ToDo IO2 Final Version
Michał Pietrzok
Created on March 29, 2024
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Result #2contains 31 educational modules with extensive descriptions and animations of activities
Project number:
Interactive Guide with Educational modules.
List of Modules (1)
Self-assessment of civic competence of young people
List of Modules (2)
About the project
Turkish Modules
About the tool & How to use it?
Belgian Modules
Polish Modules
Lithuanian Modules
Moldovan Modules
Partners Organisations
Slovenian Modules
IMPORTANT!!! Almost EVERY element of this tool is interactive. You can click them to open additional windows, links etc.
Detailed description of selected activities including animations, some additional tips etc.
Basic description and requirements about the target group
Aim - what you intend to achieve through the implementation
Link to the detailed description. Everything in the written form.
After clicking you will see how the themes of the module are connected with our Civic Competence Framework.And also what exactly participants are expected to learn
Example of the module
Activity"World Cafe"
Activity"Energizer: Cross the line"
1. Age: Suitable for participants aged 12 and above. 2. Group: Ideal for groups of 10-20 participants.
Module: Synergy in Action: Coordination and Initiative
to develop leadership skills by improving coordinating skills, sense of initiative and effective communication.
We wanted to develop the tool which will allow everyone to reach variety of the educational modules, presented in attractive & interactive way.
Navigation - will help you to move around the tool
Title of the module.
Navigation buttons. Helping to move around
Each of the 30 modules grouped by the organization which developed them are presented in the same simple form, helping to understand and implement them
All Polish Modules
About the tool - how to use it and what it contains?
Final Conference
Training Course for young leaders
R3: Educational materials and E-learning for youth
Training Course for implementors
R2: Interactive guidebook with educational modules for civic competence development
Experts Seminar
R1: Civic competence framework
Kick Off Meeting
MAIN AIM: Increasing the quality of civic participation and dialogue between young people and decision-makers by developing and applying innovative methodology and tools for assessing the situation and implementing individualized forms of support focusing on the development of key competences.
About the project
Synergy in Action:Coordination and Initiative
Self-assessment of civic competence of young people
Problem solving
Basic self-resilience toolfor youth workers
Youth participation bywriting local projects
Negotiation and Persuasion
International Learning in the Context of Discrimination
Simulation game:Journey to EU membership
Youthification of minds
Detective Chronicles
Let’s be Empowered with MIL
Drama Lama
Public Speaking and Debate Skills
Check-it, buddy!
Now or never!
List of modules (1)
Power of Virtual Communities
Derdians and Engineers
Community and I
Municipality`s Simulation
Identity Molecule
Fact or Opinion
School factory
Working in group skills development
Lobby & Advocacy
Achieving learning goals
Multiculturalism and Diversity
Idea Market
Identity and Active Participation
List of modules (2)
Read Module
Read Module
Read Module
Created and designed by:
Polish modules
Read Module
International Learning in the Context of Discrimination
Read Module
Youth participation bywriting local projects
Read Module
Basic self-resilience toolfor youth workers
Simulation game:Journey to EU membership
Synergy in Action:Coordination and Initiative
Self-assessment of civic competence of young people
1. 16 – 20 youth leaders, young activists 2. Age: 16+ 3. minimum amount of participants: 10. maximum amount of participants: 30.
to enable participants to understand their current level of civic competences and to foster for personal and professional growth.
Module: Self-assessment of civic competence of young people
All Polish Modules
Written description of the tool
Animation in step by step implementation
Link to assessment
All Polish Modules
MODULE: Self-assessment of civic competence of young people
Activity"World Cafe"
Activity"Energizer: Cross the line"
1. Age: Suitable for participants aged 12 and above. 2. Group: Ideal for groups of 10-20 participants.
to develop leadership skills by improving coordinating skills, sense of initiative and effective communication.
Module: Synergy in Action: Coordination and Initiative
All Polish Modules
Written description of the tool
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Synergy in Action: Coordination and Initiative
Cross the line
All Polish Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Polish Modules
MODULE: Synergy in Action: Coordination and Initiative
World Cafe
Activity"State Talks"
Activity"European Parliament Discussion & Decision Making"
Activity"Interview with the EC"
1. Age: Suitable for participants aged 16 and above. 2. Group: Ideal for groups of 20-30 participants. 3. min. amount of participants: 14. Max. number of participants: 32.
to immerse participants in the EU accession process, enhancing their understanding of the EU's structure, key bodies, and membership conditions, while developing their diplomatic skills through firsthand experience of international negotiations and decision-making within the context of the EU
Module: Simulation game: Journey to EU membership
All Polish Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Polish Modules
MODULE: Simulation game: Journey to EU membership
Interview with the European Commission
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Polish Modules
MODULE: Simulation game: Journey to EU membership
State Talks
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Polish Modules
MODULE: Simulation game: Journey to EU membership
European Parliament Discussionand Decision Making
Activity"Plan to make life-balance"
Activity"Assessment life-balance"
1. Age: 18-25 2. Group size: 20 people 3. Min. amount of participants: 5.Max. number of participants: 20.
Providing youth workers with tool to self-assess life balance and helping them realize one’s values in order to support participant’s self-resilience and improve personal development.
Module: Basic self-resilience tool for youth workers
All Polish Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Polish Modules
MODULE: Basic self-resilience tool for youth workers
Assessment life-balance
Written description of the tool
Animation in step by step implementation
All Polish Modules
MODULE: Basic self-resilience tool for youth workers
Plan to make life-balance
Activity"Energizer Human Knot"
Activity"Presenting NAOMIE"
20 people from the same country /city /community 16-22 y.o.: students; youth workers; youth councillors; volunteers.Min. amount of participants: 16.Max. number of participants: 25.
To equip young participants with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to develop and implement local projects that address social and environmental issues in their community.
Module: Youth participation by writing local projects
All Polish Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Polish Modules
MODULE: Youth participation by writing local projects
Human Knot
Document for print for participants
Animation in step by step implementation
Theory of NAOMIE methodology
Written description of the tool
MODULE: Youth participation by writing local projects
All Polish Modules
Presenting NAOMIE
Activity"Tag game"
Activity"Personal Action Plan"
16 – 20 trainers, potential trainers, youth workersAge: 18+Min. amount of participants: 10. Max. amount of participants: 25.
To raise participants' awareness and knowledge about the concepts of discrimination, prejudice, stereotypes, and isolation. Participants will be able to understand direct and indirect discrimination.
Module: International Learning in the Context of Discrimination
All Polish Modules
List of roles
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Polish Modules
MODULE: International Learning in the Context of Discrimination
Tag game
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Polish Modules
MODULE: International Learning in the Context of Discrimination
Personal Action Plan
Read Module
Created and designed by
Read Module
Slovenian modules
Read Module
Detective Chronicles
Read Module
Negotiation and Persuasion
Read Module
Public Speaking and Debate Skills
Problem solving
Activity"Shipwrecked: Survival Problem Solving"
Activity"Active experimentation"
Age: 15-20 Group size: Up to 20 people
The skills and knowledge gained through this module can help learners become more selfreliable and effective citizens in the society, by improving their ability think critically, solve problems, work as a team and be creative
Module: Problem solving
All Slovenian Modules
Few scenario possibilities
Phases of activity
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Problem solving
Shipwrecked: Survival Problem Solving
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Problem solving
Activity"Energizer Find your right place in a que without words"
Activity"Interest group debate"
Age: 17-26 Group size: Up to 20 people
The skills and knowledge gained through public speaking and debate skills module can help participants develop critical thinking skills and make them more effective citizens, by understanding how to plan for a civic action and how to effectively communicate a plan and work with others.
Module: Public Speaking and Debate Skills
All Slovenian Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Public Speaking and Debate Skills
Energizer:Find your right place in a que without words
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Public Speaking and Debate Skills
Interest group debate
Activity"Land Exchange Negotiation"
Activity"Lecture and presentation"
Age: 17-26 Group size: Up to 20 people
The skills and knowledge gained through a persuasion and negotiation module can help learners become more engaged and effective citizens in the society, by improving their ability to communicate, think critically, solve problems, and work with others.
Module: Negotiation and Persuasion
All Slovenian Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Negotiation and Persuasion
Land Exchange Negotiation
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Negotiation and Persuasion
Lecture and presentation
Activity"Energizer: Princess, dragon, knight "
Activity"Detective Chronicles game"
Age: 15-20Group size: Up to 20 people
The skills and knowledge gained through this module can help learners become more engaged and effective citizens in the society, by improving their ability to think critically, solve problems, search, analyze and select information and eliminate fake information.
Module: Detective Chronicles
All Slovenian Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Detective Chronicles
Energizer princess, dragon, knight
Possible scenarios examples
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Detective Chronicles
Detective Chronicles game
Activity"Energizer Paper, stone scissors - gaining fans"
Activity"Tower Building Challenge "
Age: 15-20Group size: 12 -20
The aim of this module is to provide a hands-on and experiential learning opportunity for participants to develop their understanding and skills in adaptability, teamwork, critical thinking, problem-solving, and civic competences.
Module: Adaptability
All Slovenian Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Adaptability
EnergizerPaper, stone, scissors - gaining fans
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Slovenian Modules
MODULE: Adaptability
Tower Building Challenge
Read Module
Created and designed by
Read Module
Belgium modules
Check-it, buddy!
Read Module
Drama Lama
Read Module
Let’s be Empowered with MIL
Read Module
Now or never!
Youthification of minds
Activity"Energizer Egg, Chicken, Dinosaur"
Age: 16-26Group size: 18 -30 participants
to provide participants with a comprehensive exploration and understanding of the general concept of media literacy within the context of active citizenship, participation and civic competencies.
Module: Youthification of minds
All Belgium Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Youthification of minds
Egg, Chicken, Dinosaurenergiser
Written description of the tool
Tips for taking notes
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Youthification of minds
Youthification of minds: Presentations
All Belgium Modules
Activity"Zombie Energiser"
to foster critical thinking and active engagement among young participants in understanding the concept of education and its alignment with meeting individuals' needs; to empower participants by encouraging their participation in decision-making processes related to education
Activity"Now or Never: Presentations"
Age: 15-26Group size: 24-50 participants (with small groups of 4-8)
Module: Now or never!
All Belgium Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Now or never!
Zombie Energizer
Animation in step by step implementation
Part 1
Part 2
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Now or never!
Now or Never: Presentations
Activity"I like to Move It"
to equip participants with essential media literacy skills to critically analyse media content, identify biases, and become responsible consumers of information. In a condensed time frame of 2 hours, participants will engage in practical workshops, reflection sessions, and interactive discussions to develop their media literacy competencies.
Activity"Let's be empowered by MIL: Presentations"
Age: 15-26Group size: 20-30 participants
Module: Let’s be Empowered with MIL
All Belgium Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Let’s be Empowered with MIL
I like to Move It
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Let’s be Empowered with MIL
Let's be empowered by MIL: Presentations
Activity"Powerful Poses"
Activity"Drama Lama Performances"
Age: 13-26Group size: 20-25 participants
to provide participants exploration and basic understanding of the general concept of intercultural learning and human rights.
Module: Drama Lama
All Belgium Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Drama Lama
Powerful Poses
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Drama Lama
Drama Lama Performances
Activity"Part 2: Fact-checking tools"
Activity"Check it, buddy! Presentations"
Activity"Musical Chairs"
Age: 15-26Group size: 15-30 participants, (with smal groups of 3-5 people)
The module is designed for young individuals who are interested in developing their critical thinking skills and enhancing media literacy capabilities through gaming and quizzes. The module is open to a diverse range of participants, from students to young professionals who are eager to navigate the information landscape more effectively using gamification and IT skills.
Module: Check-it, buddy!
All Belgium Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Check-it, buddy!
Musical Chairs
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Check-it, buddy!
Part 2: Fact-checking tools
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Belgium Modules
MODULE: Check-it, buddy!
Check it, buddy! Presentations
Read Module
Created and designed by
Read Module
Lithuanian modules
Working in group skills development
Read Module
Identity Molecule
Read Module
Community and I
Read Module
Achieving learning goals
Power of Virtual Communities
Activity"Who’s dancing"
Activity"The Profile of my Virtual Community"
Age: 16+Group size: 8 - 24
to raise awareness of participants what the virtual community is; what encourages people to join virtual communities and what and how can contribute to the development of the virtual community and the importance of inclusion, diversity, cyber security and privacy of virtual community.
Module: Power of Virtual Communities
All Lithuanian Modules
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Lithuanian Modules
MODULE: Power of Virtual Communities
“Who’s dancing”
Working fields
Animation in step by step implementation
Written description of the tool
All Lithuanian Modules
MODULE: Power of Virtual Communities
The Profile of my Virtual Community
Activity"Energizer Colors"
Activity"I can learn and i can teach"
Age: 15 - 25Group size: 20 - 25
is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary for effective self-education and lifelong learning. We focus on the practical application of various educational forms and tools that participants will be able to use in their personal and professional lives.
Module: Achieving learning goals
All Lithuanian Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Achieving learning goals
Energizer Colors
All Lithuanian Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Achieving learning goals
I can learn and i can teach
All Lithuanian Modules
Activity"Find your right place in a que without words"
Activity"The Profile of my Virtual Community"
This module is designed for young people (+16 years old). The best size of the group is from 8 to 20 participants.
The module is designed to raise awareness of participants what the community is; what encourages people to be a part of the communities and how they can contribute.
Module: Community and I
All Lithuanian Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Community and I
Energizer“Find your right place in a que without words”
All Lithuanian Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Community and I
The Profile of my Community
All Lithuanian Modules
Activity"I am the oneWho…?"
Activity"Identity Molecule"
Activity“My guns fighting with a lion”
Age: 16 – 25 years oldThe best size of the group is from 15 to 25 participants.
The module is designed to empower participants to know better themselves through identifying their values and encouraging them to know better themselves in order to have better coping skills with stress, changes and challenges, i.e. to be prepared to live in changing society.
Module: Identity Molecule
All Lithuanian Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Identity Molecule
EnergizerI am the one Who...?
All Lithuanian Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Identity Molecule
Identity molecule
All Lithuanian Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Identity Molecule
My guns fighting with a lion
All Lithuanian Modules
Activity"Counting 1/2/3"
Activity"River of crocodile"
Age: 14 – 25 years oldThe best size of the group is from 20 to 30 participants.
To increase people’s understanding by practicing about the benefits of working in a team and collaborating.
Module: Working in group skills development
All Lithuanian Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Working in group skills development
Counting 1/2/3
All Lithuanian Modules
MODULE: Working in group skills development
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
River of crocodile
All Lithuanian Modules
Read Module
Created and designed by
Read Module
Moldovan modules
Lobby & Advocacy
Read Module
School factory
Read Module
Municipality`s Simulation
Read Module
Idea Market
Derdians and Engineers
Activity"Communicative Competence"
Activity"Derdians and Engineers"
20 participants aged 20
To understand the role of effective communication în different interpersonal processes.
Module: Derdians and Engineers
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Derdians and Engineers
Derdians and Engineers
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Derdians and Engineers
Communicative Competence
All Moldovan Modules
Activity"Energizer "Penguins and Pelicans""
Activity"Idea Market"
From 20 till 100 young people ages 12+
Explore the knowledge of the participants in the topic of volunteering and encourage them to develop initiatives for support mechanisms of youth and volunteering.
Module: Idea Market
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Idea Market
Energizer "Penguins and Pelicans"
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Idea Market
Idea Market
All Moldovan Modules
Activity"Municipality`s Simulation"
20-25 participants with the age of 18+ y.o.
To experience cross-sectorial cooperation in practice. To analyze youth policy actors’ cooperation opportunities and possible cooperation obstacles. To get acquainted with youth policy actors at municipal level.
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Municipality`s Simulation
Municipality`s Simulation
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Municipality`s Simulation
All Moldovan Modules
Activity"Group work"
Activity"Youth Participation"
20 participants with the age of 13-17 y.o.
