White Phosphorus (M825 Artillery Shell)
Miro Yoshiki Garrett
Created on March 30, 2024
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A WAR CRIME: White PhosphorusM825 Artillery Shell
- White Phosphorus Munitions -
World War I & II
International House
Fenian arsonists, phosphorous would be in a solution of carbon disulfides.
The British Army introduced the first factory-built white phosphorus grenades in late 1916 during the First World War.
Aside from US forces, phosphorous munitions has expanded to countries such as Vietnam, Russia, and Argentina
Used in Gaza & Lebanon
Use by Israeli forcesin Gaza
Today, Isreali forces continue to use white phosphorous to
Israeli military initially denied but later admitted to its use, stating that it was limited to unpopulated areas for marking and signaling, not as an anti-personnel weapon, though controversy arose due to its deployment in developed areas.
Early use; “Fenian Fire”
US Forces in Iraq
During the Second Battle of Fallujah, US employed WP against insurgents and as a psychological deterrent
Use by Israeli forces
In Lebanon, Israel said that its use of these munitions was “permitted” under international conventions, despite being used on civilians
Protocal III signed
Protocol III of the 1980 Convention on Certian Conventional Weapons set restrictions on incendiary weapons. Although manufacturing and use of white phosphourous is not illegal, due to its alternate uses, when used on civilans it becomes an incendiary weapon and war crime.
155mm Howitzer
typically used to fire white phosphorous munitions
White Phosphorous Munition
Image from GlobalSecurity.org
Burns through flesh and penetrates deep tissue. It is often absorbed into the bloodstream and can lead to organ damage and failure. The smoke it emits is noxious to breathe.
Distribution Cycle
Managed by the ICL Group, Israeli Chemical Ltd., this location serves as a chemical manufacturing and processing fascility within the US. It is suspected that the chemical components necessary for the formulation of the white phosphorus gas is produced at this location from resources gathered in mines in the Middle East. The ICL Groups website indicates in an ESG report that they have mined over 508 kilotons of white phosphoric acid.
Has been Used in lebanon and Gaza in 2008-9 and Currently
Extensively used in Gaza from Dec 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009 called Operation Cast Lead killing at least 12 civilians (including 3 women and 7 children), but evacuating and injuring 100s civilians.
Near the southern city of Sderot, about eight miles from the Gaza border, images have shown M825 artillery shells in the current conflict used by the IDF
"October attack in southern Lebanon", Dheira, "that injured at least nine civilians in what a rights group says should be investigated as a war crime" (Christou 2023)
White Phosphorus use in Gaza Currently: hard to quantify death toll because of doctors lack of knowledge/tools to identify cause of burns
injuries, death, and emotional damage unquantifiable... in the hundreds and thousands
October 11, 2023Gaza City Port Attack
One of three locations to be airstruck by the Israeli Defense Forces with the M825 artillery shells containing white phosphorus gas. Reports from the Human Rights Watch, "estimated that the attack took place sometime between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m" (Human Rights Watch, 2023). The airbursting projectiles enabled the "white phosphorus projectiles [to spread] 116 burning felt wedges impregnated within the substance over an area between 125 and 250 meters in diameter" (Human Rights Watch, 2023). This not only maims the local residents but stains the buildings with the burning substance that will continue to react and smell for days.The artillery was suspected to have been fired from the city of Sderot, located about eight miles from the Gaza- Israel Border.
Human Rights Watch. (2020). [Map of Gaza Strip].[Image]. https://www.ochaopt.org/content/gaza-strip-snapshot-june-2020
Other Attacks
1. Incendiary Effect: Once ignited, burning will continue until it is completely devoid of oxygen.
- burning up to 1500° Fahrenheit
Adverse Impacts Inflicted Upon Civilians
WP has dual purposes: 1. marking or signaling agent 2. used as a weapon of mass destruction (illegally)
The New Zealand Herald. (2016). [Palestinian Akram Abu Roka is treated for burns].[Image]. Smith, R. (2020, September 22). Weapon so bad it should be a war crime. NZ Herald. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/witnesses-report-return-of-white-phosphorus-as-weapon-of-war/LTQKP7EQXWLTDCB53OZTTAOW2Q/
lasting effects on land/the environment
Environmental Impacts/Hazards
The EPA has listed white phosphorus as a Hazardous Air Pollutant
The EPA has listed white phosphorus as a Hazardous Air Pollutant.
What happens to white phosphorus when it enters the environment?
On water:
On vegetation:
• White phosphorus can enter the environment through: manufacturing, by the military, or accidentally spilled during transport and storage• It can be found in the water and bottom sediment of rivers and lakes near facilities that make or use it.• In the air, white phosphorus reacts rapidly with oxygen to produce relatively harmless chemicals within minutes.
- In water, white phosphorus reacts with oxygen within 24hrs
- In water with low oxygen, white phosphorus may degrade to a highly toxic compound called phosphine, which eventually evaporates to the air
- White phosphorus can build up slightly in the bodies of fish that live in contaminated lakes or streams
• In soil, white phosphorus may stick to particles and be changed within a few days to less harmful compounds• In deep soil or sediments with little oxygen, white phosphorus may remain unchanged for many years.
