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Discharge Lounge Attender

NON Inpatient Patient Flow

Livewell Inpatient

Emergency Department Attrnder

Non Face to Face Encounter

Virtual Hospital Attender

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Click on the buttons above for details on each of the Non Inpatient patient types, or use the arrows to move between pages

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Click on the loud speaer to find out more information based on the page you are on

Non Inpatient Patient Flow driven by

Ward Attender



Patient type - Intended Management is auto set when a patient is admitted on SALUS to one of the specified wards


Non inpatient flow is driven by the ward that a patient is admitted to, transferred to or transferred from on Salus

Driven by wards

Non inpatient patient flow allows staff to utilise Salus and SeeEHR for patients that are NOT technically 'inpatients' .Examples:-

  • Patients that are in hospital but do not meet the NHS criteria for recording inpatient activity.
  • Patients that are NOT physically in hospital but are receiving support and care from UHP staff .

Virtual Hospital Attender

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Livewell Inpatient

Emergency Department Attender


Non Face to Face Encounter

Discharge Lounge Attender


+ IM

+ IM

+ wards

Virtual Hospital Attender

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Livewell Inpatient

Emergency Department Attender


Non Face to Face Encounter

Discharge Lounge Attender

Discharge Lounge

Ward Transfer

Pending Transfer

Discharge Lounge Attender (DLA)

Discharge Lounge Patient



Pending Admit

Complete Admit

Ward Transfer


Ward Transfer

Pending Admit


Patient on Salus ward

Discharge Lounge

Salus Ward

Salus Ward

Patient on Salus ward

Not Admitted

Patient NOT Admitted




Intended Managementsetbased on the ward/ admit details

Intended ManagementNOT changed

Intended ManagementNOT changed

Intended Management auto set to DischargeLounge Attender (DLA)

Discharge Lounge Attender Patient

Pending Transfer

Admission Patients admitted on Salus to the Discharge Lounge will be set as a Pending Admission to the Discharge Lounge.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from a ward on Salus to the Discharge Lounge will be set as a Pending Transfer to the Discharge Lounge.

Complete Transfer On completing a pending transfer to the Discharge Lounge on Salus the patient is transferred to the Discharge Lounge.

  • NO Change to Intended Management
  • The Transfer is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the patient's 'Intended Management'
  • OL attribute switched off.

Complete Admission. On completing a pending admission to the Discharge Lounge on Salus the patient is automatically admitted as a Discharge Lounge Attender (DLA).

  • Intended Management auto set to Discharge Lounge Attender (DLA)
  • NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • OL attribute not set.

Ward Transfer Discharge Lounge Attender (DLA) patients transferred from the Discharge Lounge on Salus to another ward will be automatically discharged and set as pending admissions to the new ward.

  • DLA Patient discharged from the Discharge Lounge.
    • Discharge NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the new ward.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from the Discharge Lounge on Salus, that are NOT Discharge Lounge Attenders, will be set as a Pending Transfer to the new ward.

Complete Transfer On completing a pending transfer to a new ward on Salus the patient will be transferred to the new ward.

  • NO Change to Intended Management
  • The Transfer is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the patient's 'Intended Management'
  • OL attribute set based on the rules of the new ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to a new ward on Salus the patient will be admitted to the new ward.

  • Intended Management set based on the ward the patient is being admitted to/entered details if not a special ward.
  • The Admission is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the 'Intended Management'
  • OL attribute set based on the rules of the new ward.

Virtual Hospital Attender

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Livewell Inpatient

Emergency Department Attender


Non Face to Face Encounter

Discharge Lounge Attender

Discharge Lounge

Non Face to Face Encounter


Pending Admt

Complete Admit

Ward Transfer

Pending Admit


Non Face to Face ward

Salus Ward

Salus Ward

Not Admitted

Patient NOT Admitted



Ward Transfer

Pending Admit



Patient on Salus ward


Patient on Salus ward

Intended Management setbased on the ward/ admit details

Intended Management auto set toNon Face to Face Encounter (NONFTFENC)

Non Face to Face Encounter patient

Admission Patients admitted on Salus to a Non Face to Face ward will be set as a Pending Admission to the Non Face to Face ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to the new ward on Salus the patient will be admitted to the new ward.

