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In these slide : Lostumbo Pierferdinando , Riccardo Marazzato , Daniele Vino and Davide Pellisero they will talk about Wales




The Wales is one of the four nation the United Kingdom . It has an extension of 21 818 km^2 , and an popolation of 3107404 milions of abitants . They arent distribuited in way not-homogeneous . In the part mountainous the density Is of 10 Ab/km^2 , while 2/3 of population living in : Swansea , Newport and Cardiff . The latter Is the Capital of the country . The majority part of the popolation speaking english but 560.000 persons speaking welsh , beacause despite sharing the story political and socially whit the rest of Great Britan has maintained one identity cultural admitting bilingualism in way ufficial .





The Wales before the 1997 just depended on the British parlament , after the "devolution" the citizens had the opportunity to vote the national assembly and to assing self-governament Powers obtaining greater autonomy , also Scotland . The Wales is mantainous mostly in north and center regions . In the central area there is a sparsely populated green zone . The three highest mountains are: in first place Mount Snowdon with 1085 m, second Carnedd Llewelyn with 1064 m and third Carnedd Dafydd. Wales is totally surrounded by sea except to the east where it borders England .





to the north and west with the Irish Sea and to the south with the Bristol Channel . The largest lake is Liyn Tegia with 4.84 km2 . There are only a few rivers in the territory, but they are evenly distributed, the largest being the Severen with 854 km. The climate is temperate but strongly influenced by the presence of the sea.




Wales alternates landscapes of meadows and woods. In the interior, fodder crops predominate, linked to the breeding of livestock including cattle and sheep. In the suburbs, crops are combined with livestock farming (mixed agriculture) or specialize in fruit and vegetable production.

Primary sector

Industrial activity has historically been marked by the Black Mountains coalfield, long the foremost in Britain. Mining is now very modest, mostly in surface operations. The steel industry has abandoned the hinterland in favor of the coast, where imported minerals arrive. Several oil refineries have also been established there (near Swansea), and there are also metal refining industries.

Secondary sector

The tertiary sector has developed considerably, but remains dominated by activities related to the public sector, present in particular in Cardiff, whose University is in second place after that of London. Additionally, the national parks, protected sites and seaside resorts of the north coast are seeing notable tourist numbers, with a predominantly British clientele.

Tertiary sector



Before and during the Roman occupation Wales did not constitute a nation with its own identity, but all the populations of Great Britain and Ireland had the same ethnicity and spoke Celtic languages. Wales was divided between several tribes, the strongest of which were the Torpedoes in the south-east and the Ordovics in the north-central. They were the only ones who harshly opposed the conquerors. The first attack on the Welsh tribes was launched by the legate Publius Ostorius Scapula around 48 AD. The Roman commander first attacked the Deceangli of the north-east, who surrendered after mild resistance.


Welsh is a Celtic language belonging to the subgroup of Brythonic languages. It is spoken in Wales and in the valley of Chubut Province, a Welsh colony in Argentine Patagonia. There are also Welsh-speaking people in many other countries, especially the rest of Great Britain, the United States of America and Australia.

Welsh language

In the 2011 census, 57.6% of the population defined themselves as Christian, compared to 71.9% in 2001. Among the various Christian denominations, the largest organization is the Church in Wales (Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru), autonomous since 1920 from Anglican Church and the Catholic Church.

Welsh religion




Saint David of Menevia is the patron saint of Wales, his date of birth is not certain, but it is believed that he was born around 512 and that his death was around 590.He was venerated by the Catholic and Anglican churches, his anniversary is March 1st.David was supposedly the offspring of a nun and who gave birth to him on a cliff during a storm, he became known as a teacher and preacher and founded monasteries in Britain.He was appointed bishop and went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Rome.St David's Cathedral is located in a remote area of Pembrokeshire.David's monastic rule stipulated that the monks had to pull the plow themselves and without the help of any animal, that they had to drink only water and eat only bread, spending their evenings in prayer, reading and writing.Furthermore, they could not have any property and its symbol is the leek.The hagiographic tradition attributes several miracles to David.His canonization took place by Pope Callixtus ll in 1120 and he is celebrated on March 1st.

CELEBRATIONS March 1st is a public holiday for Wales, St. David is celebrated with colorful parades especially in Cardiff, with giant dragons, music and comedians.There are also events such as concerts, shows and dances to the rhythm of Celtic music. MONUMENTS The most important monument for Wales is Cardiff Castle it is a medieval manor house, with influences from Victorian architecture and is located in Cardiff, inside there is a paid museum and focuses on the history of the military history and exploits of the Welsh army TINTERN ABBEY Tintern Abbey is located on the western bank of the meandering River Wye, it was founded in 1131 by Walter de Claire for the Cistercians.it is one of the most beautiful and evocative places to visit in Gothic style, surrounded by greenery. STONEHENGE it is one of the best known ancient monuments in the world, it is located near Amesbury and is the most famous and imposing cromlech composed of a set of colossal and circular standing stones.it is a pilgrimage destination for many followers of Celticism, Wicca and other religions.Its construction dates back to approximately 5000 years ago





CELEBRATIONS March 1st is a public holiday for Wales, St. David is celebrated with colorful parades especially in Cardiff, with giant dragons, music and comedians.There are also events such as concerts, shows and dances to the rhythm of Celtic music. MONUMENTS The most important monument for Wales is Cardiff Castle it is a medieval manor house, with influences from Victorian architecture and is located in Cardiff, inside there is a paid museum and focuses on the history of the military history and exploits of the Welsh army TINTERN ABBEY Tintern Abbey is located on the western bank of the meandering River Wye, it was founded in 1131 by Walter de Claire for the Cistercians.it is one of the most beautiful and evocative places to visit in Gothic style, surrounded by greenery. STONEHENGE it is one of the best known ancient monuments in the world, it is located near Amesbury and is the most famous and imposing cromlech composed of a set of colossal and circular standing stones.it is a pilgrimage destination for many followers of Celticism, Wicca and other religions.Its construction dates back to approximately 5000 years ago

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