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Program Directory
Columbus North High School
Explore AP / Dual Credit Classes!
Fine Arts
World Languages
Social Studies
English Courses
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AP EnglishLanguage and Composition
EnglishLiterature L202 (CC)
EnglishComposition W131 (CC)
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
AP English Literature & Composition
Course Description
AP Literature is a two-semester course designed to help students analyze diction, syntax, and themes primarily in fiction texts. There is an emphasis on poetry and preparing for timed writings on the AP exam, so many activities involve students performing close readings of novels, plays, short stories, and poetry in order to craft thesis statements and make arguable analytical claims.
Students must pass the AP Exam in May to earn college credit. They earn an English credit for their high school diploma if they earn above a 60%.
Notes About Credits:
Grade Level: 11
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Kate Stahl
David Spencer
Partner School:
Grace McDougal
Kelley Culp
Career Possibilities:
All career paths and majors
AP English Language & Composition
Course Description
The AP English Language and Composition course focuses on the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing, the rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts, and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Additionally, they read and analyze rhetorical elements and their effects in nonfiction texts—including images as forms of text—from a range of disciplines and historical periods.An AP English Language and Composition course cultivates the reading and writing skills that students need for college success and for intellectually responsible civic engagement. The course guides students in becoming curious, critical, and responsive readers of diverse texts and becoming flexible, reflective writers of texts addressed to diverse audiences for diverse purposes. The reading and writing students do in the course should deepen and expand their understanding of how written language functions rhetorically: to communicate writers’ intentions and elicit readers’ responses in particular situations.
Students must pass the AP Exam in May to earn college credit. The amount of college credit offered depends on the exam score and varies from school to school. They earn an English credit for their high school diploma if they earn above a 60%.
Notes About Credits:
Grade Level: 12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Kate Stahl
Kate Stahl
Partner School:
Sample Syllabus
Career Possibilities:
All career paths and majors
Students often take accelerated English and/or AP English Literature and Composition prior to the course, but it is not required.
AP Lang Guide
English Composition W131 (CC)
Course Description
ENG W131: Reading, Writing, & Inquiry I is a one-semester Indiana University course that offers instruction and practice in the critical reading and writing skills required for college-level work, with an emphasis on written assignments that call for summary, critique, analysis, and arguments based on sources.This is an Indiana University course. The purpose of this course is to prepare students for the rigor of writing throughout college. The focus is on scholarly investigation of sources, critical thinking and reading, learning how to recognize and utilize specific writing strategies, skills and fluency. Each unit will include preliminary work and assignments leading to a major essay to conclude. Points will be accumulated from homework, in-class assignments, and final written assignments. Since much work and discussion will be carried on in class, impeccable attendance and assignment submission is imperative.
Grade Level: 12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Semester
Partner School:
Indiana University Bloomington
Robert Hadley
Students must receive a C or higher in the class in order to receive IU credit
Notes About Credits:
2.7 overall GPA requried to enter course; College Prep and Accelerated students who have scored an A or B in English 9, 10, and 11 are good candidates for this course.
Sample Syllabus
Barbara Handt
(812) 376-4431 Ext: 2576
Career Possibilities:
All career paths and majors
English Literature L202 (CC)
Course Description
ENG L202 Literary Interpretation is a one semester IU course designed to help students learn how to read, think, and write critically about literature. Students study genres to understand how the various elemnts of a work of imaginary literature cohere to impart meaning. A large portion of the course focuses on how to write. Students will write strong critical essays including three peer reviewed major papers as well as short assignments (microthemes) and quizzes. The course is heavily discussion based with in-depth analysis of the poetry and fiction expected.
Students must receive a C or higher in the class in order to receive IU credit
Notes About Credits:
Grade Level: 12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Semester
Partner School:
Indiana University Bloomington
Passing W131 with a grade of C or higher
Barbara Handt
(812) 376-4431 Ext: 2576
Sample Syllabus
Career Possibilities:
All career paths and majors
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
Science Courses
Select a course to learn more about!
ACP Biology (CC)
Anatomy and Physiology (CC)
AP Physics 1
AP Chemistry
AP Physics C: Mechanics / ACP Physics P221
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Environmental Science
ACP Biology (CC)
Course Description
ACP Biology teaches the principles of biological organization, from molecules through cells and organisms to populations. There is an emphasis on processes common to all organisms, with special reference to humans.