Understand what mean youth participation in the school environment and how it can be promoted by pupil council.
Module: School factory
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: School factory
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: School factory
Youth Participation
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: School factory
Group work
All Moldovan Modules
Activity"Movie watching"
Activity"Advocacy plan"
20 young people (between 18 and 35 years)
To learn how to research and analyze audience in different situations, identify own needs and interests, and develop persuasive messages that resonate with them.
Module: Lobby & Advocacy
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Lobby & Advocacy
Movie watching
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Lobby & Advocacy
All Moldovan Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Lobby & Advocacy
Advocacy plan
All Moldovan Modules
Read Module
Created and designed by
Read Module
Turkish Modules
Multiculturalism and Diversity
Read Module
Read Module
Fact or Opinion
Read Module
Identity and Active Participation
Module: Citizenship
Activity"Musical Chair"
Activity"A Mosque in sleepyville"
16 - 24 people and suitable for all age groups, between 13-30, and participants with any physical conditions.
This module is designed to enable young people to better participate in democratic processes and aims the young people to think about equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members; to fulfill the requirements of active citizenship and to empower them as influential members of society.
All Turkish Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Citizenship
All Turkish Modules
Energizer Musical Chair
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Citizenship
A Mosquein Sleepyville
All Turkish Modules
Activity"Hot Chair"
This activity is suitable for all age groups. Size: 12 to 20 is preferred.
To raise awareness about inequality of opportunity; To develop imagination and critical thinking; To raise awareness on difficulties of civic participation of different groups
Module: Identity and Active Participation
All Turkish Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Identity and Active Participation
Hot Chair
All Turkish Modules
Activity"Fact or Opinion"
Activity"Burger Evaluation"
Activity"Walk Stop Energizer"
This activity is suitable for 14+ age groups. Group Size: 15 to 25 is preferred.
Experiencing the difference between fact and opinion. Criticizing ourselves to examine our reactions to events and people. Understanding and realizing ourselves Stereotypes and prejudices which are based on opinions that are perceived as facts.
Module: Fact or Opinion
All Turkish Modules
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
MODULE: Fact or Opinion
EnergizerWalk Stop
All Turkish Modules
MODULE: Fact or Opinion
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
Is it a Fact or Opinion?
All Turkish Modules
MODULE: Fact or Opinion
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
Burger Evaluation
All Turkish Modules
Module: Diversity
Activity"I Love You Honey"
Activity"Group Work"
This activity is suitable for 18+ age groups. Group Size: 16 to 24 is preferred.
To raise awareness of the participants social prejudices; To develop recognition of the participants' self-realization; To make them analyze and accept on their social prejudices and improve their multiculturality
All Turkish Modules
MODULE: Diversity
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
I Love You Honey
All Turkish Modules
MODULE: Diversity
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
Group Work
All Turkish Modules
Activity"Label Activity"
Activity"Palm Print"
Activity"Passport Game"
This activity is suitable for 18+ age groups. Group Size: 16 to 24 is preferred.
To raise knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society and variety of cultures/religions; To develop recognition of differences and correlations between certain social and cultural groups; To raise adaptation cultural differences in teamwork / working together
Module: Multiculturalism and Diversity
All Turkish Modules
MODULE: Multiculturalism and Diversity
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
Passport game
All Turkish Modules
MODULE: Multiculturalism and Diversity
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
Label Activity
All Turkish Modules
MODULE: Multiculturalism and Diversity
Written description of the tool
Tips / Remarks
Animation in step by step implementation
Palm print
All Turkish Modules
Disclaimer: The content of this publication represents the views of the authors only and it is their sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission or any other body of the European Union.
Partner Organizations
I know how to function in civic spacesI can evaluate the impact of civic spacesI can identify the correlations between different actors in civic spacesI can structure differences and correlations between certain social and cultural groupsI know how to behave in a multicultural environment to not provoke conflicts and misunderstandingI understand the concept of equality and how to react to all aspects of discriminationI know how to improve communication with others
I encourage other people to contribute to the improvement of political and socio-economic developments.I take initiative to raise the active participation of vulnerable groups in my society.I take part in civic actions about the law of reason and consequencesI take part in civic actions about the law of reason and consequencesI contribute to raising the consciousness of society about equal rights for all groups.I am motivating and engaging others to defend their rights as citizens, and in case of need I’m offering support and guidanceI take action effectively to reach civic goals.
I understand the role of the media in the society and can analyze how the media influences my personal and social life.I can analyze different contexts of media publication.
Provide a safe space for the game where participants can move freely without the risk of injuries
K5 - Understanding of the role of media in personal and social life and Knowledge of how to use the media and the Internet for civic purposes S1 - Ability to search, analyze and select information S2 - Ability to distinguish a fact from an opinion A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others A18 - Responsibility for one’s own learning process and also for the learning process of others
Prepared questions, notepads, pens. States will have talks with the European Parliament.
Duration: 15 min
I Love You Honey
A simple and short group game all about trying to make each other crack a smile. Participants take turns in the middle, trying to convince another participant to smile using only the like “I love you honey, won’t you give me a smile?” The game generates laughter and helps groups build trust and openness through play.Step 1: The group stands or sits in a circle. Step 2: One person in the middle walks to one person in the circle and says, “I love you, honey, won’t you give me a smile?” The chosen person must respond, “I love you too, honey, but I just can’t smile,” without smiling. If the chosen person cracks a smile, then he or she switches places with the one in the middle. Repeat the cycle 7 to 10 times until the laughter and playfulness in the group reaches a peak.
K5 - Understanding of the role of media in personal and social life and Knowledge of how to use the media and the Internet for civic purposes S2 - Ability to distinguish a fact from an opinion S5 - Ability to use different types of media (printed media, radio, TV, internet, etc.) A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others
Encourage participants to use creative gestures or actions to represent their respective areas, such as mimicking landmarks, drawing symbols in the air, or using hand signals.Circulate among the participants to observe their progress, offer assistance if needed, and ensure that everyone is actively engaged in the task.
Tips / Remarks
I take part in activities devoted to the promotion of human rights, human dignity, and rule of law.I take part in actions/initiatives which contribute to the involvementof young people in civic actions.
I take the initiative to raise the active participation of vulnerable groups in my societyI take part in activities devoted to the promotion of human rights, human dignity, and the rule of lawI stand for and contribute to political and socio-economic developmentI am defending both my and others’ rights. I take action if there is a violation of my rightsI promote all kinds of diversity and stand for the rights of all community membersI actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideas
Arrange chairs in a circle with the seats facing outwards. There should be 1 chair less than thenumber of all participants. Play the music and have the players walk around the perimeter of the chaircircle. When the music stops, everyone must immediately find and sit on a chair. The one person who fails to siton a chair is leaving the game. Remove one chair after each round and continue until only one person is left,who will also be recognised as the winner.
Duration: 20 min
Musical Chairs
I actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideasI encourage others to listen and accept other people’s opinions, desires, and beliefsI don’t hesitate to take initiative and responsibility for civic actions if neededI encourage and offer support to others to take responsibility for civic actionsI contribute to building the self-efficacy of others by encouraging them and offering supportI am easily accepting and deal with ambiguity and changeI encourage others to be open to ambiguity and changeI motivate others to accept all kinds of diversity of all community members and promote it themselvesI take part in various actions in solidarity with different groups in my communityI participate actively in civil actions/initiatives / organizations in the field of environment and sustainability.
I illustrate and evaluate the examples of the European common valuesI understand the consequences of the historical and socio-political events.I can structure differences and correlations between certain social and cultural groups I know how to behave in a multicultural environment to not provoke conflicts and misunderstandingI understand the concept of equality and how to react to all aspects of discrimination.I raise awareness among members of my community on all aspects of discriminationI spread knowledge about different cultures and religions.I know how to cope with my weaknesses and how to develop my strengthsI can explain which values and beliefs I stand forI know how to help others to identify and understand their identity
I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from others.I know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communication.I know how to improve communication with others.I share my theoretical and practical knowledge about how to communicate properly.I know how to help others to identify and understand their identityI know how to behave in a multicultural environment to not provoke conflicts and misunderstandingI understand the concept of equality and how to react to all aspects of discriminationI can define the links between historical events and the current socio-political situation
Gather the group together and ask them to reflect on the experience. Discuss how embodying power and confidence can contribute to advocating for their rights and the rights of others. Transition seamlessly into the theatre session, reminding participants of the strength and determination they displayed during the energizer and encouraging them to channel that energy into their performances. This energizer aims to boost participants' confidence and create a sense of empowerment. By embodying powerful poses, participants can tap into their inner strength and readiness to stand up for their rights. It sets a positive and energetic tone for the theatre session, aligning with the theme of the scenario focused on freedom of association for young people.
Blank mailing labels or blank name tags, cut in half. Make as many labels as you have students. On the labels, write, "Smile at me," "Say, 'Hi,'" "Pat me on the back,", "Shake my hand," "Give me five," and "Give me an "okay" sign."Use other responses that are typical for the group. On 10 percent of the labels, write, "Turn away from me."
Tips / Remarks
Duration: 15 min
Walk Stop Energizer
Tell people they will be following simple commands. The first two: When you say “walk” they will start walking around the space. When you say “stop,” they will stop where they are. Call out “Walk.” Then “stop.” And repeat as desired.Next, tell everyone you are going to switch those two commands. Now when you say “stop” they should start walking and when you say “walk” they should stop walking. Call out “Stop.” Then “Walk.” And repeat as desired.Next, let them know you’re adding two more commands. When you say “Name” they say their name out loud, when you say “Clap” they clap once. The other two commands stay the same, so “Walk” means stop, “Stop” means walk, “Name” means say your name, and “Clap” means clap. Call out a combination of “Walk,” “Stop,” “Name,” and “Clap.” Repeat as desired. Finally, let them know you’re switching the last two commands. So “Walk” means stop, “Stop” means walk, “Name” means clap, and “Clap” means say your name. Repeat as desired.
Ask all participants to stand up and find an open space in the room. Explain that this energizer will help them tap into their inner strength and confidence who are standing up for their rights. Instruct participants to strike a powerful pose that makes them feel strong and empowered. Encourage them to use their bodies and facial expressions to convey a sense of confidence and determination. Give them a few moments to find and hold their poses, focusing on their posture, facial expressions, and energy. After a brief pause, ask participants to walk around the room while maintaining their powerful poses. Encourage them to make eye contact with others and radiate their confidence. After a minute or two, tell that you will call out a signal (e.g., a clap or a whistle) to indicate a switch. When the signal is given, participants must find a new partner and strike a similar pose together. They can mirror each other or create complementary poses. Repeat the process several times, allowing participants to interact with different partners and explore various powerful poses.
Duration: 10 min
Powerful Poses
I can check the credibility to validate the information being used as factsI can create statement integrating both facts and my point of view.I can ask appropriate questions and paraphrase for clarification to bring an understanding of what others want to sayI can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problemsI can frame the issue and analyze and categorize the gathered informationI can present and explain conclusions to othersI can adapt and integrate myself to cultural differences in teamwork / working together
I can frame the issue and analyze and categorize the gathered informationI can present and explain conclusions to othersI can estimate the results of certain planned actionsI can maintain contact with the audience and focus on the message at the same timeI can articulate strong and solid arguments and statements for my position in oral and written form.I choose the right wording when speaking in meetings and with the decision-makersI can adapt and integrate myself to cultural differences in teamwork / working togetherI can engage in common work with others and actively participate in solving common problemsI willingly take initiative in different situationsI anticipate potential problems, assess risks, and weigh alternatives to come up with the best decisions
Duration: 10 min
Human Knot
Ensure a clear, open space is available. Greet participants and explain the importance of communication and teamwork. Instruct participants to form a circle. Direct participants to hold hands with two people who are not directly beside them. They need to have closed eyes Set the challenge: participants must untangle without letting go of hands. Begin the activity and monitor the progress. Offer hints or intervene if participants get too frustrated. Conclude the activity with a short reflection on teamwork.
K2 - Knowledge and understanding of civic space concept K6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsK8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations S8 - Active listening (including observing skills) S11 - Ability to influence others S14 - Ability to deal with multicultural groups S16 - Ability to engage effectively with others in common interests A1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exceptionA5 - Respect for human rights, human dignity, and the rule of law as a principle of democracy A9 - Defend my rights and responsibilities as a citizen A11 - Sense of solidarity A12 - Openness for all kinds of diversity A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others
Duration: 90 min
Municipality`s Simulation
Participants are split into groups ranging from 4 to 7 members. Each group receives a paper sheet with the task. The educator checks that each group have clearly understood the task. Participants have 90 minutes to complete the task and reach the given objectives.
Recommendation is to write all the questions on one A4 paper which groups receive together with handouts or write in one flipchart paper and present it to all groups.
see here
Hand out the text of Article 28 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC).For more details about the facilitating brainstorming process
K3 - Knowledge about current & historical socio-political situations K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-makingK6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsS3 - Ability to draw conclusions S4 - Evaluation skills S9 - Making public statements and speaking S11 - Ability to influence others S14 - Ability to deal with multicultural groups S16 - Ability to engage effectively with others in common interests S20 - Ability to take initiative S24 - Decision-making skills A1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exceptionA2 - Interest and desire given to engagement in all forms of decision-making A3 - Concern for the environment and willingness to action A5 - Respect for human rights, human dignity, and the rule of law as a principle of democracy A9 - Defend my rights and responsibilities as a citizen
Link to assessment
Inform participants not to rush and to read the questions in detail and that the scale is done as follows - on the left is the lowest and on the right is the highest. It is important that you explain this clearly and lucidly to the participants.
Allocate sufficient time for participants to work on creating their community profiles, ensuring they have enough time to research and discuss each heading thoroughly.Foster a collaborative environment within each group, encouraging participants to share their knowledge, ideas, and perspectives to create a comprehensive community profile.
Tips / Remarks
Materials: Room for the activity.
Duration: 10 min
Find your right place in a que without words
The task for the participants to line up alphabetically, depending on the first letter of the area they came from.You can't talk during the task. It is allowed to communicate using gestures or body language, but without words.
Start with simple commands and gradually introduce additional commands to avoid overwhelming participants.Keep the pace of the activity lively and engaging to maintain participants' interest and energy levels throughout.
Tips / Remarks
Materials: Sheets of paper with drawn “Identity molecule”, pens, chairs, classroom.
Duration: 50 min
The Profile of my Community
The educator distributes pre-prepared sheets of paper on which the "Identity Molecule" (see Anex 1) is drawn to the participants. The educator explains to the participants that they must write their name in the circle in the middle of the diagram. In the 7 circles around the name, participants record who they are in life (what social roles they play). For example, records roles such as "friend", "sister"/"brother", "volunteer", "student"/"pupil", etc. Participants do this activity individually.Activity The educator allocates time for the task - "Filling in the identity molecule".After the allotted time, the educator asks the participants to delete the two social roles that they think are least important. Participants divide into pairs and in pairs discuss the deleted roles: why they were first included and then deleted. The educator again asks the participants to delete 2 more less important roles of theirs. In this way, the 3 most important roles for the participant remain in the "Identity Molecule".Participants again divide into pairs, but with other participants. In pairs, they discuss two questions: why they deleted two social roles and which three social roles seem most important to them (why they left them and did not delete them).
In this energizing warm-up game, everyone starts as an Egg, squatting down on the floor with their arms wrapped around their legs to make an egg shape. Everyone shuffles around until they encounter another Egg, at which point they play a game of rock-paper-scissors (it’s a good idea to establish a rock-paper-scissors format before the start of the game since many people play two ways: either rock-paper-scissors or rock-paper-scissors-go).
