SCCALE 20 30 50 Toolkit - English
Eva Lopes
Created on April 3, 2024
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under gant agreement no.101033676
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
About the project Sustainable Collective Citizen Action for a Local Europe (SCCALE) 203050 intends to bring Europe closer to its citizens by fostering the creation of energy communities, taking full advantage of the favourable EU legal framework on citizen energy. More info here!
In this report you will find the context for energy communities in Belgium (Flanders), France, the Netherlands, Greece and Croatia where SCCALE 203050 is currently implementing new energy communities.You will find cases and stories to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. You will also find some policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
Belgium (Flanders)
The Netherlands
Find out the main challenges for energy communities in each country and how to address them
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
This guide will help you include a diversity of knowledge, perspectives, information, and ideas in your community energy project. It will offer you tools and tips for increasing for increasing the inclusivity of your energy community, to:
Inclusivity guide
Discover the steps
- more fairly share the benefits (and costs) of the energy transition with all people
- pay better attention to the knowledge, different worldviews and values of everyone involved
- to reap the benefits of more inclusive decision making to lift your community project to the next level
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
Inclusivity guide
Technology & business models
Step 5
Step 4
Step 2
Organisation & Partnerships
Taking Action: corrective & preventivemeasures
Step 3
Mapping & Analysing the problem
Step 1
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects. In community energy, citizens are often the key initiator and owner of the project. This means they also take most of the decisions in the project. This creates a whole new dynamic in the development process.
Methodology guide
How is the guide structured?
42 activities
- That lead to various milestones
- Divided across four stages of development
- Themed within four workflows
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
The methodology focuses on the inspiration and preparation stages.
Four project stages
Three milestones per stage
Activities lead to achieving the milestones
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
Citizen engagement and communication
The activities are themed in four workflows
Technology and business case
Partners and authorities
Organization and financing
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
- Look for the topics that are relevant to your project.
- Organize sessions that focus on a topic.
- Read the related activities that are relevant to that topic
- Perform the activity
- Answer the related questions from the progress monitoring tool
How to use the guide?
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Progress monitoring tool
Get inspired by the topics in the guide.
Such as dealing with the local authority or shaping the organizational structure.
Including examples and outcomes.
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
This tool will help you assess progress, impact and effectiveness of different types of collective citizen actions. It is meant to be used by energy communities at different stages of organisational development and maturity (inspiration, preparation, implementation and/or operation).
Progress Monitoring Tool
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
The tool provides you with:
A visual overview of your energy community’s development progress, per maturity stage
Detailed information on realistic actions to take to improve the maturity and progress development of your energy community
Activities on how to improve on certain indicators at different stages of maturity
A set of questions asking about different activities undertaken by energy communities
A set of indicators
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
This guide will support municipalities to encourage and implement municipal collaboration with energy communities, or participation in energy communities outside public procurement, but taking into account the public procurement requirements and tendering framework. It will also provide examples from local pioneers to inspire further action. The Municipal Guide describes how local authorities can promote energy democracy at the local level and defines four different roles that municipalities can take in supporting the development of community energy initiatives.
Community Energy Municipal Guide
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
What can municipalities do?
Facilitating dialogues
Engagement & outreach
Co-investing or becoming a member
Project financing
Buying community power & heat
Sharing staff & resources
Developing tools & programmes
Giving access to public site
Favourable regulations
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
Favourable regulations Depending on enabling framework at national level
- Specific land-use or building regulations
- Obligation to connect to state-of-the-art district heating & cooling networks
- Longterm municipal policies & objectives
- Memorandum of Understanding
Local authorities have a big reach
- Intermediation with legal & technical actors
- The role of development & energy agencies
- Linking with DSO
- Energy coaches & stress ambassadors
- Communities of practice
- Developing local transition roadmaps
Crucial role of public procurement
- Public buildings: an ideal site for community energy projects
- Actors of the social economy can be favored in tender specifications
Knowledge is power
- Maps & atlases
- One-stop-shops
- Communication platforms
- Energy academies
Municipalities & communities helping one another
- Municipal staff: a valid resource
- Providing office space
- Larger energy communities can share professional staff & provide knowledge
Support communities to access credit
- Municipal guarantee with financing instructions
- Municipalities as a conduit for national support programmes
- Energy community acting as an energy service company (ESCO)
- Seed funding
- Crowdfunding
Spreading the work about community energy
- Understanding & listening to the community
- Developing a communication strategy & engaging your community
- Explaining the process & addressing concerns
- Raising awarness
- Using city channels & networks
A good deal for the environment and the local economy
- Defining preferential criteria in public tenders
- Framework Contracts
- Public Purchase Agreements
Direct involvement in projects / communities is possible
- Municipalities and energy communities can invest in a joint project
- Keeping the focus on the public interest & supporting the most vulnerables
- Ensuring or expanding capital
- Developing a special purpose vehicle
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities.