Grade Level: 9-12
College Credits: 5
Length of Term: Year Long
Partner School:
Indiana University Bloomington
Career Possibilities:
Any biology field
B or higher in Biology and Chemistry
Matthew Parker
Sample Syllabus
Anatomy and Physiology (CC)
Course Description
Human Anatomy and Physiology provides an in-depth investigation of the structure and interaction of body systems,their related diseases, and treatment. Students gain basic knowledge of the skeletal, muscular,nervous, cardiovascular, and other body systems utilizing text, labs, and dissection. Through theapplication of course concepts, students will be able to discuss current medical issues and usethis information to make responsible decisions to enhance their personal lives. Students mayelect to earn 6 college credits through Ivy Tech, which is transferable to other universities. Pleasecontact Ivy Tech Community College for additional information.
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 6
Length of Term: Year Long
Biology 1 with a C- or better & Chemistry 1
Career Possibilities:
Nursing, Medicine, Physical Therapy, Athletic Training
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Students can earn 3 credits per semester.
Notes About Credits:
Laslzlo Szarvas
AP Chemistry
Course Description
The curriculum for this course follows College Board Guidelines and is equivalent to an honors level freshman college chemistry course. The course is structured for optimum student success and helps students build a strong transcript for college and scholarship applications. The course emphasizes laboratory skills and investigations to build real knowledge in atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. Students should take AP Chemistry if they plan a STEM major in college. For more specific majors and careers see the College Board AP Courses, Majors, and Careers.
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 3-5
Length of Term: Year Long
Kate Stahl
Denise Briner
Partner School:
Credit varies depending upon what each university offers for AP Scores of 3, 4, 5
Notes About Credits:
Sample Syllabus
An A or B in Chemistry 1
Career Possibilities:
Any STEM field
AP Physics 1
Course Description
Students should take this course if they are considering a STEM major in college. This class covers many of the same topics as Physics I, but goes into considerably greater detail and moves at a faster pace. Daily homework should be expected. First semester topics include linear motion, Newton’s laws of motion, work, energy, and power, and momentum. Second semester topics include torque and rotational motion, gravitation, and simple harmonic motion. Laboratory experiments and hands-on activities will be utilized frequently. Students will become skilled at modeling physics using graphical and mathematical means. Conceptual physics will be taught with an emphasis on observational, mathematical, and data collection skills.Students who are also taking Calculus may choose to self-study for the AP Physics C: Mechanics exam with instructor approval.
Kate Stahl
Kyle Hagner
Partner School:
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Career Possibilities:
Any STEM field
Concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 or higher
AP Physics C: Mechanics / ACP Physics P2
Course Description
This is a Calculus-based course in mechanics that will equate to a typical semester-long college course. It is usually taken after AP Physics I and is taught with the assumption that students have some previous experience with the topics. Students should take this course if they are considering a physics or engineering major in college. The curriculum for this course follows College Board guidelines for AP Physics C: Mechanics. It also follows the Indiana University Advanced College Project (ACP) requirements for Physics P221 and students can elect to earn 5 credit hours from Indiana University for this course. Course content and technical applications will be explored through group work and laboratory experiments. This class will help students become competent in utilizing math concepts to support the study of advanced physics topics. Topics include: kinematics with vectors, Newton’s laws of motion, work and energy, systems of particles and linear momentum, oscillations, torque and rotational motion, and universal gravitation. Additional topics for ACP may include fluids and mechanical waves.
Kate Stahl
Kyle Hagner
Partner School:
Indiana University
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Career Possibilities:
Any STEM field
B or higher in AP Physics 1, or Physics 1 with instructor approval
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Course Description
This course meets all the curricular requirements of the College Board AP Physics Electricity and Magnetism Curriculum. Topics will include: Electric Charges and Forces, Electric Field and Electric Potential, Capacitors, Dielectrics, Electric Circuits, Magnetic Fields and Forces, Electromagnetic Induction, and Maxwell’s Equations.
