IH Board & Committee Structure
M Keast
Created on April 2, 2024
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Department & Division Heads
IH Board ANDmedical staff committee structure
Board of Directors
HAMAC Standing Committees
HAMAC Standing Committees:
- Credentialing & Privileging Committee
- Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee
- Medical Staff Resource Plan Committee
- Medical Staff Bylaws & Rules Committee
Members in charge of and responsible for the operation of their Department/Division.
Acts in advisory capacity to Board and CEO regarding:
- Medical Staff privileges
- Provision and monitoring of medical care
- Adequacy of resources
- Continuing Medical Education needs for medical staff
- Fully-functioning governing body of 7 members.
- Role established through bylaws to make decisions that meet region's health needs.
- Members appointed through provincial government's Board Resourcing & Development Office.
- Established at 4 IH Health Services areas.
- Function under mandate of HAMAC.
- Have Terms of Reference and delegated responsibilities under IH Medical Staff Rules Part II.
- 24 LMACS established by RMACs at individual sites.
- Have individual Terms of Reference as per site needs and responsibilities.
- Function under mandate of RMACs.
- 24 LMACs established by RMACs at individual sites.
- Have individual Terms of References in keeping with site needs and responsibilities.
- Function under mandate of RMACs.
(Local Medical Advisory Committee)
- Function under mandate of HAMAC.
- Established at each 4 Health Service area in IH.
- Have delegated responsibilities
- Have Terms of Reference under Medical Staff Rules Part II.
(Regional Medical Advisory Committee)
- privileges of all Medical Staff practicing within IH
- provision of medical care in IH facilities and programs
- monitoring of medical care in IH facilities and programs
- adequacy of medical staff resources
- continuing education for Medical Staff for meetiing medical nees of population
Acts in an advisory capacity to Board and CEO regarding:
(Health Authority Medical Advisory Committee)
- Fully-functioning governing body of 7 members from communities across region.
- Role (established through bylaws) is to make decisions that meet region's health needs.
- Board members are appointed through the provincial government's Board Resourcing and Development Office.
Interior Health Board of Directors