestral) enferma en Echeyde (les Enfers) Magec (le soleil) le peuple des Guanchew demanda à Achaman (leur dieu) de libérer le soleil. Achaman partit aux Enfers pour récupérer le soleil et combattre Guayota. Achaman enferma Guayota en enfer avec un gros rocher. Achaman récupèra le soleil. Le soleil brille à nouveau. Quand Guayota tente de s’échapper, les Guanches allument des feux pour faire croire au malin qu’il était encore en enfer et qu’il partait. Les Guanches déposent aussi des offrandes au pied de la grande montagne.
EL DIABLO DE TIMANFAYAIn the XV century, Fuerteventura was ruled by the powerful Pedro Fernández de Saavedra. He got married to Miss Constanzar Sarmiento, which she would have fourteen children. One of their child, called Luis, infatuated with a young woman called Fernanda. One day, Luis accepted to assist one of the hunts that his father organized. At one moment of rest, Luis separated the young woman from the group and tried to surpass them. The young woman shouted and a farmer heard her. Don Pedro also heard he and he went there as fast as they could.The farmer tried to protect Fernanda. Don Luis got his knife out and tried to stab the Farmer, but he wasn't able to kill him. His opponent, stronger got rid of the knife in the precise moment when Don Pedro got there. Don Pedro killed the Farmer.In that moment a native woman came, called Laurinaga. After seeing the dead body of her child she tried to find the one that killed him, but she found out it was Don Pedro who was the Farmer’s dad. Don Pedro recognized Laurinanga. In pain she cursed the land. LE DIABLE DE TIMANFAYAC’était l’année 1730, La Vega de Timanfaya, est aujourd’hui occupée par une immense mer de lave. C’était la plus fertile et la plus belle de l’île de Lanzarote. Une terrible éruption se produisit et, du sein de la terre, s’éleva une énorme montagne à travers laquelle s'échappèrent des flammes qui continuèrent à brûler pendant dix-neuf jours. Le malheur tomba sur deux époux le jour même de leur mariage. Une énorme pierre tomba sur la jeune mariée. Le marié, désespéré, a essayé de soulever la roche en utilisant une forge à cinq branches. Il courut avec sa fiancée dans ses bras espérant trouver un endroit où se protéger . Comme témoignage dramatique, de ces jours funestes, il resterait une immense mer de lave à l’endroit où se trouvaient auparavant les villages de Timanfaya .
LA MALDICIóN DE LAURíNAGAIIn the XV century, Fuerteventura was ruled by the powerful Pedro Fernández de Saavedra. He got married to Miss Constanzar Sarmiento, which she would have fourteen children.One of their child, called Luis, infatuated with a young woman called Fernanda. One day, Luis accepted to assist one of the hunts that his father organized. At one moment of rest, Luis separated the young woman from the group and tried to surpass them.The young woman shouted and a farmer heard her. Don Pedroalso heard he and he went there as fast as they could.The farmer tried to protect Fernanda. Don Luis got his knife out and tried to stab the Farmer, but he wasn't able to kill him. His opponent, stronger got rid of the knife in the precise moment when Don Pedro got there. Don Pedro killed the Farmer.In that moment a native woman came, called Laurinaga. After seeing the dead body of her child she tried to find the one that killed him, but she found out it was Don Pedro who was the Farmer’s dad. Don Pedro recognized Laurinanga. In pain she cursed the land. LA MALEDICTION DE LAURINAGAAu XVe siècle, Fuerteventura est une île de seigneurie, un des seigneurs est Pedro Fernández de Saavedra. Il épousa Doña Constanza et ils eurent 14 enfants. Lors d’une partie de chasse, un de ses fils, don Luis, s’éprit d’une jeune femme nommée Fernanda. Il essaya de la séduire, en vain. Les voix désespérées de la jeune femme furent entendues par un jeune paysan qui vint à son secours. Se sentant offensé par le paysan, le noble prit un poignard et tua le jeune homme. Les autres cavaliers arrivèrent peu après et voyant l’affront, don Pedro jeta le cheval sur le paysan. Alertée par les cris, Laurinaga une indigène accourut et se pencha sur le corps inerte du jeune homme. A la vue de son fils, elle pleura de désespoir. Don Pedro en voyant Laurinaga, se rappela de la jeune femme qu’elle était et qu’il avait séduit des années plus tôt. Il comprit que le jeune homme mort était un fils à lui.