Kate Stahl
Kyle Hagner
Partner School:
Grade Level: 11-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Career Possibilities:
B or higher in AP Physics C: Mechanics, or AP Physics 1 with instructor approval. B or higher in Calculus BC or concurent enrollment in Calculus BC with instructor approval.
AP Environmental Science
Course Description
This course meets all of the requirements for the College Board AP Environmental Science class. This ccourse incorporates concepts of biological ecosystems as well as chemical reactions and atmospheric conditions which affect the environment. The course emphasizes the balancing of economic success and environmental sustainability.
Kate Stahl
John Murphy
Partner School:
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Career Possibilities:
DNR careers as well as Environmental Chemical Engineering
Algebra 2, Biology, and Chemistry with a C or higher
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
Mathematics Courses
Select a course to learn more about!
Finite Math (CC)
AP Statistics
AP Calculus AB (CC)
AP Calculus BC (CC)
AP Computer Science Principles
Advanced Math: Special Topics (Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations)
AP Computer Science A
Finite Math (CC)
Course Description
Surveys solving and graphing linear equations and inequalities, elementary set theory, matrices and their applications, linear programming, and elementary probability. A standard finite mathematics course.
Kate Stahl
Grade Level: 11-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Sample Syllabus
Miyoung Jones
Algebra 2 and teacher recommendation
Career Possibilities:
Business, social sciences, computer science, statisics, operations research, etc.
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
AP Statistics
Course Description
AP Statistics is an introductory college-level statistics course that introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students cultivate their understanding of statistics using technology, investigations, problem solving, and writing as they explore concepts like variation and distribution; patterns and uncertainty; and data-based predictions, decisions, and conclusions.
Kate Stahl
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Sample Syllabus
Mike Spock
Career Possibilities:
virtually every career path analyzes data to make decisions
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Brad Branham
AP Calculus AB (CC)
PreCalculus and teacher recommendation
Kate Stahl
Sample Syllabus
Katie Pence
Career Possibilities:
All career paths and majors
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Course Description
AP Calculus AB is an introductory college-level calculus course. Students cultivate their understanding of differential and integral calculus through engaging with real-world problems represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. They use definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions as they explore concepts like change, limits, and the analysis of functions.
College credit awarded via two pathways: 1) Through Ivy Tech Dual Credit: complete full registration process *AND* earn a combined average of at least a B- across S1 & S2; 2) Math/Calculus credit awarded with a 4 or 5 score on AP test (credit dependent on student's selected college policies)
Notes About Credits:
Grade Level: 11-12
College Credits: 3-4
Length of Term: Year Long
AP Calculus BC (CC)
PreCalculus and teacher recommendation
Sample Syllabus
Career Possibilities:
All career paths and majors
Partner School:
Course Description
AP Calculus BC is an introductory college-level calculus course. Students cultivate their understanding of differential and integral calculus through engaging with real-world problems represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. They use definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions as they explore concepts like change, limits, and the analysis of functions.
Grade Level: 9-12
College Credits: 3-6
Length of Term: Year Long
AB Subscore allows students that don't pass the BC Test to still earn credit for Calculus 1 if they pass the AB material on the AP Test.
Notes About Credits:
Nathan Schiefer
Advanced Math: Special Topics (Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations)
4 or 5 on the AP BC Calculus Exam
Kate Stahl
Nathan Schiefer
Career Possibilities:
All career paths and majors
Partner School:
Ball State University
Course Description
Multivariable Calculus: Multidimensional calculus and its applications. Topics include three-dimensional vector calculus, Gauss's theorem, Green's theorem, and Stoke's theorem. Includes the use of graphing calculators and computer software. Linear Algebra: Theory and application of systems of linear equations, vector equations, linear transformations, vector spaces, and inner product spaces. Includes the use of computer software. Differential Equations: Introduction to nth-order ordinary differential equations, equations of order one, elementary applications, linear equations with constant coefficients, nonhomogeneous equations, undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, linear systems of equations, and the Laplace transform.
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 3-11
Length of Term: Semester/Year
AP Computer Science Principles
Course Description
AP Computer Science Principles is an introductory college-level computing course that introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science. Students learn to design and evaluate solutions and to apply computer science to solve problems through the development of algorithms and programs. They incorporate abstraction into programs and use data to discover new knowledge. Students also explain how computing innovations and computing systems—including the internet—work, explore their potential impacts, and contribute to a computing culture that is collaborative and ethical.