Financing guide for energy communities
Financing models
Debt financing
Equity financing
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
This short guide is an invitation for bank and other financial institution representatives to get to know community energy as a stable and yet future oriented field of activity. It will encourage you to learn more about renewable energies and related energy services that remain in the hands of citizens and municipalities, and inspire you to set up collaborations with energy communities. It covers the main questions financiers might ask themselves before funding community energy projects.
Financing community energy
A short guide for banks
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
Financing community energy makes sense from a business perspective:
- It helps the bank reach its environment, social and governance goals (ESG) and strengthens the bank’s reputation in sustainable banking.
- It lowers the risk of the bank’s portfolio, with energy community projects regularly turning out to be less risky than conventional projects, i.e. less local opposition and smaller scale so easier to manage and license.
- In many cases, it is a stable investment supported by feed-in tariffs or premiums.
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit will include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It will be a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
Once the problem analysis has taken place, the next step is the development of an Action Plan to remedy the identified issues.Several strategies can be developed to address issues of unfair treatment or discrimination in processes such as recruitment, performancen assessment and promotion, leadership and team management, communication or broad culture in your energy community.A Gender Action Plan (GAP) is a plan to propose strategies that will help to mainstreamgender or put gender as a cross-cutting aspect with other goals.
Step 2
Taking Action
Gender Action Plan
- Present findings from the Gender (Self) Assessment to all concerned parties.
- Define gender goals, objectives and outcomes for the targeted organisation.
- Outline action needed based on gaps and issues identified in the Gender assessment.
- Identify organisational responsibilities, timeframe and resource allocation.
- Agree on a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) protocol with gender sensitive indicators and targets for tracking the performance of activities, outputs and outcomes.
- Implement the GAP and M&E protocol.
Want to assess your progress?
Download the tool
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
Download the guide
Want to know more?
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
Some guidelines:
- Place the emphasis on the individual, don’t equate people with a certain condition or situation they might be in, for example use “people with a disability/ies” instead of “the disabled” or “disabled people”. Use “people in a situation of poverty” instead of “poor people”. Use “people facing social exclusion” or “people who are in a vulnerable position because of” instead of “vulnerable people”.
- Consider yourself and your organisation to be an “ally” to people and communities experiencing oppression and injustice.
Step 3
Inclusive communication
- Avoid phrases that make it sound like people in privileged positions are allowing or giving power or a voice to people in less privileged or oppressed situations, such as “empowerment” or “giving a voice to”. Instead use phrases such as “supporting a platform for” or “amplifying the voices of”.
- Use phrases that acknowledge that your organisation or the system in general hasn’t been providing equal access to opportunities for all or hasn’t been a platform in which everyone has had an equal voice. For example, don’t use “hard to reach” but “unheard”.
Learning from experts
Your content is liked, but only engages if it's interactive.Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
Some tips:
- Invite your local community to participate in the design and implementation of your projects. Ask residents to meet with experts, give best case examples, and answer questions. Don't come with a fixed plan: that's the quickest way to lose their trust - be flexible!
- Trigger curiosity from people to learn about your initiative and enable smaller investments in projects.
- Reach out to socially-oriented organisations that may be interested in receiving your project development support.