The Giant Of Pajonales In the Tanaraja Calera there are different rumors about giants, which is why the area has been named with nicknames such as Giant's slaughter, Giant’s grave or Black Mountain. One of these many legends says that at the top of the mountain lived a couple of giants who were responsible for scarring the habitants of the Tinaraja Caldera. One day a resident already tired of that situation created a plan to get rid of the supposedly asking for help. They, surprised by the bravery of the human, decide to help him by falling into the trap that's the neighbor El Juncal. What the neighbor told the giant was that he had promised that he would make a sacrifice on the day of the cross for a time, but in order for the giant to believe him, he told the giant that he couldn't be alone. Despite not understanding well, he agreed because he found the human’s cunning amusing. The giant helped the neighbor collect the logs of wood of the cross. After this the neighbor told him how he had to tie him but the giant did not understand so he human tied him to him to supposedly show him how to do him very well, he called the neighbors who killed the giant in a hit on the head with a stone. Les géants de PajonalesC’est la légende des géants de la Caldeja de Tirajana sur les sommets de gran canaria. Des légendes sur les géants circulaient à Gran Canaria dans un lieu baptisé Sepultura del Gigante ou Montaña de la Negra. Ce lieu fût baptisé ainsi suite au meurtre et à l’enterrement d’un géant en ces lieux. Le géant fût abattu par des villageois car cette situation les fatiguaient profondément.
EL ARBOL DE LA LLUVIAThe peace of the bimbaches was interrupted by the interrupted frequency by the invasors and the foreigners. Erese, full of fear, alerted the others habitants and they reunited in the ta go for of Las Chamuscadas. The old man Tejegüete said that the winter had been dry and the summer, it would leave the ponds in the ravines without water. He said “if we manage the foreigners can't find water on the island and we manage to hide the Garoé tree, that drops water from it's leaves, the Foreigners will have to leave. The old man's proposal was accepted and they swore to not reveal the place where the sacred tree was. If anyone told the secret, they would die. The Garoé, through its abundant leaves, distilled so much water that it gave water to the inhabitants of the island. It was in Tigulahe. From the sea, every morning, the fog went up with the wind to the ravine where the tree was found. This way it condensed the humidity of the fog that later distilled by the leaves to a pool located at its foot. One evening,the young Agarfa was taking care of her cattle when suddenly, she saw a foreigner that approached her. The foreigner smiled. Agarfa felt attracted by the kindness of the foreigner named Gonzalo. From then on, they saw each other every day. Meanwhile the foreigners exhausted their water reserves, the ravines had dried and the little fountains on the island were about to. One day Gonzalo told Agarfa that very soon they would abandon the island because of the lack of water. Agarfa was very sad and decided to show Gonzalo where the Garoé tree was. The next day, Jacomar observed how the foreigners were going to the tree and he communicated the news to Erese who got angry. Someone betrayed them. Nisa accused Agarfa of her love for the enemy. Agarfa knew that she betrayed the trust of her village and that she had no forgiveness. She was thrown off the cliff by the Risco mountain. The captain Gonzalo Alvarear received the news and, full of pain, left the island. He could never drink water again without remembering about the beautiful Agarfa, who offered her life in exchange for his love. La légende de l'Arbre de pluie Sur l’île de El Hierro, la légende raconte que les Bimbaches possédaient un arbre appelé El Garoé qui distillait suffisamment d’eau pour donner à boire à toute l’île. Un jour, en période de sécheresse, un bateau d’étrangers arriva. Au conseil des Tagoror, il y eut une réunion pour décider quelle attitude adopter face aux envahisseurs. Ils décidèrent donc de ne pas les aider. Cependant, la jeune Agarfa vit un jour le jeune Gonzalo et en tomba amoureuse. Elle décida de lui parler du Garoé. Les habitants, se sentant trahis par la jeune femme, décidèrent de la sacrifier. En apprenant la nouvelle, la jeune espagnol essaya d’empêcher l’exécution mais arriva trop tard. Depuis, quand Gonzalo boit de l’eau, il ne peut s’empêcher de penser à elle.
LOS DRAGOS GEMELOSA legend says that long time ago two brothers tedote twins,in breña alta, on the island of la Palma, they were in love with a young maiden of so much beauty and sweet looks. The young woman loved both brothers . The brothers engaged in a hard and cruel fight and then the two brothers died in the fight . The young woman, opun learning of the sad news .He felt responsible and decided not to fall in love with any other man . Anguished and in pain , he toured the rugged peaks of the dragon tree. He planted them one next to another , in the place where the two brothers had died, with the passage of time the dragon trees were growing intertwining its branches. Today they remain united, its branches assembled , as if the two brothers were tightly embraced . The place where the two meet twin dragon tress IS in the Los Llanitos payment in Breña Alta. LES DRAGOS JUMEAUX C’est une légende qui raconte l’histoire de deux frères jumeaux qui vivaient à Tedote sur l'Île de la Palma aux Îles Canaries. Ils étaient tous deux amoureux de la même jeune fille d’une beauté extraordinaire et d’un doux regard. La fille, quant à elle, était amoureuse des deux frères et elle avait du mal à se décider envers lequel des deux, elle allait donner son amour. Pour se départager, les deux frères ont décidé de se combattre, et celui qui battait l’autre gagnerait l’amour de la fille. Lors du combat, les deux frères moururent et la fille triste se rendit au sommet escarpé où ils avaient combattu et là, elle prit deux branches et les planta l’une à côté de l’autre, là même où les deux sont morts. Elle les mit ensemble pour symboliser leur destin commun. De nos jours, on peut voir à cet emplacement le drago légendaire.