Kate Stahl
Grade Level: 9-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Robert Deirth
Career Possibilities:
All career paths and majors
Partner School:
AP Computer Science A
Course Description
AP Computer Science A is an introductory college-level computer science course. Students cultivate their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing code as they explore concepts like modularity, variables, and control structures.
AP Computer Science Principles
Grade Level: 9-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Career Possibilities:
All career paths and majors
Partner School:
Mike Spock
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
Social Studies Courses
Select a course to learn more about!
AP World History (Modern)
AP Psychology (CC)
AP United States History
AP Government (CC)
AP Economics
AP European History
AP Human Geography
AP Psychology (CC)
Sample Syllabus
Career Possibilities:
Any medical field
Partner School:
Course Description
The AP Psychology course follows College Board Entrance Examination guidelines and is offered for the college bound student who has a serious interest in human behavior and mental processes. First semester will include an investigation of psychology’s biological bases of behavior, cognition, and development and learning. Second semester focuses on mental and physical health (disorders and therapy), and social psychology. This course is taught at the college level with a focus on science practices (research methods and data interpretation) and argumentation. Students will learn to think critically and independently while advancing their skill sets in research & writing, reading & notetaking, problem solving, and test taking ability. Each semester includes guest presentations from community members with expertise in the various topics of study.
Earned credit dependent on AP exam score
Notes About Credits:
Rick Sluder
812-376-4431 Ext: 2678
Grade Level: 10-11
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
AP United States History
Grade of B or higher in World History, Geography, or AP World Modern are highly recommended, & Students need the recommendation of your most recent social studies teacher
Sample Syllabus
Career Possibilities:
US History teacher or history related field, any law or government related profession
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Course Description
APUSH is a well organized and fast paced study of the major people, events and movements, that shaped U.S. history. We take a comprehensive look at the political, economic, social, and military history that has made us who we are. The course uses lecture, video, role play, analysis of primary sources, discussion, and real artifacts from each era of history to engage students and enhance their understanding of the concepts. We cover Colonization, Revolution, Growth of Democracy, Sectional Tensions & the Civil War, Reconstruction, Western Expansion, Industrialization, Urbanization, Immigration, World War I, The Roaring 20's, The Great Depression, World War II, The Cold War at Home and Abroad, The Civil Rights Movement, & the Modern Era.The year long course follows Advanced Placement (AP) guidelines and is also eligible for Dual Credit through IVY Tech. As such, it offers the possibility of earning 6 college credits over the course of one year.
Dual Credit - AP Credit earned dependent on AP exam score
Notes About Credits:
Chad Russell
812-376-4431 Ext: 2629
Grade Level: 10-11
College Credits: 6
Length of Term: Year Long
AP Economics
Career Possibilities:
Any business field
Partner School:
Course Description
Two AP courses in one! This course follows College Board Entrance Examination guidelines and is offered for the college-bound student who needs a rigorous course comparable to a college freshman class. The first semester is devoted to the study of microeconomics with a focus on the concepts of opportunity costs and trade-offs. The second semester is devoted to the study of macroeconomics with a focus on how an open economy interacts with the rest of the world both through goods markets and financial markets and the implications for the foreign exchange market.
Earned credit dependent on AP exam score
Notes About Credits:
Grade Level: 12
College Credits: 6
Length of Term: Year Long
Sample Syllabus(micro)
Natalie Perry
812-376-4431 Ext: 2627
AP Government (CC)
Sample Syllabus
Career Possibilities:
Government teacher, any law or government related profession
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Course Description
Two AP courses in one! This course follows College Board Entrance Examination guidelines and is offered for the college-bound student who needs a rigorous course comparable to a college freshman class. The first semester is devoted to the study of microeconomics with a focus on the concepts of opportunity costs and trade-offs. The second semester is devoted to the study of macroeconomics with a focus on how an open economy interacts with the rest of the world both through goods markets and financial markets and the implications for the foreign exchange market.