Step 5
Technology & business models
Want to know more?
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Equity financing
- as seed capital
- as project specific funding
- as non-specific project funding
Revolving cooperative equity funds
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
Want to know more?
Download the guide
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
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Banks loans
Debt financing
- what to provide
- combination with shares
- ethical vs. traditional banks
- relation with the bank
Crowd investment
- project-specific: members & non-members
- bonds
- subordinated loans
- cooperative obligations
- ethical vs. traditional banks
- relation with the bank
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
- When you organise an event, ensure that you give the floor to a girl/woman for the first question during the Q&A.
- Try to use gender-sensitive language, rather than gender-neutral language.
- Organise childcare and/or call a childminder to facilitate activities with the children in parallel with your events or meetings.
- Avoid scheduling events or meetings that conflict with religious holidays.
- Mobilise the diversity of your community including young people in your activities.
Step 3
Inclusive engagement
- Build networks! Consider collaborating with feminist organisations to spread the message of energy communities; you can participate in feminist events and programs to recruit more FLINTA and LGBTQIA+ people in your energy community.
- Make men your allies! Involve them in gender talks and whenever we talk about women’s empowerment, try to bring men on the same page as women or diverse gender.
- Check the HeForShe movement initiated by UNWomen to bring men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women.
Some tips
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
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Municipal guarantees
Local authority or municipal support
Co-financing through municipalities
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
Want to know more?
Download the guide
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
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Public support schemes
- for energy communities
- general support schemes
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
Gender-disaggregated data is essential in most methodologies.This can be the first step for mapping other interconnected dimensions such as : socioeconomic class, race, ethnicity, religion, age, and/or disability, i.e. for gender-disaggregated intersectional data.Conducting a Gender Analysis is the starting point for developing interventions to address gender inequalities. It aims to identify the differences between and among women and men in terms of their relative position and the distribution of resources, opportunities, constraints and power in a given context.
Step 1
Where do we start?
To help ensure an energy community becomes more inclusive and representative of the community in which it is based, it may start by making a gender, intersectional analysis of the community.The process starts with :
- Collecting available data, which often means that gender- disaggregated data must be compiled, also considering and organising data along the intersectional dimensions.
- Identifying potential differences and the underlying causes of inequalities.
- This information helps to inform Policies, programmes and projects, which is the aim of the analysis.
Download the policy recommendations
Want to know more?
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
To ensure inclusive decision making you can adopt different options for the board of the community: - Quotas - Flexible membership - Personal invitation - Clear definition of the responsibilities foreseen for each role Commitments to inclusivity can be reinforced if formalised in statues and official documents, while recruitment and salary policies can help you having a more diverse team. To ensure the empowerment of people of diverse backgrounds and their inclusion in your energy community consider building mutually beneficial relationships with a variety of local civil society organisations.
Step 4
Organisation & Partnerships
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
Finding finance for your community energy project is hard. This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. We strived to make it easy to read and hands-on by sharing 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities. You will find :
Financing guide for energy communities
- First introduction to community energy financing
- Financial basics and frequently asked questions
- Information on most common financing schemes applied by energy communities
- Inspiring examples of successful community energy projects
- Based on 23 interviews with European energy communities and financing institutions
In this report we are taking a closer look at the context for energy communities in SCCALE 203050 pilots countries.These projects are all corresponding to the Energy Communities definitions outlined in the Clean Energy for All Legislative Package. We will be using cases and stories from our project and network to show what works well at the moment and what still needs further improvement to unleash the full potential of community energy. With that information, we developed policy recommendations at different levels to provide a favorable legislative context in which community energy projects can thrive and prosper.
Policy recommendations
This methodology guide focuses on the citizen engagement side of developing a diverse range of community energy projects.Community energy is renewable energy that is developed and owned by the community. Community energy offers fair and equitable projects from which all in the community benefit.The guide provides a structured and detailed oversight of all the activities involved in developing a project to help you implement a process and inspire you to engage citizens in your project.
Methodology guide
Methodology guide