Duration: 10 min
Evolution (Egg, Chicken, Dinosaur)
The winner evolves into a Chicken, while the loser stays an Egg and has to find another Egg to play. The winner walks around, bent over and flapping their wings until they meet another evolved Chicken.Another game of rock-paper-scissors occurs between the two Chickens, and the winner evolves into a Dinosaur while the loser devolves into an Egg again. The dinosaur stands upright and stomps around, roaring with its arms tucked to its chest until it fights another Dinosaur. The winner evolves into a Human, while the loser becomes a Chicken. Humans walk around waving regally, and when they win a rock-paper-scissors battle again, they evolve into Kings and Queens and stand off to one side of the room, posing royally and beaming benevolently at the other players. The game ends when there are no more battles to be fought.
I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from othersI know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communicationI know how to cope with my weaknesses and to develop my strengthsI can explain which values and beliefs I stand for I know how to help others to identify and understand their identityI know how to improve the strengths of others and help them to cope with their weaknesses
Explain that while the activity may be tricky, it's meant to be enjoyable and fun. Encourage them to laugh and have a good time even if they make mistakes.
Tips / Remarks
I can check the credibility to validate the information being used as facts.I can transfer my knowledge on fact-finding and find-checking by givingconcrete tools and methods to others.I can assess if selected information by others is reliable and analyzed and give feedback.I can categorize, link, organize, and correlate different pieces of information.I can question different sources of information and eliminate fake information.
The rules of the activity are: - Each participant must move to the other side of the river. - You can only move on the boards. If no one stands on the plank even for a moment the educator takes away the plank. (symbolizing a piece of the river flowing away).- The game ends successfully when all participants safely reach the other side of the river.- If any of the participants "falls into the river" (stepping off the board even with part of a leg), the whole group must start the exercise from the beginning. It is important that the number of available boards does not increase after the restart - the group must deal with the ones left.
Important!Before starting, it is important to make sure that all participants are capable of participating in the exercise. If any of the participants have any mobility limitations or other special needs, it is the educator's job to adjust the exercise so that everyone can actively participate. Promoting inclusion and accessibility is a key element in the success of this group activity.
Duration: 50 min
River of crocodiles
Number of papers that are used as boards should be equal to half of the group. For example if the group has 20 people you are giving 10 papers. Once you have prepared this, gather the participants in a circle so that you can be clearly seen and heard. Once everyone is gathered, explain the activity to them. The exercise involves walking the entire group from one side of the "river" to the other. Note that you can't just go around the lines because their end is not the same as the end of the river. "River" is a metaphorical space between two lines. Participants can only be in this space by standing on "boards," which in this case will be represented by A4 sheets of paper. If possible, use sheets of cardboard for better durability.
Methodological guide
Please see the (ARM) on Information Verification
4. Ask participants to get into small groups of 4 to 5 persons. Hand out the text of Article 28 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC). Give the groups 15 minutes to assess the value of their right to education. For instance, is primary education available and free to all in your society? If not, who are excluded and why? What forms of discipline are there and is the individual’s dignity respected? Does the curriculum foster the development of everyone’s personality, talents and abilities? What is the focus, for instance on producing good citizens or a trained work force? Is human rights education included 5. Come back into the plenary and ask people to give feedback.
Materials: flipchart and markers
1. The educator should start with a short general discussion about what participants understand by the term “education”. Point out that education is more than what goes on in school or college. Draw out the differences between formal, informal and non-formal education. Participants should know that receiving an education is a human right (Article 26 of the UDHR). 2. Brainstorm all the positive and negative aspects of the school system in your country and note the keywords on flipchart paper. 3. Briefly review the keywords and consider why the education system is like it with reference to some of the points listed, for instance, the curriculum, class sizes, school rules about clothing and extra curricular activities.
Duration: 45 min
What sort of education do we have and how would we prefer it to be?
Materials: 2 tables, paper, markers
Duration: 1 hour 20 min
State Talks with the European Parliament/European Commission Conference
a. Organize dialogue sessions between countries and EU bodies. b. Monitor discussions, encourage compromise and communication. c. there is a press conference of the European Commission taking place at the same time, so before starting this part, make sure that everything is prepared for it.
K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations, K9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S3 - Ability to draw conclusions S4 - Evaluation skills S8 - Active listening (including observing skills) S26 - Ability to reflect on the own behavior A13 - Openness for ambiguity and change A19 - Growth mindset
1. Preparing the space: - Set up tables to accommodate 4-6 participants at each table in a large room. 2. Explaining the rules and purpose of the session: - Inform participants that the session will focus on the abstract concepts of teamwork, communication, leadership, and initiative, all derived from the earlier 'crossing the line' activity. - Emphasize that no direct theoretical input will be given by the facilitator. Participants will collaboratively develop theoretical insights based on their experiences.
3. Facilitating discussions: - Divide participants into small groups and assign each group one of the following topics for discussion: 1. Teamwork and Coordination 2. Communication 3. Leadership and Initiative 4. Conflict Resolution 5. Trust and Goal Setting - For each round, present participants with a question related to their assigned topic. For instance, for "Leadership and Initiative": "What leadership styles did you observe during the activity, and how did taking initiative influence the team's coordination and overall success?" - After the discussion, participants move to another table while one "host" remains to summarize the previous conversations for the new members.
I am easily accepting and deal with ambiguity and change.I participate actively in civil actions/initiatives / organizations in the field of environment and sustainabilityI run awareness-raising activities on environmental issues for the people in my societyI actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideasI encourage others to listen and accept other people’s opinions, desires, and beliefs I don’t hesitate to take initiative and responsibility for civic actions if needed
As a young citizen, I take part in decision-making processes at local and/or national levelsI support young people to participate actively in decision-making processes at local and/or national levelsI am taking part in several activities for community developmentI work for raising awareness of others’ sense of communityI take part in various actions insolidarity with different groups in my community I am encouraging others to be involved in solidarity activities and projectsI take part in civic actions about the law of reason and consequencesI am easily accepting and deal with ambiguity and changeI don’t hesitate to take initiative and responsibility for civic actions if neededI encourage and offer support to others to take responsibility for civic actionsI take action effectively to reach civic goals
I can present and explain conclusions to others.I can debate and defend conclusions with others based on argumentsI can facilitate others and help them to draw their conclusionsI can frame the issue and analyze and categorize the gathered informationI can estimate the results of certain planned actions.I can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problems.I can moderate others to formulate their statements and arguments.I can ask appropriate questions and paraphrase for clarification to bring an understanding of what others want to sayI can facilitate the understanding of others in the groupI can give feedback to people in the group, indicating the positive aspects of cooperation and the difficulties encounteredIn a teamwork, I can facilitate the others according to their strengths and weaknesses.I can lead the process of engaging the others to work cooperatively on common problemsI can lead a group of coordinatorsI moderate the process to find the most appropriate solutions in a given contextI can explain lessons learned from the conflict to all the partiesI can use different methods of conflict solving / conflict management/conflict resolutionI analyze my own mistakes and conclude further learningI can learn in collaboration with others
Materials: Flipchart, Marker
Duration: 15 min
At the beginning participants are invited to brainstorm in a plenary on “What means School for young people?”
I understand the meaning of the term “democratic processes” and can identify some of them.I know how to get involved in the decision-making processes. I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from others. I know how to improve the strengths of others and help them to cope with their weaknesses.
Materials: Room for the activity and chairs.
Duration: 10 min
I am the one Who...?
Participants sit on chairs in a circle and one participant stands in the middle of the circle. Standing participant says (for example) “I am the one who loves dogs”, and participants, who are dog-lovers change their sitting places.Than in a middle of the circle comes another participant, who didn’t change his / her sitting place, and says: “I am a person, who loves to travel”, and these young people, who like travelling, change their sitting places.Such energizer can have several rounds, and a participant, standing in the middle of the circle, can say various things about himself / herself.
4. Ask each group to consider the positive and negative aspects of having a democratically elected body, such as a student council, to make decisions about their education at the local level. 5. The next stage depends on the circumstances of the group. If there is no council in your school, then the groups should work to decide what sort of council they would like, what its remit should be and how to go about establishing one. If your school or college already has a council, then they should review how it works and develop plans for how to make it work better. Explain how to do a SWOT analysis and tell the groups that they have thirty minutes to develop an action plan written up on a large sheet of flipchart paper. 6. Come back into plenary and ask the groups to report their results.
Materials: flipchart and markers
1. Ask the group who makes the decisions about the sort of education that they get. 2. Ask people to go back into their small groups to review how decisions are made in their school. For instance, who decides what is taught or what extracurricular activities will be arranged? How is the school or college administered? How are budgetary and spending decisions made? How are policies developed and agreed? How much say do young people have? 3. Tell them that not only do they have a human right to education, but also that according to Article 12 of the CRC, “the child has the right to express views on all matters affecting him/her and the child’s views should be given due weight.”
Duration: 60 min
Developing democratic systems so people can have their say.
I have experience mobilizing others and taking initiative to achieve goals, and I can provide examples of these actions.I can facilitate other leaders to mobilize groups.I can verify and identify the causes of the problem and specify the underlying causes.I can use various tools to explain a problem from multiple perspectives (e.g. analogies, metaphors, visualizations).I can operationalize the problem by indicating the various elements of the solution: concerned group, context, possible outcomes.I can moderate the process of choosing the tools and strategies for analyzing problems by group of young people.I share decision-making strategies with others and provide examples of implementationsI can articulate strong and solid arguments and statements for my position in oral and written formI can facilitate the understanding of others in the group
I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from othersI know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communicationI know how to improve communication with othersI know how to help others to identify and understand their identityI know how to behave in a multicultural environment to not provoke conflicts and misunderstanding I understand the concept of equality and how to react to all aspects of discrimination
The activity involves participants moving around a designated area and playing paper stone scissors. Firstly they play in pairs. When a participant loses the duel and goes behind the person who flew out with him and starts cheering for him becomes the biggest fan. The winner goes and plays on. If the leader of the duel loses the duel . The activity ends when the last two people play the duel and one of them wins.
Duration: 10 min
“Who’s dancing”
Materials: projector (recommended) / flipchart; printed document for every participants with NAOMIE
Duration: 20 min
Presenting NAOMIE
Ensure the projector is set up, and printed NAOMIE documents are distributed. Introduce the NAOMIE methodology to participants. Display each element of NAOMIE (N, A, O, M, I, E) on the projector or flipchart. Encourage participants to take notes and ask questions. Conclude by summarizing the importance of NAOMIE in project planning.
I take the initiative to raise the active participation of vulnerable groups in my societyI contribute to raising the consciousness of society about equal rights for all groups.I take part in activities devoted to the promotion of human rights, human dignity, and the rule of lawI am defending both my and others’ rights. I take action if there is a violation of my rightsI take part in various actions in solidarity with different groups in my communityI promote all kinds of diversity and stand for the rights of all community membersI can contribute to the culture of peace and non-violence by organizing and leading aconstructive discussion about peace and non-violence
Medical Emergency: One of the players sustains a minor injury on the island. The group needs to improvise a basic first-aid kit using the materials they have. Materials: bandages (which can be made from torn cloth or paper towels), tape, sterilized water (if available), and a makeshift splint (using sticks or other materials).
Signaling for Rescue: The group discovers a way to potentially signal for help, but they lack the necessary equipment. Players must create a makeshift signaling device to attract the attention of passing ships or aircraft. Materials: mirrors, shiny wrappers, or any reflective material, string, and small branches or sticks.
Water Purification: Players find a freshwater source on the island, but it appears contaminated. They must create a water purification system using available materials.Materials: empty bottles or containers, sand, small rocks, and a piece of cloth.
Raft Building: Players need to design a mini raft model that could theoretically hold weight.Materials: popsicle sticks or straws, tape, and rubber bands.
Food Gathering: Players need to 'gather food' from a 'dangerous area' of the island. They have to devise a way to retrieve items from an area they can't physically enter. Materials: random objects (like paperclips, erasers, pens, etc.) spread around a specific area, string, tape, and paper.
Message in a Bottle: The group discovers a bottle and paper but needs to create an ink substitute to write a help message.Materials: water, coffee/tea grounds (or anything that could stain the paper), paper, and a thin stick or pen without ink.
Shelter Construction: Players need to build a makeshift shelter on their deserted island.Materials: paper, tape, pencils, and rubber bands.
K6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsK8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations S2 - Ability to distinguish a fact from an opinion S3 - Ability to draw conclusions S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S7 - Sharing understanding S14 - Ability to deal with multicultural groups A1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exceptionA2 - Interest and desire given to engagement in all forms of decision-making A18 - Responsibility for one’s own learning process and also for the learning process of others
Instruct the participants to form pairs and stand facing each other. Explain that they will take turns counting aloud to three in a specific pattern. The first person says "1", the second person says "2", then the first person says "3", and this pattern continues with the second person saying "1" first “2” second “3” etc. Emphasize that they should avoid mixing up the sequence of 1, 2, 3. After two minutes of this exercise, inform them that the word "2" should now be replaced by a hand clap. The counting should then proceed as 1 (spoken), clap (instead of 2), 3 (spoken), 1 (spoken), clap, 3, and so on. Remind them to maintain the rhythm and not to make mistakes.
Duration: 15 min
Energizer Counting 1/2/3
Three minutes later, introduce another change. This time, replace the number "1" with a squat. The sequence will now be a squat (instead of saying 1), clap (instead of 2), 3 (spoken), squat, clap, 3, and so forth. Encourage them to focus and continue without errors. After an additional three minutes, make the final change: replace the number "3" with a jump. The new sequence becomes squat (instead of 1), clap (instead of 2), jump (instead of 3). This will be more challenging, so encourage the participants to try their best to keep going without mistakes for as long as possible.
At this point, you will explain the rules of the activity: they are not allowed to speak and must communicate only through gestures. The objective is for them to form groups based on the color of the sticky note on their backs. Inform the participants that they cannot see the color of their own sticky note and must figure it out based on the actions and reactions of others. The game ends when all members with the same color sticky notes successfully group together. The first group to successfully gather all its members is declared the winner. This activity encourages non-verbal communication and eamwork, as participants must work together to figure out their groups without speaking.
Materials: 3 colored sticky notes; Tape - for sticky notes to have better grip
Duration: 10 min
Energizer “Colors”
Before starting the activity, make sure to count the exact number of participants. Then, prepare sticky notes in three different colors. The total number of sticky notes should be equal to the number of participants divided into three groups. For instance, if you have 15 participants, you will need 5 sticky notes of each color. Begin the activity by asking all participants to form a circle. Instruct them to close their eyes and turn around so that they are facing away from you. This is when you discreetly stick one sticky note on the back of each participant. Make sure to distribute the sticky notes randomly among the participants. Once every participant has a sticky note on their back, ask them to turn back around to face you and open their eyes.
I can create statements integrating both facts and my point of view.In proposing solutions, I can take into consideration different perspectives for understanding the problem
Materials: Papers, pens, markers, chairs.
Duration: 20 min
I can learn and i can teach
Divide the participants into smaller groups of 4. After the groups are formed, ask each participant to think individually and write down on a piece of paper: - What simple skill or knowledge can they pass on to others. It can be anything from learning a few words in a foreign language, to quick math techniques, to drawing techniques or performing simple tricks. What is important is that it is not very complicated and is quick and easy to teach, and that the person wants to teach it to others. After finishing the writing, each participant, one by one, teaches people in his group what he wrote on the paper within 3-4 minutes.Remember to keep an eye on the time and inform the participants that now another person to teach others. For example, participants can teach basic phrases in a language they are native speakers of, show how to multiply quickly in their heads, or teach how to draw a simple object like a tree or flower. After everyone in the group has had a chance to both teach and learn, gather all participants again in a large circle.