Dual Credit - AP Credit earned dependent on AP exam score
Notes About Credits:
Dan Marsh
812-376-4431 Ext: 2624
Grade Level: 12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
AP European History
Signature from previous social studies teacher
Sample Syllabus
Career Possibilities:
Any history related profession
Partner School:
Course Description
This AP level course will follow the College Board Entrance Examination guidelines and is offered for the college bound student who needs a rigorous course equivalent to a college level European History class. The study of European history since 1450 introduces students to cultural, economic, political, and social developments that played a fundamental role in the shaping of the world in which we live. Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of basic chronology, and of the major events and trends from approximately 1450 to the present.
Earned credit dependent on AP Exam score
Notes About Credits:
Zack Eckroth
812-376-4431 Ext: 2628
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
AP Human Geography
Sample Syllabus
Career Possibilities:
Any history related profession
Partner School:
Course Description
This AP level course will follow the College Board Entrance Examination guidelines and is offered for the college bound student who needs a rigorous treatment equivalent to a college freshman course and has a serious interest in becoming more geo-literate, engaged in contemporary global issues and more multicultural in their viewpoints. Students will develop skills to approach problems geographically using maps and geospatial technologies, thinking critically and applying geographic concepts such as scale, region and diffusion among others.
Earned credit dependent on AP Exam score
Notes About Credits:
Drew Foster
812-376-4431 Ext: 2622
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
AP World History (Modern)
Approval from previous social studies teacher
Sample Syllabus
Career Possibilities:
Any history related profession
Partner School:
Course Description
AP World History: Modern is an AP course designed to be an instroductory college-level course. The course, while open to those of any grade, is directed towards underclassmen and intented to form and shape AP skills such as critical thinking, analyzation, and creating arguments based on evidence. In AP World: Modern, students develop an understanding of world history from 1200 CE to modern day by analyzing different regions, eras, or empires through social, cultural, economic, political, and technological lenses.
Earned credit dependent on AP Exam score
Notes About Credits:
Elyse Babb
812-376-4431 Ext: 2579
Grade Level: 9-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
World Language Courses
Select a course to learn more about!
AP Japanese
ACP German 3 G150
ACP German 4 G200 + G250
AP Spanish
AP Spanish
Course Description
The AP Spanish Language course is equivalent to a third-year college Spanish Language course. It is intended for students entering fifth/sixth-year Spanish. Through the use of authentic materials and sources (i.e. movies, newspapers, podcasts and readings), students develop their Spanish language skills across three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This course will prepare students to meaningfully engage in real world contexts with native Spanish speakers. It will also provide students with extensive vocabulary building (thematically) and recycling as well as informal and formal speaking and writing practice presented in the same format of the AP Language Exam. Spanish will be used almost exclusively in class by both students and the teacher.
Grade Level 11-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Career Possibilities:
Any career that would need spanish
Partner School:
Marcia Cheek
AP Japanese
A or B in Japanese 3 or Japanese 4
Career Possibilities:
Any career that would need Japanese
Partner School:
Course Description
This AP course is focused around creating meaningful opportunities for students to interact with the language, culture, and the people of Japan by stressing the three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. Students will say more, write more, understand more, and feel more comfortable using the language with native speakers. This course will follow selected chapters in Nakama 2, a second-year college level textbook, while also delving into a wealth of authentic and semi-authentic supplemental materials including such sources as movies, traditional poetry, comic books, advertisements, and the Internet. Topics covered will delve into
Earned credit depends on the score and a university's guidelines
Notes About Credits:
Elizabeth Bays
Length of Term: Year Long
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 5-20
ACP German 3 G150
C or higher in German 2
Career Possibilities:
Business, engineering, any career path requiring college level language credits
Partner School:
Indiana University
Course Description
German 3 ACP (Advanced College Project) is equivalent to G150 at Indiana University. Students who apply to Indiana University Advanced College Project, pay tuition, and successfully complete the course will receive 4 hours of college credit that may be transferred to more than 500 universities. Students who do not wish to receive college credit may also take the class and receive the same level of instruction. Students increase their proficiency in the language and culture of Germany. They expand their vocabulary and complete their study of grammar. The five language skills continue to be emphasized, but students will converse in depth (give explanations and reasons, tell stories, read short stories, poems, and write short essays).