“The current accusation of using white phosphorus in Gaza is unequivocally false” - Israel’s military
- The United Nations prohibits the use of weapons engineered to set fire or cause burning on civilians
- Utilizing white phosphorus with intentions beyond marking or signaling constitutes a breach of international law
- The repeated use of white phosphorus in civilian areas is not accidental; rather, it represents a pattern of tactical policies designed to undermine peace and stability, all while neglecting humanitarian rights
Humanitarian Impact
Human Rights Watch. (2023). [Palestinians evacuate wounded].[Image]. Dress, B. (2023, October 13). Human rights watch accuses Israel of using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza, Lebanon. The Hill. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4254113-israel-white-phosphorus-gaza-human-rights-watch/
About PBA. Pine Bluff Arsenal. (n.d.). https://www.pba.army.mil/command/info.htm CBS Interactive. (2023, October 14). Israel accused of using controversial white phosphorus shells in Gaza amid war with Hamas. CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-hamas-war-white-phosphorous-gaza-palestinians-amnesty-hrw-reports/ Cinamon, J. (2024, February 1). Behind the smoke: The unlawful use of white phosphorus. Corruption Tracker. https://corruption-tracker.org/blog/behind-the-smoke-the-unlawful-use-of-white-phosphorus Esveld, B. V. (2023a, March 28). Rain of fire. Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/report/2009/03/25/rain-fire/israels-unlawful-use-white-phosphorus-gaza Guardian News and Media. (2023, October 13). Israel denies using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/13/israel-military-white-phosphorus-gaza-lebanon Horton, A., & Kelly, M. (2023, December 11). Israel used u.s.-made white phosphorus weapons in South Lebanon attack - The Washington Post. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/12/11/israel-us-white-phosphorus-lebanon/ Israel: White phosphorus used in Gaza, Lebanon. Human Rights Watch. (2023, October 13). https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/12/israel-white-phosphorus-used-gaza-lebanon Lodhi, A. (2023, October 16). What is the white phosphorus that Israel is accused of using in Gaza?. Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/13/what-is-the-white-phosphorus-that-israel-is-accused-of-using-on-gaza Modernizing the precision guidance kit. Northrop Grumman. (n.d.). https://www.northropgrumman.com/what-we-do/advanced-weapons/modernizing-the-precision-guidance-kit White phosphorus - toxfaqs. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (1997, September). https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxfaqs/tfacts103.pdf YouTube. (2023, December 12). Israel dropping American white phosphorus in Gaza and Lebanon? | vantage with Palki Sharma. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geqdxdNEToU&t=296sHuman+Rights+Watch.+6sHuman+Rights+Watch.
Pine Bluff, US
Pine Bluff Arsenal
Orginally established in 1941 to manufacture munitions. During World War II, this arsenal expanded operations to make and store white phosphorous munitions. Today it operated under the command of the US Army.The Pine Bluff Arsenal is the last remaining manufacturer of white phosphorous munitions in North America.
Jadallah, Ali. (2023). Israeli Airstrikes over Gaza Strip [Photograph]. Getty Images. https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/ali-jadallah-white-phosphorus?assettype=image&sort=mostpopular&phrase=ali%20jadallah%20white%20phosphorus&license=rf%2Crm
Reston, Virginia
General Dynamics
General Dynamis is a huge player in the weapons manufacutring indutsy. They are responsible for the production of battle tanks, advanced artillery systems, as well as munitions. They are responsible for manufacturing the metal components used in cannon artillery commonly used to fire the white phosphorous munitions.
St. Louis, Missouri
Monsanto acts as middleman between the Israel Corporate, who mines for the phosphate used in the production of white phosphorous, and Pine Bluff Arsenal, who manufactures the munitions.
Bayer is the only company in the US which produces white phosphorous. Orginally name Monsanto, the company was renamed after its controversial production of Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War.
Alkharouf, Mostafa. (2023). " Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops positioning M109 155mm Howitzers near the southern city of Sderot" [Photograph]. Getty Images. https://www.gettyimages.com/search/2/image?family=creative&phrase=Mostafa%20Alkharouf
The white phosphorus is loaded in the form of cannisters in the artillery shell. When in the presence of oxygen, a violent chemical reaction occurs. Its chemical reaction can create intense heat (about 815°C/1,500°F), light, and smoke. Reports state that structures struck will burn continously for a prolonged period, and "because white phosphorus is fat soluble, it burns through flesh and penetrates deep tissue. It is often absorbed into the bloodstream and can lead to organ damage and failure" (Arkansas Times). Human Rights Watch reports that "A 10 percent TBSA white phosphorus burn can cause sudden death" (Human Rights Watch).
“the only place in the Northern Hemisphere where white phosphorus munitions are filled” (Pine Bluff Arsenal)Assembly of artillery parts into M825 shell and loading of white phosphorus payload before overseas shipping
Artillery ComponentsManufacturers
Artillery Assembly and Chemical Packaging
Pine Bluff Arsenal (Pine Bluff, AK):
Production of M825 artillery shell and precision guidance systems:"GPS-guided precision weapons on the battlefield can ensure near perfect accuracy" (Northrop Grumman)
Northrop Grumman
General Dynamics
"The Army makes artillery shells at Scranton Army Ammunition Plant in Pennsylvania as well as a General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems facility nearby in Wilkes Barre"
Detailed Specifications of Artillery Production and Components can be found here.
Saint Louis, Missouri
Israel Chemical Ltd
Israel Chemical Ltd is owned by Israel Corporate, which is Israel's largest holding company. They advertise themselves as a fertiliser and special chemicals company.
IThe company mines and extracts phosphates in the Negev Desert. Israel Chemical Ltd supplies Monsanto/Bayer with the phosphates for white phosphorous production.
Falls Church, Virginia
Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman is globally recognized for its work with aerospace and defense technology. Orginally, named Northrop Grumman, the company was renamed after its merger in 1994.
This company is responsible for the precision guidance kit for "continued precision and reliability for 155m artillery". This is the technology used to guide white phosphorus muntitions using GPS and "near accurate precision.