I can estimate the results of certain planned actions.I can support others in the development of their evaluation skillsI can frame the issue and analyze and categorize the gathered informationI can present and explain conclusions to othersI can select / choose the proper tools to reflect my own behavior and learn from the experience.I can facilitate others to reflect on their behaviorI can define my goals and make their implementation plan
Questions for Debriefing:1. What emotions do you have? 2. Why do you have such emotions? 3. How do you think went well in this exercise? 4. What went less well in this exercise? 5. What communication barriers did you have? 6. How have these barriers affected you? 7. What do you think, what types of communication did you experience?8. What did you learn or discover from this exercise? 9. How can you apply these findings or lessons learned in daily communication?
Tips / Remarks
In the same groups participants worked, they will have the task in 20 minutes to prepare a positive performance through which they will present a solution to the situation/scenario they performed.Positive performances. Participants will present their solution in a performance where they show how they see the solution for the scenario they have.
Educator will tell the participants that each group will need to show a performance based on a selected topic around basic human rights and civic competencies. Participants will have 30 minutes to brainstorm and prepare their performance. Encourage them to be creative and to feel free to use the materials available at hand in the room.
Drama Lama Performances
Background Information - Scenario Options: 1. Implementing a city-wide curfew for teenagers to reduce juvenile delinquency. 2. Introducing a congestion charge in the city center to reduce traffic and pollution. 3. Ban on single-use digital devices to combat electronic waste: Considering a policy to prohibit the manufacture and sale of non-upgradable digital devices to encourage sustainability and reduce technological waste.
1st group: Education and Career Opportunities: Supporting young people to develop their careers by offering them opportunities such as training, internships, mentoring. 2nd group: Knowledge and Skills Sharing: Creating a learning environment among young people by encouraging the sharing of knowledge and skills in different fields. 3rd group: Increasing Social Participation: To enable young people to be more active in social issues and help them realize their social responsibilities. 4th group: Cultural and Artistic Activities: Creating bonds between young people through different cultural activities, artistic exchanges and creative work.
The working field of the groups are as below :
Presentation of Rules (10 minutes): - Team Roles: One team represents an NGO, the other a large company.
Negotiation Rounds (40 minutes): - Process: - Begin with initial offers from both groups. - Follow with rounds of counter-offers and negotiations. Conclusion: The game ends either with a mutually agreed-upon deal or after a predetermined number of negotiation rounds.
Planning & Preparation Phase (20 minutes): - Strategy Brainstorming: Teams develop their negotiation priorities, strategies, and possible fallback positions.
Materials: Printed rules of the game – Role paper. Written prices of the land- visible to both teams
Gameplay: 1. Strategy Development (15 minutes): Each group discusses and decides their initial stance for the negotiation. 2. Initial Offer Session (3 minutes): A representative from each group presents their first offer for the land exchange. 3. Group Deliberation (3 minutes): Teams discuss and plan their counteroffers. 4. Negotiation Rounds: - Representatives negotiate back and forth for three minutes each round. - The process repeats with deliberation and negotiation until a deal is made or time runs out.
Duration: 1h 10 min
Land Exchange Negotiation
I am easily accepting and deal with ambiguity and changeI actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideasI can organize and evaluate my learning process I actively engage in and search for the learning opportunities available, and I am involved in the lifelong learning process
I can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problems.I can moderate others to formulate their statements and arguments.I’m listening with engagement, confirmed by non-verbal means of expression; when asked to do so, I’m able to paraphrase the statements of other group members and identifies the main threads in them.I can encourage group discussion, allowing everyone to speak, and ensuring that participants do not interrupt oneanother. I can listen to others and empathize with their emotions.I can understand, handle and appropriately explain emotions using speech and other forms ofcommunication. I can develop emotional intelligence with self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy.I can identify and label feelings in others.I can adapt and integrate myself to cultural differences in teamwork / working together.I can organize social events for multicultural groups.I can facilitate work in the multicultural environment.
Gadgets connected to the Internet are required
Everyone needs to have a gadget connected to the internet.Access to the online resources: tools can be presented, from geolocation to checking the originality of the on the number of photos, the time can be changed.
Tips for taking notes
K6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religions K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations K9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S7 - Sharing understanding S8 - Active listening (including observing skills) S14 - Ability to deal with multicultural groups S15 - Ability to give and receive feedback A11 - Sense of solidarity A12 - Openness for all kinds of diversity A14 - Internalization of the culture of peace and non-violence
I can verify and identify the causes of the problem and specify the underlying causesI have coordinated of different projects and initiativesI can use a variety of strategies (methods) to solve the problem and selects them according to the problem's specificity and contextI analyze situations comprehensively to arrive at the best solution.I know how to effectively plan and take appropriate actions toget things done.
I actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with theexpressed ideas. I encourage others to listen and accept other people’s opinions, desires, and beliefs.I can organize and evaluate my learning process.
K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S7 - Sharing understanding S9 - Making public statements and speaking S10 - Networking S11 - Ability to influence others S13 - Taking action to achieve synergies S28 - Ability to accomplish learning tasks independently or in cooperative learning A3 - Concern for the environment and willingness to action A10 - Awareness of one's sense of community A11 - Sense of solidarity A13 - Openness for ambiguity and change A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others
I can choose and describe to potential partners the benefits of our cooperationI can organize the process of risk assessmentI can engage in common work with others and actively participate in solving common problemsI can involve partners and build a platform to cooperate and share strategiesI have experience mobilizing others and taking initiative to achieve goals, and I can provide examples of these actions.I can facilitate other leaders to mobilize groupsI can articulate strong and solid arguments and statements for my position in oral and written form.I can give feedback to people in the group, indicating the positive aspects of cooperation and the difficulties encounteredI choose the right wording when speaking in meetings and with the decision-makersI anticipate potential problems, assess risks, and weighalternatives to come up with the best decisionsI can make allies and develop common strategies
I can categorize, link, organize, and correlate different pieces ofinformation. I can create statements integrating both facts and my point of viewI can frame the issue and analyze and categorize the gathered informationI can present and explain conclusions to othersI can debate and defend conclusions with others based on argumentsI can facilitate others and help them to draw their conclusions.I can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problems.I can ask appropriate questions and paraphrase for clarification to bring an understanding of what others want to say.I can maintain contact with the audience and focus on the message at the same time.I can evaluate the quality of one’s speechI can train others in public speakingI can verify and identify the causes of the problem and specify the underlying causes
I can verify and identify the causes of the problem and specify the underlying causesI use various tools to explain a problem from multiple perspectives (e.g. analogies, metaphors, visualizations).I can operationalize the problem by indicating the various elements of the solution: concerned group, context, possible outcomesI can select/choose the proper tools to reflect my own behavior and learn from the experienceI can adapt and integrate myself to cultural differences in teamwork / working togetherI can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problems
Divide participants into groups. In groups, have them talk about how they will use the information they gathered in their daily lives.The optimal number of people in a group is 5.
Duration: 52 min
Active Experimentation
I can structure differences and correlations between certain social and cultural groups.I know how to behave in a multicultural environment to not provoke conflicts and misunderstanding.I understand the concept of equality and how to react to all aspects of discrimination.
I encourage others to be open to ambiguity and changeI can facilitate/moderate the learning process of othersI contribute to building the self-efficacy of others by encouraging them and offering supportI believe in the importance of change and the development of my perspective, abilities, and behaviors over time.
S16 - Ability to engage effectively with others in common interestsS17 - Ability to mobilize others S18 - Risk assessment skills S21 - Understanding and analyzing the problem S24 - Decision-making skills A1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exception A2 - Interest and desire given to engagement in all forms of decision-making A5 - Respect for human rights, human dignity, and the rule of law as a principle of democracy A6 - Interest in political and socioeconomic developments A7 - Awareness of clear civic position about the importance of voting A8 - Awareness of the law of reason and consequences A10 - Awareness of one's sense of community
K1 - Knowledge of the European common values and understanding of democratic processes K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-making K5 - Understanding of the role of media in personal and social life and knowledge of how to use the media and the Internet for civic purposes K10 - Knowledge on advocacy and Lobbying S1 - Ability to search, analyze and select information S2 - Ability to distinguish a fact from an opinion S3 - Ability to draw conclusions S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S7 - Sharing understanding S9 - Making public statements and speaking S10 - NetworkingS11 - Ability to influence othersS15 - Ability to give and receive feedback
Offer guidance and support as needed, encouraging participants to critically analyze the questions and consider various factors and perspectives in their discussions.Encourage groups to think creatively and innovatively in addressing the questions, exploring potential solutions and strategies to overcome challenges related to civic and social participation.
Tips / Remarks
I take the initiative to raise the active participation of vulnerable groups in my societyI contribute to raising the consciousness of society about equal rights for all groups.I take part in civic actions about the law of reason and consequencesI organize/lead/run awareness-raising activities/training awarenessof others about the law of reason and its consequences
S30 - Having emotional literacyA1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exception A3 - Concern for the environment and willingness to action A5 - Respect for human rights, human dignity, and the rule of law as a principle of democracy A6 - Interest in political and socioeconomic developments A9 - Defend my rights and responsibilities as a citizen A14 - Internalization of the culture of peace and non-violence
K3 - Knowledge about current & historical socio-political situations K6 -Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsK8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations, K9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S8 - Active listening (including observing skills) S14 - Ability to deal with multicultural groups
I analyze (understand) the purpose of the democratic processes and can reflect on the result of their functioning.I educate about the European common values and democratic processesI aim to stimulate debate about European common values by creating a space for others to share their opinions and perspectivesI understand and can explain the importance of youth participation in the decision-making processes.I know how to get involved in the decision-making processes.I know how to cooperate and approach different stakeholders.I understand the role of the media in society and can analyze how the media influences my personal and social life
I know how to apply for the support mechanisms for youth.I know where to find the volunteering opportunities.I'm a conscious volunteer and I know what benefits I can get from volunteering.I know how to engage the others in voluntary activities.I spread information about the support mechanisms and opportunities for youth.I can identify different levels of youth participation in decision-making processes and provide examples of good practicesI understand and can explain the importance of youth participation in thedecision-making processes I inspire others to adapt and localize good practices of youth participation to their own reality
I can adapt and integrate myself to cultural differences in teamwork / working togetherII can organize social events for multicultural groupsI can engage in common work with others and actively participate in solving common problemsI can articulate strong and solid arguments and statements for my position in oral and written form.I’m listening with engagement, confirmed by non-verbal means of expression; when asked to do so, I’m able to paraphrase the statements of other group members and identifies the main threads in them
S12 - Conflict resolution skills S16 - Ability to engage effectively with others in common interests S19 - Coordination skills S20 - Ability to take initiative S27 - Ability to set goals and plan A2 - Interest and desire given to engagement in all forms of decision-making. A8 - Awareness of the law of reason and consequences A10 - Awareness of one's sense of community A11 - Sense of solidarity A13 - Openness for ambiguity and change A16 - Responsibility in actions A17 - Self-efficacy
K2 - Knowledge and understanding of civic space concept K3 - Knowledge about current & historical socio-political situations K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-makingK8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations K10 - Knowledge on advocacy and Lobbying S4 - Evaluation skills S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S8 - Active listening (including observing skills) S9 - Making public statements and speaking S10 - Networking S11 - Ability to influence others
begin by explaining the importance of a personal action plan. Highlight how it can help participants apply the workshop's learnings to their lives and achieve their goals.Reflect on Learnings: encourage participants to take a moment to reflect on what they have learned during the workshop. Ask them to identify the key takeaways that resonate with them the most.Identify Personal Goals: ask participants to think about their personal, academic, or professional goals. What do they want to achieve? How do these goals align with the knowledge gained from the workshop?Set Specific Objectives: guide participants to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives. This will help them focus on actionable steps to reach their goals.Develop Strategies: encourage participants to brainstorm strategies and actions they can take to achieve their objectives. These should be practical and realistic steps they can incorporate into their daily routines.Create a Timeline: help participants create a timeline for their action plan. This should include deadlines for each objective and milestone. A timeline ensures they stay on track and can monitor their progress.Identify Resources: ask participants to list any resources they might need to achieve their goals. Thiscould include additional training, tools, or support from mentors and peers.Anticipate Challenges: discuss potential obstacles that participants might face and how they can overcomethem. Encourage them to think of contingency plans to stay motivated and on track.Review and Adjust: remind participants that their action plan is a living document. They should regularly review their progress and make adjustments as needed to stay aligned with their goals.Share and Commit: finally, ask participants to share their action plans with a peer or mentor. This step adds a level of accountability and commitment, increasing the likelihood of success.By following these steps, participants can create a personal action plan that helps them translate the workshop's teachings into meaningful actions that enhance their personal, academic, or professional lives.
Duration: 15 min
Personal Action Plan
Conclude the activity by summarizing key themes and insights shared by participants, and thank them for their participation and contributions throughout the day.
Tips / Remarks
I understand and can explain the importance of youth participation in the decision-making processesI can identify different levels of youth participation in decision-making processes andprovide examples of good practicesI know how to get involved in the decision-making processesI know how to engage others in voluntary activities
Prepared cards with groups that are discriminated against, tape to stick on the forehead, participants can't see which card they get. Their task is to come up with the topic of the workshop that will best suit what they have on their foreheads based on discrimination and stereotypes. It is the other participants who come up with the topic and the person for whom it is invented cannot speak. Participants must stand and not sit down for the entire duration of the game. Each group should be assigned one coach or organizer who is not a participant or a designated person who does not participate in the game. At the end, everyone returns to the circle and the topics of the workshops that have been created are read out.
Duration: 45 min
Label Activity
The educator asks the participants if they think we sometimes label people because they belong to different groups. Educator explains to them that the labels we put on people often limit their participation in groups. Step by step the educator:- Gives each participant a sticker. - Tells them that you will put it on their foreheads so that they cannot see what it says. - Distributes the labels randomly. - Asks everyone to remain quiet and not reveal to each other what their labels say.When everyone has a label, the educator asks the participants to get up and mill around as if they were in the international seminar or at a party. The participants should not reveal what is on anyone else's label. Then theparticipants will mingle for 4 to 5 minutes. Later on the educator asks them to return to their seats without looking at their labels.The educator asks the following questions: How were you feeling? Without looking at your label, do you know what it says? How do you know?All of you who think you have the "Turn away from me" label, please come and stand together in front of the room. How did you feel?Participants will look at their labels now. Before the debriefing session the educator will explain that all of us have experienced times when we felt like we were wearing a "Turn away from me" label — when we felt left out or targeted. However, some groups experience this more than others, even regularly.
As a young citizen, I take part in decision-making processes at local and/or national levels.I participate actively in civil actions/initiatives / organizations in the field of environment and sustainability.I take part in actions/initiatives which contribute to the involvement of young people in civic actions.I am taking part in several activities for community developmentI actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideasI help others understand the importance of having a growth mindset and support the internalization of the concept.
Encourage participants to observe and interpret body language cues effectively to coordinate and find their place in the queue smoothly.Remind participants to remain patient and adaptable, as non-verbal communication might require some trial and error before successfully organizing themselves alphabetically.
Materials: Paper & Pen(optional)
Duration: 15 min
Burger Evaluation
TOP BUN (Define what are 1-2 things that you would do differently next time in such a situation and why.)MIDDLE PART (Define 1-2 things you did well in this situation, why it was good.)BUN (Praise yourself out loud.)
Each group will need 4 papers and Markers
Tips / Remarks
I participate actively in civil actions/initiatives / organizations in the field of environment and sustainabilityI am taking part in several activities for community developmentI take part in various actions in solidarity with different groups in my communityI am encouraging others to be involved in solidarity activities and projects
I encourage other people to contribute to the improvement of political and socio-economic developments.I take initiative to raise the active participation of vulnerable groups in my society.I take part in civic actions about the law of reason and consequencesI take part in civic actions about the law of reason and consequencesI contribute to raising the consciousness of society about equal rights for all groups.I am motivating and engaging others to defend their rights as citizens, and in case of need I’m offering support and guidanceI take action effectively to reach civic goals.