1 semester of college level German taught over the course of a yearlong high school class
Notes About Credits:
Amelia Shaw
Sample Syllabus
Grade Level: 11-12
College Credits: 4
Length of Term: Year Long
ACP German 4 G200 + G250
C or higher in G150
Career Possibilities:
Business, engineering, any career path requiring college level language credits
Partner School:
Indiana University
Course Description
German 200 and 250 aim to teach students to communicate in German and at the same time develop a structural awareness of the German language. Since the goals of communicative and grammatical competence are ultimately inseparable, students are guided towards using German as accurately as possible to communicate their thoughts in German. Students will read authentic texts and view video segments on a variety of topics, with a specific focus on what life was like in East Germany during the Cold War, as well as the role immigration has played in Germany in the postwar era. Students will increase their ability to communicate their thoughts in German – both orally and in writing. Students will develop sensitivity to some of the issues and problems of life in contemporary German-speaking countries.
2 semesters of college level German
Notes About Credits:
Amelia Shaw
Sample Syllabus
Grade Level: 12
College Credits: 6
Length of Term: Year Long
Fine Arts Courses
Select a course to learn more about!
AP Studio Art Drawing
AP 3-D Art and Design(Ceramics)
AP Music Theory
AP Studio Art Drawing
Course Description
Students create a portfolio of work to demonstrate inquiry through art and design and development of materials, processes, and ideas over the course of a year. Portfolios include works of art and design, process documentation, and written information about the work presented. This portfolio is designated for work that focuses on the use of mark-making, line, surface, space, light and shade, and composition.
Career Possibilities:
Any art related profession
Partner School:
Leslie Weaver
Grade Level: 12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
AP 3-D Art and Design (Ceramics)
Course Description
This portfolio is designated for work that focuses on the application of three-dimensional (3-D) elements and principles of art and design, including point, line, shape, plane, layer, form, volume, mass, occupied/unoccupied space, texture, color, value, opacity, transparency, time; unity, variety, rhythm, movement, proportion, scale, balance, emphasis, contrast, repetition, connection, juxtaposition, hierarchy. Students should consider how materials, processes, and ideas can be used to make work that involves space and form.
Career Possibilities:
Any art related profession
Partner School:
Kaitlynn Davidson
Grade Level: 11-12
College Credits: 4
Length of Term: Year Long
AP Music Theory
Career Possibilities:
Music Education or Performance
Partner School:
Indiana University
Course Description
The AP Music Theory course corresponds to one-to-two semesters of typical, introductory College music theory coursework that covers topics such as musicianship, theory, and musical materials and procedures. Musicianship skills, including dictation and listening skills, sight- singing, and harmony, are an important part of the course. Through the course, students develop the ability to recognize, understand, and describe basic materials and processes of tonal music heard or presented in a score. The development of aural (listening) skills is a primary objective. Performance is also part of the curriculum through the practice of sight-singing. Students learn basic concepts and terminology by listening to and performing various music. Notational skills, speed, and fluency with basic materials are emphasized. There are no prerequisite courses for AP Music Theory. Prospective students should be able to read and write musical notation and have basic performance skills with voice or an instrument.
College fine arts credit earned with 3+ on AP exam
Notes About Credits:
Detrich Morrison-Jones
Sample Syllabus
Grade Level: 11-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
Business Courses
Select a course to learn more about!
Marketing Fundamentals (CC)
Digital Applications and Responsibility
Principles of BusinessManagement
Business Law and Ethics (CC)
Management Fundamentals
Marketing Fundamentals (CC)
Course Description
Marketing Fundamentals provides a basic introduction to the scope and importance of marketing in the global economy. Course topics include the seven functions of marketing: promotion, channel management, pricing, product/service management, market planning, marketing information management, and professional selling skills. Emphasis is marketing content but will involve use of oral and written communications, mathematical applications, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills through the development of an integrated marketing plan and other projects.
Principles of Business Management
Career Possibilities:
Any business related profession
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Brian Campbell
Grade Level: 11-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Digital Applications and Responsibility
Career Possibilities:
Music Education or Performance
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Course Description
Digital Applications and Responsibility prepares students to use technology in an effective and appropriate manner in school, a job, or everyday life. Students develop skills related to word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and communications software. Students learn what it means to be a good digital citizen and how to use technology, including social media, responsibly. Students expand their knowledge of how to use digital devices and software to build decision-making and problem-solving skills. Students should be provided with the opportunity to seek industry-recognized digital literacy certifications.