Examples of materials that can be given to participants: Straws, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, rubber bands, paper clips, clothespins, paper (A4 sheets, colored paper, newspapers, etc.), sticky notes, binder clips, envelopes, string or yarn, tape (masking, office, duct tape), empty rolls from toilet paper or paper towels, plastic cups, plastic spoons or forks, aluminum foil, balloons, ping pong balls, empty cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, cans, old magazines or catalogs, stones, sticks or twigs, pinecones, marbles.
The number of materials for each group should be the same. However, there are 2 variants of how it can look like. 1. each team gets the same materials and the same number of them, e.g. 4 books, 4 glasses, 4 sheets of paper. 2. each group gets the same number of materials but different ones e.g. group 1 gets 4 pieces of paper, 4 glasses, 4 books, group 2 gets 4 books, 4 straws, 4 plates etc.
Materials: Printed tasks that are designed for this exercise; 4-5 board game units. Writing tools, printers, PCs with internet access.
Prepare the space and materials for Simulation Game according the description in Annex 1.
Tips / Remarks
Duration: 20 min
Palm print
Prepare A5 white papers and markers . Ask participants to sit down in a circle . Give one piece of paper and marker to each of them . Show them an example . They need to put their palm down on the paper and draw the copy (print) of their palm . Once everybody finishes remind them the passed day and workshops and explain what they may reflect on and what they should express on the palm using fingers as symbols . I Like – the most useful workshop/activity/game/moments which participants like the most from the past day.To point out – what should be improved, what could be done better, using other way, another idea.I did not like – the less useful workshops/activity/game/task which participants did not like to work on.Remember – something which I will take home from this day, which I will remember the most.Too less – what participants miss, what was not enough explained or developed.
As a young citizen, I take part in decision-making processes at local and/or national levelsI am easily accepting and deal with ambiguity and changeI actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideas
I can articulate strong and solid arguments and statements for my position in oral and written form.I choose the right wording when speaking in meetings and with the decision-makersI can facilitate a group of young people for an advocacy campaignI can support and consult others on how to influenceI can estimate the results of certain planned actionsI can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problemsI’m listening with engagement, confirmed by non-verbal means of expression; when asked to do so, I’m able to paraphrase the statements of other group members and identifies the main threads in themI can maintain contact with the audience and focus on the message at the same timeI can evaluate the quality of one’s speechI can make allies and develop common strategiesI can choose and describe to potential partners the benefits of our cooperationI’m able to prevent the escalation of the conflictI can facilitate the others to deal with the conflict and find a common resolutionI can engage in common work with others and actively participate in solving common problemsI have coordinated of different projects and initiativesI can disseminate knowledge and experience in coordination, with usage of various useful toolsI encourage and support others to be proactiveI can define my goals and make their implementation plan
in the society and can analyze how the media influences my personal and social life.I can analyze different contexts of media publication.I can determine which media types are more correct and objective.I can check the credibility to validate the information being used as facts.I can help others to use different types of media.
K1 - Knowledge of the European common values and understanding of democratic processes K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-making S2 - Ability to distinguish a fact from an opinion S22 - Use of different methods of reasoning (e.g. inductive and deductive) A4 - Belief in the importance of youth participation for a sustainable democratic culture A5 - Respect for human rights, human dignity, and the rule of law as a principle of democracy
Before starting this activity, it is important that you choose a suitable venue. The ideal place will be a large training room, but if it is not available, you can use an outdoor space. You need a large space where you can set up two lines, preferably 15 meters apart, but the minimum acceptable distance is 10 meters. To mark these lines, choose tape, rope or something else that is clearly visible and long.
Tips / Remarks
Duration: 15 min
Energizer "Penguins and Pelicans"
All participants are penguins and need to move around the space as penguins. One person has the role of a pelican who is trying to catch the penguins. The penguin which cas catched by pelican became also pelican.Energiser is finished when all participants become pelicans
Questions for debriefing:
- What emotions did you feel while watching this video?
- How does the video reflect the reality of your schools?
- Why do you think this is happening?
- What can we do in order to change the curren situation in our schools and make it more democratic?
- What is the role of the pupil council in this?
- What can you do to support the desired changes?
Tips / Remarks
I can create statements integrating both facts and my point of viewI can identify indicators of success and evaluate something based on those criteriaI can explain lessons learned from the conflict to all the parties.I’m able to prevent the escalation of the conflict.I can use different methods of conflict solving / conflict management/conflict resolution.I can organize social events for multicultural groupsI can adapt and integrate myself to cultural differences in teamwork / working togetherI can facilitate work in the multicultural environmentI can select/choose the proper tools to reflect my own behavior and learn from the experienceI can learn in collaboration with othersI can evaluate my feedback to other people and evaluate when others give feedback to meI can assess myself to point out my own strong sides and weaknessesI can give feedback to people in the group, indicating the positive aspects of cooperation and the difficulties encountered
K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-making K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S12 - Conflict resolution skills S15 - Ability to give and receive feedback S22 - Use of different methods of reasoning (e.g. inductive and deductive) S23 - Designing, implementing, and evaluating solutions A2 - Interest and desire given to engagement in all forms of decision-making A11 - Sense of solidarity A12 - Openness for all kinds of diversity
Materials: Notepads, pens.
Duration: 50 min
European Parliament Discussion and Decision Making
a. Make sure the European Parliament has structured discussions. b. Encourage informed decisions based on simulation information.
Have your team stand in a circle and hold hands with two people who are not standing next to them. Then, challenge them to untangle themselves without letting go of hands. This activity encourages communication, problem-solving, and teamwork Ensure participants are comfortable with physical contact. Be prepared to intervene if participants struggle with communication or get frustrated. Observe to ensure everyone is actively engaged.
I can analyze different contexts of media publication.I understand the role of the media in society and can analyze how the media influences my personal and social lifeI know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from others.
Materials: Flipchart; Paper; Markers;
Derdians and Engineers
1. Running the simulation activity between the participating teamsSee Instructions from the Annex 1.2. Debriefing3. Introducing and explaining the notions of communication, active listening and explaining what types of communication are used in everyday life. Working in small groups of 4-6 people with the task to reflect on certain situations that occurred and how their communication was within them, and afterwards, they will try to create messages in the style of non-violent communication and formulate them according to the model observation, feelings, needs and requirements. At the end each group will present the results of discussion
Questions for debriefing:
- How do I feel after the task?
- What is your mood after the task? Why?
- It is important that the participants should express their emotion / mood (depending on group’s ability to reflect on the task).
- Ask for the reasons (which group members made them feel this way).
K9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S4 - Evaluation skills S8 - Active listening (including observing skills) S27 - Ability to set goals and plan S28 - Ability to accomplish learning tasks independently or in cooperative learning A13 - Openness for ambiguity and change A17 - Self-efficacy A18 - Responsibility for one’s own learning process and also for the learning process of others
2. Debriefing3. The educator will introduce the theoretical information about youth participation with the focus on Roger Hart's ladder of participation and encouraging the participants to refer their real life experience examples to each layer of the ladder and give examples of activities for each layer of the ladder.
movie “School Factory”
1. The projection of the short
Youth Participation
I can describe methods/strategies of advocacy and lobbying and I can explainthe differences between them. I know how to cooperate and approach different stakeholders.I know how to improve the understanding of others about advocacy and lobbying and how to make a choice between strategies.I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from othersI know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communicationI know how to improve communication with others.
NAOMIE is a methodology of planning. Facilitator should present this on projector or flipchart (easier projector to have more info). Before presenting every participant should take printed paper with naomie.Ensure everyone has the printed materials before starting. Encourage participants to ask questions and engage in discussion. Verify that participants understand each element of the NAOMIE method.
This stage include discussion with participants about lobby and advocacy, differences betweeen lobby and advocacy theory.The educator will introduce the theoretical information about lobby, advocacy, differences between them, etc.After this participants will be divided into groups to discuss what are the problems that young people identify in their community and how they can solve them using lobbing and advocacy.
Materials: Flipchart, Board marker
Duration: 50 min
Group Work
Questions: 1- What is Civic/Social participation? 2- What challenges do we or someone else encountering in real life? 3- What are we doing for these challenges as young people? The educator will divide the participants into 4-5 groups and ask the questions above. The participants will work as groups and prepare a presentation related these questions. Then each group will present theirgroup works. Instructions: 5 min Group Work 25 min Presentations and Discussion: 20 min
S26 - Ability to reflect on the own behaviorS28 - Ability to accomplish learning tasks independently or in cooperative learning A1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exception.A5 - Respect for human rights, human dignity, and the rule of law as a principle of democracy A9 - Defend my rights and responsibilities as a citizen A11 - Sense of solidarity A12 - Openness for all kinds of diversity A14 - Internalization of the culture of peace and non-violence
K1 - Knowledge of the European common values and understanding of democratic processes K3 - Knowledge about current & historical socio-political situations K6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsK9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S2 - Ability to distinguish a fact from an opinion S4 - Evaluation skills S12 - Conflict resolution skills S13 - Taking action to achieve synergies S14 - Ability to deal with multicultural groups S15 - Ability to give and receive feedback
Emphasize the importance of safety during the game, reminding participants to be mindful of their surroundings and to avoid any risky behavior while moving chairs or avoiding the zombie.Encourage participants to strategize and communicate effectively with each other to outmaneuver the zombie and keep the empty chair as far away as possible.
Duration: 30 min
My guns fighting with a lion
The first step is an individual task. Participants sit in a circle. The educator distributes a piece of paper and a pencil to each participant. The educator tells the participants that they have three minutes to write down as many of their good/positive qualities as possible. The educator records the time, says "Let's start" and then the participants start writing. After three minutes, the educator says "Stop". Second step. The educator asks the participants to count how many of their good qualities they have written down. Participants say out loud how many characteristics they managed to write down.The third step. The educator explains to the participants that the good qualities they wrote down are their inner weapon, their strength in the fight against the "lion", i.e. stress, misfortunes, trials. If the participant writes down up to 10 good qualities, then he/she fights against the „lion“ as if with a stick or a stone. This means that the participant has to devote more time to getting to know himself/herself and discovering his/her strengths, because he/she faces a great danger of "being eaten by a lion".The fourth step. The educator asks the participants to read the written characteristics one after the other. Other participants listen, and when they hear a characteristic that suits them, they write it down, i.e. adds up to 20 characteristics to their list.
I am easily accepting and deal with ambiguity and change.I can organize and evaluate my learning processI believe in the importance of change and the development of my perspective, abilities, and behaviors over time.
I can verify and identify the causes of the problem and specify the underlying causesI can operationalize the problem by indicating the various elements of the solution: concerned group, context, possible outcomesI can use a variety of strategies (methods) to solve the problem and selects them according to the problem's specificity and contextIn proposing solutions, I can take into consideration different perspectives for understanding the problemI generate a wide variety of ideas on how to solve the problem, then independently plan actions to solve it and implement this plan, dealing with difficulties as they ariseI can define my goals and make their implementation planI’m able to prevent the escalation of the conflictI can ask appropriate questions and paraphrase for clarification to bring an understanding of what others want to sayI can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problems
Advocacy Plan
Participants working in small groups of 4-6 people to identify problems that young people face in their communities, how they can solve them using lobby and advocacy and crate the advocacy plan. At the end each group will present the results of discussion
I can adapt and integrate myself to cultural differences in teamwork / working togetherI can give feedback to people in the group, indicating the positive aspects of cooperation and the difficulties encountered I can evaluate my feedback to other people and evaluate when others give feedback to meI’m listening with engagement, confirmed by non-verbal means of expression; when asked to do so, I’m able to paraphrase the statements of other group members and identifies the main threads in themI can ask appropriate questions and paraphrase for clarification to bring an understanding of what others want to say
I can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problems.I can moderate others to formulate their statements and arguments.I can make allies and develop common strategies.I can choose and describe to potential partners the benefits of our cooperation.I can involve partners and build a platform to cooperate and share strategies.I can initiate and develop a stable collaboration with the same partners in various initiatives.
Start playing the game with the participants: Adventures of Literatus
Duration: 60 min
Check it, buddy! Presentations
Materials: 2 tables, paper, markers
Duration: 1 hour 20 min
Interview with the European Commission
The group that is the European Commission in this simulation is interviewing countries all at once. a. Make sure the European Commission is prepared to conduct interviews. b. Encourage countries to provide country-specific information.
Prepared questions, notepads, pens. Groups will take turns to be interviewed by the simulated European Commission. They will present their country-specific information and respond to questions and challenges.
I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from others.I know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communicationI know how to improve communication with othersI share my theoretical and practical knowledge about how to communicate properly
I understand and can explain the importance of youth participation in the decision-making processesI can identify different levels of youth participation in decision-making processes and provide examples of good practicesI understand the consequences of the historical and socio-political eventsI can define the links between historical events and the current socio-political situationI analyze (understand) the purpose of the democratic processes and can reflect on the result of their functioningI illustrate and evaluate the examples of the European common valuesI can structure differences and correlations between certain social and cultural groupsI know how to behave in a multicultural environment to not provoke conflicts and misunderstandingI understand the concept of equality and how to react to all aspects of discrimination
10 min - Teams discuss among themselves whether they think the information in the scenario is valid, and why. Each team should write down their conclusion and the reasons behind it. remember to give each team materials for that.15 min - Each team then presents their conclusion and reasoning After that present one more scenario to participants and the process repeats
Gameplay: Present a scenario to the group. Each team discusses among themselves whether they think the information in the scenario is valid, and why. During the discussion each team writes down the most important points and conclusions of their discussion. Each team then presents their conclusion and reasoning. Discuss each team's reasoning as a group, focusing on the thought process and critical thinking skills used. Assign points based on the depth of the analysis, the validity of the conclusion, and the strength of the reasoning. The goal here is not to "get it right," but to demonstrate good critical thinking skills. Presenting scenario - 5 min
Presenting of the rules - 10 min Objective: This game aims to encourage participants to question the validity of different sources of information and critically think about the evidence presented to them.
Materials: Several pre-written scenarios (either printouts or written on a whiteboard). Pens and paper for each participant. Chairs, tables.
Duration: 1 h 12 min
Detective Chronicles game
I can contribute to the culture of peace and non-violence by organizing and leading a constructive discussion about peace and non-violence.I support other people’s self-development in the field of culture of peace and non-violence.I raise awareness among members of my community on all aspects of discrimination.I am motivating and engaging others to defend their rights as citizens, in case of need I’m offering support and guidance
I take the initiative to raise the active participation of vulnerable groups in my societyI contribute to raising the consciousness of society about equal rights for all groupsI participate actively in civil actions/initiatives / organizations in the field of environment and sustainabilityI run awareness-raising activities on environmental issues for the people in my societyI take part in activities devoted to the promotion of human rights, human dignity, and the rule of lawI guide other people to take part in activities devoted to the promotion of human rights, human dignity, and the rule of lawI am defending both my and others’ rights. I take action if there is a violation of my rightsI can contribute to the culture of peace and non-violence by organizing and leading a constructive discussion about peace and non-violenceI support other people’s self-development in the field of culture of peace and non-violence
I’m listening with engagement, confirmed by non-verbal means of expression; when asked to do so, I’m able to paraphrase the statements of other group members and identifies the main threads in themI can educate others to choose the proper measures of planningI select and try out a variety of learning techniques, based on their relevance to the chosen objective, their effectiveness, and my own preferences.I can identify indicators of success and evaluate something based on those criteria.
K9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S3 - Ability to draw conclusions S4 - Evaluation skills S25 - Ability to assess the quality of my own work S26 - Ability to reflect on the own behavior S27 - Ability to set goals and plan S29 - Having resilience skills A13 - Openness for ambiguity and change A18 - Responsibility for one’s own learning process and also for the learning process of others
Printed forms to fill for each participantMarkers, photo camera, tape
Tips / Remarks
I raise awareness among members of my community on all aspects of discrimination.I can structure differences and correlations between certain social and cultural groups.
At the beginning, they have time to familiarize themselves with the debate topic/problem and prepare arguments for the debate.
Negotiation Round - 40 min - Groups engage in negotiation sessions with each other, seeking common ground and exchanging proposals. - The moderator of the debate has the task of leading the debate by giving everyone a say and making sure that someone does not stray from the topic.
Preparation - 20 min: - Each group studies their information packets and prepares to articulate their group’s perspective. - Teams identify key arguments to support their stakeholder’s interests and possible compromises they might accept.
Presenting the rules - 10 min: - Explain the goal of the workshop: to negotiate a common agreement on a civic policy issue by considering the perspectives of different stakeholders.
Dividing the participants - 2 min: - Participants are divided into small groups of 3-4 members. - 1 person is moderator of the debate - Each group is assigned a stakeholder role with specific interests to represent (e.g., youth, seniors, business owners, environmentalists).
Setup before the session: - Arrange the workshop space to facilitate group discussions and presentations. - Create information packets for each stakeholder group with relevant data and perspectives on the issue.
Materials: Paper and writing materials; Chairs, tables
Duration: 55 min
Interest group debate
Presenting the two concepts of Negotiation and Persuasions – Definition and differences. - “Things that should be clear before going into negotiating”. - Goals, trades, alternatives, relationships, expected outcomes, consequences, power, possible solutions, what is unacceptable. - “What is a common benefit?” - “Types of negotiation” - “Unethical – “Dirty” negotiation tactics.”etc.
Materials: Flipchart, markers. Remember to prepare in advance and read about these concepts so that you can present this clearly and lucidly to the participants
Duration: 40 min
Lecture and presentation
I understand the meaning of the term “democratic processes” and can identify some of them.I know how to get involved in the decision-making processes. I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from others. I know how to improve the strengths of others and help them to cope with their weaknesses.
5 questions/commands: List in order 5 most important people to you. What are in order your five most important values in life? List in order the five activities that bring you most joy. What are in order the five most important goals you want to achieve in the coming year?List in order five things you would like to change in your life.
Create a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere where participants feel comfortable acknowledging both strengths and areas for improvement.Offer prompts or examples to help participants articulate their thoughts and experiences during each part of the evaluation process.
Tips / Remarks
Background Information: - NGO Details: - Objective: Plant fields under the Green Deal initiative. - Land Owned: 60m² next to a river. - Land Value: 40 €/m², owing to fertile soil. - Company Details: - Objective: Expand operations by building a factory. - Land Owned: 20m², located 100m from the river. - Land Value: 30 €/m². The land is fertile, but the company has no interest in agriculture.
I understand and can explain the importance of youth participation in the decision-making processesI can identify different levels of youth participation in decision-making processes and provide examples of good practicesI know how to get involved in the decision-making processes.I can structure differences and correlations between certain social and cultural groupsI know how to behave in a multicultural environment to not provoke conflicts and misunderstandingI understand the concept of equality and how to react to all aspects of discriminationI can define the links between historical events and the current socio-political situation
I know my strengths and weaknesses. I know how to cope with my weaknesses and how to develop my strengths. I can explain which values and beliefs I stand for.
Materials: Flipchart and Markers
Tips / Remarks
I can structure differences and correlations between certain social and cultural groupsI know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from others
Materials: Printed qr codes or a projector with a laptop
Duration: 20 min
Preparation: Make sure there is coverage or internet at the location where you are conducting the workshop. In order to make it easier for participants to access the assessment page, you can prepare qr codes, after scanning which it will redirect them to the assessment page. They can be printed or you can display it on an overhead projector. If you know all the participants and have a group chat (for example on facebook or other platform) with them, you can also send them a link to it on it. Make sure that each participant will have the opportunity to conduct the assessment on their own, if not you can share your laptop or phone.Conducting the assessment: Once everyone has the assessment on their device tell them at the beginning that they will get the result at the very end and I need to memorize it or take a screenshot. Remember to let them think about the answers in peace don't interfere but if there are any questions be ready to answer them.
I can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problemsI can use different methods of conflict solving / conflict management/conflict resolutionI’m able to prevent the escalation of the conflictI can give feedback to people in the group, indicating the positive aspects of cooperation and the difficulties encounteredI can verify and identify the causes of the problem and specify the underlying causesI can use various tools to explain a problem from multiple perspectives (e.g. analogies, metaphors, visualizations)I can operationalize the problem by indicating the various elements of the solution: concerned group, context, possible outcomesI can use a variety of strategies (methods) to solve the problem and selects them according to the problem's specificity and contextI generate a wide variety of ideas on how to solve the problem, then independently plan actions to solve it and implement this plan, dealing with difficulties as they arise
A13 - Openness for ambiguity and changeA15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of othersA18 - Responsibility for one’s own learning process and also for the learning process of othersA19 - Growth mindset
K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations K9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S3 - Ability to draw conclusions S4 - Evaluation skills S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S13 - Taking action to achieve synergies S21 - Understanding and analyzing the problem S25 - Ability to assess the quality of my own work S28 - Ability to accomplish learning tasks independently or in cooperative learning
Debriefing will be focused using the following questions: 1. How do you feel after watching the movie? 2. Were there any particular scenes or moments in the film that stood out to you as particularly impactful or memorable?3. What do you think was the film’s central message? 4. What is your understanding of the role and purpose of lobbying?5. How did the movie portray the tactics used by lobbyists to influence decisions?6. Did the movie change your perception about the role of a lobbyist?7. What did you get from watching this film? How will you use these findings?
Tips / Remarks
I can check the credibility to validate the information being used as facts.I can explain to others how to make a conclusion based on facts.I can determine which media types are more correct and objective.I can collaborate via different types of media.
K10 - Knowledge on advocacy and Lobbying S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S10 - Networking A1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exception.A8 - Awareness of the law of reason and consequences
Materials: Flipchart, Markers;
Tips / Remarks
I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from othersI know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communicationI know how to get involved in the decision-making processes
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE EDUCATOR Check the toolkit for fact-checkers made by Bellingcat:
I can articulate strong and solid arguments and statements for my position in oral and written form.I can choose tasks according to my strengths and if necessary, explain my difficultiesI can engage in common work with others and actively participate in solving common problems.
Encourage participants to fully immerse themselves in their roles, considering the perspectives and interests of the citizens they represent.Create a conducive environment for the council meeting, ensuring seating arrangements allow for easy communication and interaction among participants.Empower the Mayor to effectively facilitate the meeting, ensuring they maintain order, adhere to the agenda, and provide equal opportunities for all participants to express their views.Facilitate a debriefing session after the council meeting, allowing participants to reflect on their experiences, discuss the outcomes, and identify lessons learned for future simulations or real-life scenarios.
Tips / Remarks
I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from others.I know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communicationI know how to improve communication with others
This energizer is a great way to get participants moving, engaged, and focused. It's suitable for various settings, including team-building activities, workshops, or as a quick break during a meeting. The ball, pen, and yarn add a dynamic element and help create a lively atmosphere.
Writing materials
Connection between values and balance:Participants are working individually. Educator is asking questions to participants. How they can connect their values to the balance. Where they see a need for improvement. Did they see that they put important value for them but don’t put too much effort into that etc. Give participants 10 minutes for that.
S19 - Coordination skills S23 - Designing, implementing, and evaluating solutions S28 - Ability to accomplish learning tasks independently or in cooperative learning A2 - Interest and desire given to engagement in all forms of decision-making A3 - Concern for the environment and willingness to action A4 - Belief in the importance of youth participation for a sustainable democratic culture. A10 - Awareness of one's sense of community A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others A19 - Growth mindset
K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations K9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S3 - Ability to draw conclusions S4 - Evaluation skills S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S7 - Sharing understanding S12 - Conflict resolution skills S13 - Taking action to achieve synergies S15 - Ability to give and receive feedbackS16 - Ability to engage effectively with others in common interests
Participants will have 60 minutes to prepare. At the end of the time, the participants will present their virtual community at the “community fair” which will be placed at the corner of the room. Each group are asked to hang their community posters on the wall at the fair corner. Participants will have all the materials like cardboard papers, coloured papers, coloured board markers etc. And to create a community profile, participants can use the Internet to find the necessary information about their community.
This exercise is carried out in 4 sub-groups of 3 to 6 people each, depending on the number of participants. The educator explains to the participants that they will create their own virtual community in groups. The target audience will be the same for all groups, but the purpose of each group's will be different. This virtual community will appeal to a wide audience, targeting young people with no specific limitations based on the age range of 13 - 30. After the groups have been divided, the tasks of the groups will be given. ( Annex-1)
Materials: Flip chart, Cardboard papers, coloured papers, coloured board markers, pen, smart phones, wifi connection
Duration: 80 min
The Profile of my Virtual Community
Materials: Flip chart, Cardboard papers, coloured papers, coloured board markers, pen, smart phones, wifi connection
Duration: 90 min
The Profile of my Community
This exercise will be carried out in sub-groups of 3 to 6 people each, depending on the number of participants. The educator explains that participants will create their own community in groups. And there is a profile paper that they need to fill in, which contains 10 headings ( Annex-1) such as community settlement, demographics, culture, religious institutions and activities, government system, health system, formal social welfare system, informal support system etc. Participants will have 60 minutes to prepare. At the end of the time, the participants will present their virtual community in the “community fair” which will be placed at the corner of the room. Each group are asked to hang their community posters on the wall at the fair corner. Participants will have all the materials like cardboard papers, coloured papers, coloured board markers etc. And to create a community profile, participants can use the Internet to find the necessary information about their community. The presentations will be presented one after the other. During the fair, participants can ask questions to learn more about the presented community.Each group will have 5 minutes.
Encourage participants to come up with creative and humorous ways to resist smiling, adding to the fun and enjoyment of the game.Use the activity as an opportunity for group bonding and building trust, as participants work together to resist smiling and keep the game going.
Tips / Remarks
Materials: Laptop with internet connection and projector
Duration: 75 min
Youthification of minds: Presenations
Participants should try to follow the educator when s/he shows the steps on the screen. Better if they have laptops.Participants are invited to explore the fact-checking toolkitParticipants are divided into small groups of 4-5 personas and each group has 20 minutes to identify the locations from the given photos (max. 8 photos should be given).Each group will have 5 min to present the results of group work.
Encourage the participant in the middle to make a variety of statements about themselves, covering different interests, preferences, and experiences to keep the game interesting and engaging. Keep the pace of the game lively and upbeat to maintain energy levels and enthusiasm among participants.
Tips / Remarks
After discussing the topics, ask participants to create a personal action plan. They should consider how they can apply what they'velearned during the workshop to their personal, academic, or professional lives.
I know how to cope with my weaknesses and how to develop my strengths.I know how to improve the strengths of others and help them to cope with their weaknesses
S19 - Coordination skills S23 - Designing, implementing, and evaluating solutions S28 - Ability to accomplish learning tasks independently or in cooperative learning A2 - Interest and desire given to engagement in all forms of decision-making A3 - Concern for the environment and willingness to action A4 - Belief in the importance of youth participation for a sustainable democratic culture. A10 - Awareness of one's sense of community A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others A19 - Growth mindset
K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations K9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S3 - Ability to draw conclusions S4 - Evaluation skills S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S7 - Sharing understanding S12 - Conflict resolution skills S13 - Taking action to achieve synergies S15 - Ability to give and receive feedbackS16 - Ability to engage effectively with others in common interests
I contribute to raising the consciousness of society about equal rights for all groupsAs a young citizen, I take part in decision-making processes at local and/or national levels.I take part in activities devoted to the promotion of human rights, human dignity, and the rule of lawI stand for and contribute to political and socio-economic developmentI encourage other people to contribute to the improvement of political and socioeconomic developmentsI always vote or have a clear civic position about electionsI influence other people to become aware of their civic position and encourage them to express itI take part in civic actions about the law of reason and consequencesI organize/lead/run awareness-raising activities/training awareness of others about the law of reason and its consequencesI am taking part in several activities for community development
Duration: Chairs, Loudspeaker
Duration: 20 min
Musical Chair
A well-known children’s game. A circle of chairs facing outwards, with one less chairs than the number of actors playing, a dancing music is played and people are dancing around the chairs. When the music stops all the players try to get a seat, one person is left without a chair and leaves the game. Next round, one chair removes from the circle, music starts people dance, music stops people sit, one person without chair leaves the game. Its goes like that until one person left, and this person is declared as winner.Firstly the game will be played as usual. Then the Game will be played one more time but this time more inclusive. Everything start the same. Circle of Chairs, music plays, people dance, music stops , people sits and one person is out of chair. At this point the participants will be asked to involve this person somehow in the circle. Next round, one chair will be removed and when the music stops the group must involve 2 people. It goes like that until one or two chair left and all players tries to involve each other.
Establish a positive and inclusive atmosphere where all participants feel encouraged to participate and support each other, regardless of the outcome of the duels.
The presentations will be presented one after the other. During the fair, participants can ask questions to learn more about the presented community. Each group will have 5 minutes.
1. Purpose and target group, (please be specific) 2. Platform Section, 3. Content and Engagement Strategy, 4. Cybersecurity and Privacy, 5. Moderation and Management, 6. Community engagement (participation, inclusion, diversity),7. Analyse and Improve
There are 7 headlines that each of the groups need to fill in during this exercise:
At the end of the session, participants will complete the same questionnaire to do a post-activity evaluation.Example questions:
- What are the examples of youth participation in your country?
- How can young people participate in decision-making?
- What are the mechanisms for promoting the participation of young people?
- What does volunteering mean?
- What are the forms of volunteering?
- What skills can be developed through volunteer activities?
Tips / Remarks
Divide participants into two groups. Introduce the rules to the participants. They will be showing a Knight, a dragon, a princess so you need to determine with the participants how to introduce each of these characters at the beginning. After that, explain that the dragon defeats the princess, the Knight defeats the dragon, the Princess delights the knights. Each group has a moment to discuss who they want to show (about 30 s - 1 min). After this time, on your cue as a group and both groups at the same time show who they chose and the one who won gets a point. Determining how many points the activity goes up to a good idea is to make the activity go up to 3 points.
Duration: 5 min
Energizer Princess, dragon, knight
K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations K10 - Knowledge on advocacy and Lobbying S9 - Making public statements and speaking S23 - Designing, implementing, and evaluating solutions S31 - Coping with ambiguity A1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exception.A6 - Interest in political and socioeconomic developments A8 - Awareness of the law of reason and consequences A9 - Defend my rights and responsibilities as a citizen A17 - Self-efficacy
I take part in various actions in solidarity with different groups in my communityI am encouraging others to be involved in solidarity activities and projectsI promote all kinds of diversity and stand for the rights of all community membersAs a young citizen, I take part in decision-making processes at local and/or national levels
I can describe methods/strategies of advocacy and lobbying and explain the differences between them.I know how to cooperate and approach different stakeholders.I know how to improve the understanding of others about advocacy and lobbying and how to make a choice between the strategies.
I know how to get involved in the decision-making processesI lead some decision-making processes in my communityand/or facilitate the involvement of youth in themI know how to behave in a multicultural environment to not provoke conflicts and misunderstandingI know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communication.I know how to improve the strengths of others and help them to cope with their weaknesses
4. Give a written document with the flow of the council. (you may find the handouts below)- Rules of discussions and objections process - Total Duration of the City Council ( 60 min); - Time for the speeches ( 2 or 3 min depend on the number of participants)- Voting system 5. Use the preparation phase to set up the space for the “Council Meeting”. Ideally people should sit in a semi-circle or horseshoe shape, with the Mayor at the front, in a slightly elevated position. Parties or groups should be able to sit together, and you should place their name-tags on the tables in front.6. After the group works, participants gathered in the council and Mayor is invited to start the session in the council. Mayor follows the agenda, invite people one by one for their speeches and lead the voting process.7. When the votes have been counted and the result declared, the Council is closed.