Dual credit available upon completion of second semester
Notes About Credits:
Grade Level: 11-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Brian Campbell
Business Law and Ethics (CC)
Course Description
Business Law and Ethics provides an overview of the legal system in the business setting. Topics covered include: basics of the judicial system, contract, personal, employment and property law. Application of legal principles and ethical decision-making techniques are presented through problem-solving methods, case review, and situational analyses.
Career Possibilities:
Any business related profession
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Scott Seavers
Grade Level: 11-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Semester
Principles of Business Management
Course Description
Focuses on the roles and responsibilities of managers as well as opporutnities and challenges of ethically managing a business in the free enterprise system. Students will attain an understanding of management, team building, leadership, problem solving steps and processes that contribute to the achivement of organizational goals. The management of human and financial resources is emphasized.
Career Possibilities:
Any business related profession
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Andrew Dunn
Grade Level: 9-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Sample Syllabus
Management Fundamentals
Course Description
Management Fundamentals describes the functions of managers, including the management of activities and personnel. Describes the judicial system and the nature and sources of law affecting business. Studies contracts, sales contracts with emphasis on Uniform Commercial Code Applications, remedies for breach of contract and tort liabilities. Examines legal aspects of property ownership, structures of business ownership, and agency relationships.
Principles of Business Management
Career Possibilities:
Any business related profession
Partner School:
Ivy Tech
Grade Level: 10-12
College Credits: 3
Length of Term: Year Long
Laura Daily
(812) 376-4431 Ext: 2565
Elyse Babb
AP World History (Modern)
Elizabeth Bays
AP Japanese
Denise Briner
AP Chemistry
Brian Campbell
Marketing Fundamentals (CC), Digital Applications and Responsibility
Marcia Cheek
AP Spanish
Kelley Culp
AP English Literature and Composition
Laura Daily
Management Fundamentals
Kaitlynn Davidson
AP 3-D Art and Design (Ceramics)
Robert Deirth
AP Computer Science Principles
Andrew Dunn
Principles of Business Management
Zack Eckroth
AP European History
Drew Foster
AP Human Geography
Robert Hadley
English Composition W131 (CC)
Kyle Hagner
AP Physics 1, AP Physics C: Mechanics / ACP Physics P221, AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Barbara Handt
English Composition W131 (CC), English Literature L202 (CC)
Miyoung Jones
Finite Math (CC)
Dan Marsh
AP Government (CC)
Grace McDougal
AP English Literature and Composition
Detrich Morrison-Jones
AP Music Theory
John Murphy
AP Environmental Science
Matthew Parker
ACP Biology (CC)
Katie Pence
AP Calculus AB (CC)
Natalie Perry
AP Economics
Chad Russell
AP United States History
Nathan Schiefer
AP Calculus BC, Advanced Math: Special Topics
Scott Seavers
Business Law and Ethics (CC)
Amelia Shaw
ACP German 3 G150, ACP German 4 G200 + G250
Rick Sluder
AP Psychology (CC)
David Spencer
AP English Literature and Composition
Mike Spock
AP Statistics, AP Computer Science A
Kate Stahl
AP English Language and Composition
Laszlo Szarvas
Anatomy and Physiology (CC)
Leslie Weaver
AP Studio Art Drawing
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
Junior Course Options APand DE courses
Sophomore Course Options APand DE courses
CNHS Traditional APCourse Guide
Freshmen Course Options APand DE courses
Junior Course Options APand DE courses
Senior Course Options APand DE courses
AP EnglishLiterature and Composition
Junior Course Options APand DE courses
Preguntas Frecuentes
Guía de Cursos AP Tradicionalesde CNHS
Opciones de Cursos para Estudiantes de Primer Año: Cursos AP y DE
Opciones de Cursos para Estudiantes de Segundo Año: Cursos AP y DE
Opciones de Cursos para Estudiantes de Tercer Año: Cursos AP y DE
Opciones de Cursos para Estudiantes de Cuarto Año: Cursos AP y DE