Duration: 100 min
City Council of Sleepyville
Instructions 1. Explain that all participants are citizens of Sleepyville City and Distribute to the participants different role-cards2. Give the participants written agenda of the council which is expected to be discussed and decided today in the council. The agenda :(i) Permission to build a mosque in the town; (ii) if the permission is given then where to build it, if the permission is not given then how to deal / communicate with the Muslim community.3. Indicate where people and groups can meet up beforehand, and where the “Council Meeting” will take place later. Explain that there will be 30 minutes before the actual meeting so that people can meet with other citizens, prepare what they want to say, decide how they want to vote and lobbying.
Duration: 20 min
Passport game
Each participant is given by one blank sheet and asked to write his name. Everyone holding his/her sheet is asked to stand up, go into the middle of the room, music starts playing and everyone is dancing, walking and exchanging their sheets as long as music is playing.Music stops and everyone has one sheet in a hand. If it's your name on it - quickly change it with someone. Find person who's name is on a sheet you have and interview him to fill "About" section and "Country" - write country name and draw a flag. Everyone is asked to dance again, exchanging sheets while music is playing. When music stops, everyone is asked to find the sheet with his name and to stand in a circle not beside a person you know already. Then exchange the sheets with person standing to right hand to you and interview him to fill the rest fields of the sheet "Experience ", "Life Moto", "Childhood game".Everyone hangs their filled sheets on the wall. Photo of every participant is taken and sticked to their passports.
Participants are divided into four groups, each representing a fictional company. Each group is given a set of construction materials. The groups are tasked with building the tallest tower using the provided materials within a specified time limit.Groups can exchange materials among themselves, but only at designated times that are shown in the flow exercise. This is based on the fact that at the beginning the group appoints one person who will be their representative. The first exchange is between specific groups, for example, group 2 with 4 and 1 with 3. In the first exchange, groups exchange only one thing. During the second exchange the groups exchange 2 things however now they can do it with any group. During the 3rd exchange each group must exchange 5 things. Remember to allow time for participants to exchange and for discussion it can be between 3 and 5 minutes for each round of exchanges. Remember also that each group must give a designated number of things there can be no situation where any group brings more or less things.
Duration: 57 min
Tower Building Challenge
The European Parliament will discuss and make decisions about the countries' EU accession.
Gadgets connected to the Internet are required
K2 - Knowledge and understanding of civic space concept K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-makingK8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S7 - Sharing understanding S12 - Conflict resolution skills S21 - Understanding and analyzing the problem S22 - Use of different methods of reasoning (e.g. inductive and deductive) S23 - Designing, implementing, and evaluating solutions S27 - Ability to set goals and plan A3 - Concern for the environment and willingness to action A13 - Openness for ambiguity and change A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others A16 - Responsibility in actions
Materials: Paper and writing material
Duration: 25 min
Plan to make life-balance
Gather participants in the circle give them sheets of paper and makers pens. This part of module is focused in individual work. At the beginning as a brain teaser and as a prolog to creation of plan to make life balance ask participants this 5 questions/commands.Give to write down answers 3 minutes per question/command.After that give participants 10 minutes that they will think and write down how they can achieve goals, spend more time with family etc. improve themselves in that fields that they chose, using knowledge that they learned in this module. Tell them to write concrete actions that they will take to achieve that.
Materials: Chairs
All you need to play this fun energizer is a wide area and chairs. You count how many people participate in the game and provide all the players with a chair. Choose a person who will be called a zombie. The chairs are placed randomly throughout the room. One chair remains free. All players sit on a chair except for the zombie.
Duration: 15 min
Zombie Energizer
The zombie will have to cross the room from one end to the other end, towards the empty seat. The other players can move from one chair to another, with the goal of having the empty chair as far away as possible from the Zombie. The game ends when the zombie manages to sit on an empty chair. Players are not allowed to use their hands or feet to prevent the zombie from sitting but can only use verbal communication.
Set clear expectations and guidelines for feedback, ensuring that it is constructive, respectful, and focused on personal growth and development.Consider varying the questions based on the goals of the group and the dynamics of the participants, allowing for flexibility in the feedback process.
Tips / Remarks
I work for raising awareness of others’ sense of community.I take part in various actions in solidarity with different groups in my community.I promote all kinds of diversity and stand for the rights of all community members.
Ensure that the music played is upbeat and engaging to maintain energy levels and keep participants actively dancing and moving around the chairs.Monitor the game closely to ensure safety, especially when participants are rushing to find a chair when the music stops.
Tips / Remarks
Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the concepts of negotiation and persuasion, including their definitions, differences, and common tactics, to ensure a clear and coherent presentation to participants.Utilize visual aids such as flipcharts and markers to enhance understanding and engagement during your lecture, and encourage interactive discussions to reinforce learning.
I promote all kinds of diversity and stand for the rights of all community membersI motivate others to accept all kinds of diversity of all community members and promote it themselvesI actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideasI encourage others to listen and accept other people’s opinions, desires, and beliefsI take part in various actions in solidarity with different groups in my communityI am defending both my and others’ rights. I take action if there is a violation of my rightsI take part in activities devoted to the promotion of human rights, human dignity, and the rule of lawI take the initiative to raise the active participation of vulnerable groups in my society
K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations S2 - Ability to distinguish a fact from an opinion S3 - Ability to draw conclusions S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S7 - Sharing understanding S9 - Making public statements and speaking S11 - Ability to influence others S12 - Conflict resolution skills A2 - Interest and desire given to engagement in all forms of decision-making A13 - Openness for ambiguity and change A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others
Materials: Chairs, table, flipchart, markers
Duration: 25 min
World Cafe description
At each station there is its leader who moderates the discussion at a given table. When the time is up, the group moves to the next table and the table leader stays. Remember to identify the station leader at the very beginning. The leader is responsible for moderating the discussion at the table. Participants discuss the topic and the most important things are written down. The discussion should be open and everyone should be able to speak freely. Participants and the leader write down things related to the topic of the station on a piece of paper/flipchart.
To keep the conversation going ask additional questions. Have you recently encountered a problem at school or elsewhere and how would you solve it now. How would you use the knowledge you have gained in solving problems. Do you think you will work more effectively in a group now, etc.
"Wildlife Warning": You hear from a park ranger that there's a particular type of harmless-looking plant in your local park that's extremely toxic to humans upon touch. "Academic Advice": A recent college graduate tells you that the only way to get a good job is to have a degree from a top-tier university. "Energy Drink Claim": A new energy drink being sold at your local store supposedly increases intelligence and focus if consumed regularly. "Viral Vaccine": You overhear a conversation that the flu vaccine this year is ineffective and is causing more harm than good. "Tech Warning": A tech blog states that using your phone for more than an hour a day will cause severe memory loss over time.
Possible scenarios examples:
"Cutting Classes": A fellow participant insists that the school is planning to remove two core subjects from the curriculum next year due to budget constraints. "New Law": Your cousin tells you about a new law that allegedly allows anyone under 18 to vote in the local elections. "Health Hazard": You read a flyier from a local activist group claiming the tap water in your town is unsafe to drink due to high levels of a certain chemical. "Digital Currency": A friend shares with you that a new digital currency, backed by a famous tech entrepreneur, will increase in value tenfold in the next six months."Healthy Habit": A health magazine claims that sleeping less than five hours a night actually improves brain function and creativity.
I take part in various actions in solidarity with different groups in my communityI promote all kinds of diversity and stand for the rights of all community membersI motivate others to accept all kinds of diversity of all community members and promote it themselvesI can contribute to the culture of peace and non-violence by organizing and leading a
I can present and explain conclusions to others.I can debate and defend conclusions with others based on argumentsI can facilitate others and help them to draw their conclusionsI can frame the issue and analyze and categorize the gathered informationI can estimate the results of certain planned actions.I can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problems.I can moderate others to formulate their statements and arguments.I can ask appropriate questions and paraphrase for clarification to bring an understanding of what others want to sayI can facilitate the understanding of others in the groupI can give feedback to people in the group, indicating the positive aspects of cooperation and the difficulties encounteredIn a teamwork, I can facilitate the others according to their strengths and weaknesses.I can lead the process of engaging the others to work cooperatively on common problemsI can lead a group of coordinatorsI moderate the process to find the most appropriate solutions in a given contextI can explain lessons learned from the conflict to all the partiesI can use different methods of conflict solving / conflict management/conflict resolutionI analyze my own mistakes and conclude further learningI can learn in collaboration with others
Dividing the teams - 2 minOptimal number of participants in the group: 5 per.Presenting the rules - 5 min
Materials: paper, tape, pencils, and rubber bands, random objects (like paperclips, erasers, pens, etc.) spread around a specific area, string, tape, and paper, books, chairs … depending on scenarios played
Participants are survivors of a shipwreck and have washed up on an uninhabited island with limited supplies. Trainer presents the team with a series of problems that they need to solve in order to survive and eventually escape from the island. They can communicate only in the group. Remember that this is a roll-play activity so get the participants into that desert island mood. You can say that you are the captain of the ship that crashed and they are the passengers and assign them tasks of what they have to do. Remember the goal of this activity is that the group will communicate inside the group and try to solve problems. This game is not about communication between groups. Remember each team has a different problem.
Duration: 52 min
Shipwrecked: Survival Problem Solving
I can present and explain conclusions to others.I can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problems.I can understand people's culture (affiliations, standings, environment).I can engage in common work with others and actively participate in solving common problems.
Presentation Phase - 20 min The players enact their plan. Depending on the problem, this might involve role-play, drawing, or physical action. Give each group time to present what they did and what solution they found. It should be between 3-5 minutes
Design Phase: - 20 min Players discuss and design a solution for the problem. They need to consider their limited resources, the skills they possess, and the potential risks. Encourage creativity here and ensure everyone has a say in the solution.
Presentation of scenarios - 5 min Trainer presents a problem scenario. This could be anything from finding a water source, building a shelter, signalling for help, to creating a raft to escape the island. Remember to give each team a different problem.
Start by gathering all participants in a spacious room.Inform them to stand in a circle so that everyone can see and hear each other. Explain the purpose of the class - to exchange knowledge and skills.
Tips / Remarks
As a young citizen, I take part in decision-making processes at local and/or national levels.I participate actively in civil actions/initiatives / organizations in the field of environment and sustainability.I take part in actions/initiatives which contribute to the involvement of young people in civic actions.I am taking part in several activities for community developmentI actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideasI help others understand the importance of having a growth mindset and support the internalization of the concept.
I inspire others to adapt and localize good practices of youth participation to their own realityI understand the concept of equality and how to react to all aspects of discriminationI know where to find volunteering opportunitiesI know how to apply for the support mechanisms for youth
Materials: Laptop, projector, screen, speaker
Movie watching
1. The projection of the film “Miss Sloane”2. Debriefing
I take part in actions/initiatives which contribute to the involvement of young people in civic actions.I contribute to raising awareness across all societies about the importance of youth participation for the sustainability of the democratic culture.
Duration: 60 min
Idea Market
Participants will go through 4 stations where they can win or lose a certain number of banknotes:1. Registration - Here, each team receives an attendance sheet and one pre-activity questionnaire for each member of the team. The purpose of the questionnaire is to assess participants in the field of volunteering . After completing the questionnaires, the teams receive banknotes of 1 for each questionnaire and a passport on which they are listed the other available activities where they can earn more credits.2. Questions - at this station they receive a grid question sheet with answer options.3. Case study - young people draw case sheets which they analyze and then formulate an answer for the taskCase Study - example: Read the case and explain what form of participation is presented and what level of the scale of youth participation it refers to. High school students are invited by the school director to a meeting with a new candidate for the position of mayor of the locality.4. Casino - dice or card games are available. To enter the game they pay credits and if they meet the conditions of the game then these credits are doubled. The chance of meeting the conditions is small, so they learn that in order to accumulate credits it is better to do tasks that are often more cognitively difficult, than to leave everything to luck, running after easy wins.
I actively engage in and search for the learning opportunities available, and I am involved in the lifelong learning process.I am easily accepting and deal with ambiguity and change
K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-makingK6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsK8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations, K9 - Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (strong/weak sides, personal identity...) S13 - Taking action to achieve synergies S14 - Ability to deal with multicultural groups S15 - Ability to give and receive feedback S16 - Ability to engage effectively with others in common interests
S17 - Ability to mobilize others S20 - Ability to take initiative S21 - Understanding and analyzing the problem S22 - Use of different methods of reasoning (e.g. inductive and deductive) S23 - Designing, implementing, and evaluating solutions A3 - Concern for the environment and willingness to action A11 - Sense of solidarity A12 - Openness for all kinds of diversity A13 - Openness for ambiguity and change A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others A17 - Self-efficacy
K6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsS11 - Ability to influence others S13 - Taking action to achieve synergies S16 - Ability to engage effectively with others in common interests A14 - Internalization of the culture of peace and non-violence
Materials: Flipchart; Paper; Markers;
Communicative Competence
Introducing and explaining the notions of communication, active listening and explaining what types of communication are used in everyday life.Working in small groups of 4-6 people with the task to reflect on certain situations that occurred and how their communication was within them, and afterwards, they will try to create messages in the style of non-violent communication and formulate them according to the model observation, feelings, needs and requirements.At the end each group will present the results of discussion
Those participants who wrote down 11 - 20 of their good qualities are stronger against the "lion" and their weapon is a bow and arrows. It might make it a little easier to defend yourself. But they are also advised to spend more time getting to know themselves.Those participants who wrote down more than 20 of their good qualities are relatively safe, because they fight against the "lion" with a rifle.
Tips / Remarks
Duration: 15 min
Tag game
The cards are pieces of paper with a discriminated group on them. The cards should only contain the name of the discriminated group, e.g. gypsies, HIV positive people. There shouldn't be any information about this group because the person doesn't know who they are anyway. Discriminated groups should also depend on the group with which the module is conducted because if you do not have sufficient experience in coaching and dealing with people's emotions, avoid things that may directly cause unpleasant emotions in some participant.
K6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsS3 - Ability to draw conclusions S6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S14 - Ability to deal with multicultural groups S16 - Ability to engage effectively with others in common interests A10 - Awareness of one's sense of community A11 - Sense of solidarity A12 - Openness for all kinds of diversity
I can choose tasks according to my strengths and if necessary, explain my difficultiesIn a teamwork, I can facilitate the others according to their strengths and weaknessesI can adapt and integrate myself to cultural differences in teamwork / working togetherI can give feedback to people in the group, indicating the positive aspects of cooperation and the difficulties encounteredI can evaluate my feedback to other people and evaluate when others give feedback to me.I can engage in common work with others and actively participate in solving common problemsI can lead the process of engaging the others to work cooperatively on common problemsI have experience mobilizing others and taking initiative to achieve goals, and I can provide examples of these actionsI willingly take initiative in different situationsI can use various tools to explain a problem from multiple perspectives (e.g. analogies, metaphors, visualizations)I can operationalize the problem by indicating the various elements of the solution: concerned group, context, possible outcomesI can show others which problem-solving strategies (methods) can be applied to different types of problemsI’m sharing with others problem-solving strategies
K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-makingK7 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to support mechanisms of youth and volunteeringS7 - Sharing understanding S9 - Making public statements and speaking S21 - Understanding and analyzing the problem A4 - Belief in the importance of youth participation for a sustainable democratic culture
K1 - Knowledge of the European common values and understanding of democratic processes K3 - Knowledge about current & historical socio-political situations K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-makingK6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsS6 - Formulation of statements, including construction of arguments S14 - Ability to deal with multicultural groups S21 - Understanding and analyzing the problem S26 - Ability to reflect on the own behavior A1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exceptionA5 - Respect for human rights, human dignity, and the rule of law as a principle of democracy A6 - Interest in political and socioeconomic developments A9 - Defend my rights and responsibilities as a citizen A12 - Openness for all kinds of diversity A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others
K5 - Understanding of the role of media in personal and social life and Knowledge of how to use the media and the Internet for civic purposes K8 - Knowledge how to communicate properly (verbally and nonverbally) in different situations S1 - Ability to search, analyze and select information S2 - Ability to distinguish a fact from an opinion S3 - Ability to draw conclusions S5 - Ability to use different types of media (printed media, radio, TV, internet, etc.) A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others
I know how to get involved in the decision-making processesI know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from othersI know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communicationI know how to function in civic spacesI can evaluate the impact of civic spacesI can identify the correlations between different actors in civic spaces
I actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideasI encourage others to listen and accept other people’s opinions, desires, and beliefs
I take the initiative to promote and encourage the active participation of vulnerable groups in mysociety. As a young citizen, I take part in decision-making processes at local and/or national levelsI support young people to participate actively in decision-making processes at local and/or national levels.I take part in actions/initiatives which contribute to the involvement of young people in civic actions.I contribute to raising awareness across all societies about the importance of youth participation for the sustainability of the democratic culture.
Duration: 45 min
Is it a Fact or Opinion?
Prepare 5 or 6 statements/terms according to the participant profile and needs. When the educator gives a statement/term, the participants will be asked to write their own sentences/thoughts about that term. After all participants wrote their sentences, collect all the paper to put in a box, and give them the second term. After 5 or 6 statements are finished and the papers collected from each participant, put aside the box for the next session.Write three examples of facts on one side of the board and three examples of opinions on the other side of the board.Each participant will work individually in this session. They will ask to stand up and there will be 3 lines on the floor which are “fact, opinion and undecided”. The participants will go to the line that they think according to the statements. Educator will ask the participants why they chose this line and make them explain themselves. After all statements is done, ask participants to identify the statements of fact and the statements of opinion. Label each group. Have participants work with partners to come up with definitions for the words "fact" and "opinion." Choose a group definition (use a dictionary if necessary). After the educator receive the participants definitions, the information of the concepts of “fact” and “opinion” is given.
I know how to function in civic spacesI can evaluate the impact of civic spaces.I can identify the correlations between different actors in civic spaces.I know how to involve others in the creation and development of civic spacesI raise the importance and need of civic spacesI inspire others to assess different points of view for specific socio-political eventsI understand and can explain the importance of youth participation in the decision-making processes.I know how to get involved in the decision-making processes.I inspire others to adapt and localize good practices of youth participation to their own realityI know how to improve communication with others.I know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from othersI know how to minimize the negative effects of distractions in communicationI can describe methods/strategies of advocacy and lobbying and explain the differences between themI know how to cooperate and approach different stakeholders.
Materials: Paper and writing materials
Duration: 30 min
Assessment life-balance
Create list of core values - Give each participant a piece of paper and a pen. Ask them to individually write a list of their core values on the paper. Give participants 10 minutes for that.Gather participants in a circle to promote open communication and a sense of inclusion, then give them sheets of paper, markers, pens, and possibly rulers for precision. Instruct them to draw a large circle on the paper and divide it into 8 equal segments to discuss the 8 life categories.Ask them to further divide each segment into 10 parts, representing a satisfaction scale from 1 to 10 for each category, and to rate their current life satisfaction in each category by coloring the corresponding number of sub-segments. Finally, allow them a moment to reflect on their circle, providing an opportunity to assess and contemplate their life's balance and areas for enhancement. (this exercise should take 10 minutes) You can see an example of that in our animation to that segment.
I can create statements integrating both facts and my point of viewI can frame the issue and analyze and categorize the gathered informationI can present and explain conclusions to othersI can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problemsI can ask appropriate questions and paraphrase for clarification to bring an understanding of what others want to sayI can maintain contact with the audience and focus on the message at the same timeI can articulate strong and solid arguments and statements for my position in oral and written form.I choose the right wording when speaking in meetings and with the decision-makersI’m able to prevent the escalation of the conflict
Chairs/ cones (one chair less than the number of players participating), speaker and music
K5 - Understanding of the role of media in personal and social life and knowledge of how to use the media and the Internet for civic purposesS2 - Ability to distinguish a fact from an opinion S5 - Ability to use different types of media (printed media, radio, TV, internet, etc.) A15 - Open-minded for listening and accepting the desires and beliefs of others
The task for the participants to line up alphabetically, depending on the first letter of the area they came from. You can't talk during the task. It is allowed to communicate using gestures or body language, but without words.
Duration: 5 min
Find your right place in a que without words
The activity involves participants moving around a designated area and playing paper stone scissors. Firstly they play in pairs. When a participant loses the duel and goes behind the person who flew out with him and starts cheering for him becomes the biggest fan. The winner goes and plays on. If the leader of the duel loses the duel . The activity ends when the last two people play the duel and one of them wins.
Duration: 5 min
EnergizerPaper, stone scissors - gaining fans
I am taking part in several activities for community developmentI work for raising awareness of others’ sense of communityI take part in actions/initiatives which contribute to the involvement of young people in civic actionsI contribute to raising awareness in all societies about the importance of youth participation for the sustainability of the democratic culture.I am encouraging others to be involved in solidarity activities and projectsI don’t hesitate to take initiative and responsibility for civic actions if neededI encourage and offer support to others to take responsibility for civic actionsI actively engage in and search for the learning opportunities available, and I am involved in the lifelong learning process
K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-makingK6 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to society + variety of cultures & religionsK7 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to support mechanisms of youth and volunteeringS19 - Coordination skills S21 - Understanding and analyzing the problem S22 - Use of different methods of reasoning (e.g. inductive and deductive) S24 - Decision-making skills S27 - Ability to set goals and plan A4 - Belief in the importance of youth participation for a sustainable democratic culture A10 - Awareness of one's sense of community A11 - Sense of solidarity A16 - Responsibility in actions A19 - Growth mindset
I analyze (understand) the purpose of the democratic processes and can reflect on the result of their functioning.I understand and can explain the importance of youthparticipation in the decision-making processes.
Use Symbols and Abbreviations: Develop shorthand for swift note-taking. Categorize Observations: Divide notes into sections for organized observations. Focus on Behavioral Indicators: Prioritize specific behaviors matching session objectives. Stay Objective and Avoid Bias: Document precisely what you observe without judgments.
Tips for taking notes
Notes in this context should be about observing how participants behave and communicate. The notes should focus on specific cases that may be of value to the participants. Don't elaborate too much, write briefly and clearly so that you don't focus more on writing notes than on observing participants. Observe how they communicate, if there is a leader, how he/she is selected, if there are conflicts, etc. Observe and note down everything that could be valuable for the participants and what you consider important to teach the participants valuable and important things.
I understand the role of the media in the society and can analyze how the media influences my personal and social life.I can analyze different contexts of media publication
Allocate sufficient time for participants to reflect individually and fill in their "Identity Molecule" diagrams, allowing them to carefully consider and record their social roles. Encourage participants to reflect on their choices and decisions, prompting them to consider the significance of the roles they chose to keep and the reasons for deleting others.
Tips / Remarks
I can categorize, link, organize, and correlate different pieces of information.I can question different sources of information and eliminate fake information.I can transfer my knowledge on fact-finding and find-checking by giving concrete tools and methods to othersI can assess if selected information by others is reliable and analyzed and give feedbackI can check the credibility to validate the information being used as factsI can create statements integrating both facts and my point of viewI can guide others in analyzing if the sources are credible or notI can explain to others how to make a conclusion based on factsI can frame the issue and analyze and categorize the gathered informationI can debate and defend conclusions with others based on argumentsI can determine which media types are more correct and objective
Materials: Tape or chalk (to mark lines); Stopwatch; Notebook; Pen
Duration: 20 min
Cross the line description
1. Draw two parallel lines 10-15 meters apart. One is a starting line, another the finishing line. 2. Explain the activity to the participants: they have 10 min to cross that line all together at the same time, and if one member is late or too early, they will start again. 3. Offer them 5-10 minutes to work out the strategy. 4. Take notes on communication, coordination and initiative. 5. After the given time, invite participants for a debrief.
- Non-binary individual - Kurd - Indigenous tribe member (e.g., Native Americans, Aboriginals) - Gay - Lesbian - Transgender person- HIV positive person - Jew - Nazi - Bisexual person - Intersex person - Muslim- Sikh- Communist- Neonazi
Here is a list of people's suggestions that can be used for cards. Remember to adapt them to the group.
- Roma- Person with physical disability- Person with intellectual disability - Person with mental disorders - Senior/Elderly person - Immigrant - Refugee - Homeless person - Person of color - Albino - Obese person - Christian (in certain regions) - Atheist- Conservative- Liberal- Non-heteronormative individual
Materials: Flipchart and markers
Media Content Analysis Educator will make a brief presentation on media content analysis techniques, including identifying biases andmisinformation.
Duration: 25 min
Let's be empowered by MIL: Presentations
I can present and explain conclusions to othersI can identify indicators of success and evaluate somethingbased on those criteria I can estimate the results of certain planned actionsI can facilitate the evaluation process for othersI can support others in the development of their evaluation skillsI can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problemsI can assess myself to point out my own strong sides and weaknessesI can operationalize the problem by indicating the various elements of the solution: concerned group,context, possible outcomes I make a complex analysis of the effects of my own work based on self-developed criteriaI select and try out a variety of learning techniques, based on their relevance to the chosen objective, their effectiveness, and my own preferences
I can present and explain conclusions to others.I can identify indicators of success and evaluate something based on those criteriaI can understand, handle and appropriately explain emotions using speech and other forms of communication.I’m listening with engagement, confirmed by non-verbal means of expression; when asked to do so, I’m able to paraphrase the statements of other group members and identifies the main threads in themI can select/choose the proper tools to reflect my own behavior and learn from the experience
For brainstorming you can also use the service
Tips / Remarks
Do not focus on the process and do not allow participants to blame others, because later everything will be revealed.During the break allow participants to share their impressions and feelings. However, ask the participants not to disclose their secret role and not to analyze the process.
Tips / Remarks
Use several fact-finding tools (checking meta-data of pictures, HTML editing of the social media conversations for faking the screenshots, background checking of the websites’ ownership)
Duration: 40 min
Fact-checking tools
I can maintain contact with the audience and focus on the message at the same time.I can evaluate the quality of one’s speech.I can train others in public speaking.I have the ability to support others in taking risks, stepping out of their comfort zones, and facing situations that may not have clear answers or outcomesI can adapt to changes and learn how to effectively cope with uncomfortable situations, stress, or anxietyI generate a wide variety of ideas on how to solve the problem, then independently plan actions to solve it and implement this plan, dealing with difficulties as they ariseI can evaluate the effectiveness of the solutions adopted
Materials: Ball, a marker, a yarn, a pen, whatever object you find in the room
Have the participants stand in a circle, facing each other. Start by saying the name of the person by giving the ball to a person in the circle standing next to you and telling him or her to do a movement, like “jump”, “turn around”, or “make a squad”. That person must take the object, make the movement and then quickly pass the ball to someone next to him/her in the circle, repeating the same actions.Add multiple objects and movements at the same time. Bring another object, such as a pen and do the same actions with another movement (e.g., hop on one foot, spin three times).Gradually increase the speed of the ball toss and add new objects. Encourage participants to stay engaged and alert and keep all the objects moving. As the activity progresses, participants should be encouraged to stay focused, ensuring everyone gets the object, moves, passes to the next one and stays involved.
Duration: 5 min
“I like to move it”
Materials: space and chairs where participants can sit in a circle
Duration: 20 min
Hot Chair
Participants sit in a circle and a chair is placed in the center of the circle. Each participant sits on the chair in the center in turn and the other participants give feedback to the participant in the chair around the following questions:- How did you feel being in this training with the participant in the chair? - What did you learn from him/her? - If you were giving him/her feedback, what would you tell him/her to improve until your next meeting?**These questions can be varied. Depending on your goals in the group, you can also build the hot chair on sharing only positive emotions or only negative emotions.**Often there is no sharing after the work is completed and participants do not have the chance to develop defenses against the feedback they have received.
As a young citizen, I take part in decision-making processes at local and/or national levelsI take the initiative to raise the active participation of vulnerable groups in my societyI can organize and evaluate my learning process
Emphasize the importance of safety during the game. Encourage participants to be mindful of their surroundings and to move with care to avoid collisions or accidents.
Tips / Remarks
Encourage participants to strategize quickly within their groups during the brief discussion period, fostering teamwork and decision-making skills.Keep the energy high and the pace brisk to sustain engagement throughout the activity, aiming for a duration of about 10-15 minutes to maintain momentum.
Provide the topics on paper slips (please see the Handouts section) with the scenarios.
Important! Before the activity starts make sure that it’s ok for everybody that you will touch them and put something on their back. People have different backgrounds and have different situations and they may not feel comfortable with you touching them.
Tips / Remarks
I actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideas.I encourage others to listen and accept other people’s opinions, desires, and beliefs.
K4 - Knowledge and understanding of the theories, models, and existing practices of youth participation in decision-makingK7 - Knowledge of basic concepts and phenomena related to support mechanisms of youth and volunteeringS7 - Sharing understanding S11 - Ability to influence others S17 - Ability to mobilize others S21 - Understanding and analyzing the problem S24 - Decision-making skills A1 - Commitment to the equality in rights for civic, social, political participation of all community members without any exceptionA2 - Interest and desire given to engagement in all forms of decision-making A4 - Belief in the importance of youth participation for a sustainable democratic culture
Presentation of the results on group work and feedback from the colleagues to improve the action plan and become more realistic for implementation.
Group work in small groups on developing action plan on how they can make activity of pupils cousin more democratic and more active having as mase the youth participation ladder.
Group work
I can ask appropriate questions and paraphrase for clarification to bring an understanding of what others want to sayI can maintain contact with the audience and focus on the message at the same timeI can verify and identify the causes of the problem and specify the underlying causes
I can explain which values and beliefs I stand for.I know how to help others to identify and understand their identityI know how to interpret verbal and non-verbal signals from others
I can express myself in a way that others can understand me without any problemsI can ask appropriate questions and paraphrase for clarification to bring an understanding of what others want to sayI can moderate others to formulate their statements and argumentsI can facilitate the understanding of others in the groupI can maintain contact with the audience and focus on the message at the same timeI can train others in public speakingI can make allies and develop common strategies.I can be involved together with others for common interests.I can make allies and develop common strategiesI can choose and describe to potential partners the benefits of our cooperationI can involve partners and build a platform to cooperate and share strategiesI can articulate strong and solid arguments and statements for my position in oral and written formI can choose tasks according to my strengths and if necessary, explain my difficultiesI create space for collaborative learning and help others to learn effectively
I understand the role of the media in the society and can analyze how the media influences my personal and social life.I can analyze different contexts of media publication.
I actively listen to everybody’s thoughts even though I disagree with the expressed ideas.I encourage others to listen and accept other people’s opinions, desires, and beliefs.
- Guide participants through the process of reflecting on past communication situations. Encourage them to consider both successful and challenging interactions, and to analyze the factors that influenced the outcomes.- Demonstrate the principles of non-violent communication by providing examples and role-playing scenarios. Encourage participants to practice expressing themselves in a non-judgmental and empathetic manner.
Tips / Remarks
Examples of facts: -George has blue eyes. -This room has four windows. -There are 50 states in the United States. Examples of opinions: -This room is too warm. -Math class is boring. -The best cars are made in the United States.
Create sets of Fact/Opinion Statement Cards by writing the following statements on blank index cards, one statement per card. Add or substitute statements of your choice:
Girls are smarter than boys.Americans are friendly. Some boys are good at sports. Utah is a state in the United States. The world is a better place now than it was 100 years ago. Wheelchair users feel sorry for themselves. The Nile is the longest river in the world. Women make better teachers than men. People with accents are not smart. Most people in Africa live in urban areas. The United States is the richest country in the world.Americans love French fries.