  • Intended Management set based on the ward the patient is being admitted to/entered details if not a special ward.
  • The Admission is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the 'Intended Management'
  • OL attribute set based on the rules of the new ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to a Non Face to Face ward on Salus the patient will be automatically admitted as a Non Face to Face Encounter (NONFTFENC) patient.

  • Intended Management auto set to Non Face to Face Encounter (NONFTFENC)
  • NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • OL attribute not set.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred to a Non Face to Face ward on Salus will be automatically discharged and set as pending admissions to the Non Face to face ward.

  • Patient discharged from the current ward.
    • Discharge sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the patient's Intended Management
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the Non Face to Face ward.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from a Non Face to Face ward on Salus will be automatically discharged and set as pending admissions to the new ward.

  • Patient discharged from the Non Face to Face ward.
    • Discharge NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the new ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to a Non Face to Face ward on Salus the patient will be automatically admitted as a Non Face to Face Encounter (NONFTFENC) patient.

  • Intended Management auto set to Non Face to Face Encounter (NONFTFENC)
  • NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • OL attribute not set.

Virtual Hospital Attender

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Livewell Inpatient

Emergency Department Attender


Non Face to Face Encounter

Discharge Lounge Attender

Discharge Lounge

Virtual Hospital Attender


Pending Admit

Complete Admit

Ward Transfer

Pending Admit

VH Attender ward

Salus Ward

Salus Ward

Not Admitted



Ward Transfer

Pending Admit




VH Attender patient

Patient on ward

VH Attender/ ED ward

Pending Transfer

Ward Transfer


Non VHATTEND Patient on Salus ward

Salus Ward

Pending Transfer

Ward Transfer


Patient NOT Admitted

VHATTEND Patient on ED or VH Attender ward

VH Attender/ ED ward

VH Attender/ED ward



Intended management auto set to VirtualHospital Attender(VHATTEND)

Intended management setbased on the ward/ admit details

Intended Managementremains asVirtual Hospital Attender(VHATTEND)

Intended Managementremains asVirtual Hospital Attender(VHATTEND)

Admission Patients admitted on Salus to a Virtual Hospital Attender ward will be set as a Pending Admission to the Virtual Hospital Attender ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to the new ward on Salus the patient will be admitted to the new ward.

  • Intended Management set based on the ward the patient is being admitted to/entered details if not a special ward.
  • The Admission is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the 'Intended Management'
  • OL attribute set based on the rules of the new ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to a Virtual Hospital Attender ward on Salus the patient will be automatically admitted as a Virtual Hospital Attender (VHATTEND) patient.

  • Intended Management auto set to Virtual Hospital Attender (VHATTEND)
  • Attribute VW Referral(VWr) switched off
  • NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • OL attribute not set.

Ward Transfer Non Virtual Hospital Attender patients that are transferred to a Virtual Hospital Attender ward on Salus will be automatically discharged and set as pending admissions to the Virtual Hospital Attender ward .

  • Patient discharged from the current ward.
    • Discharge sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the patient's Intended Management
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the Virtual Hospital Attender ward.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from a Virtual Hospital Attender ward on Salus or VHATTEND patients transferred from an ED ward to a ward that is NOT another Virtual Hospital Attender ward and is NOT and ED ward will be automatically discharged and set as pending admissions to the new ward.

  • Patient discharged from the Virtual Hospital Attender ward.
    • Discharge NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the new ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to a Virtual Hospital Attender ward on Salus the patient will be automatically admitted as a Virtual Hospital Attender (VHATTEND) patient.

  • Intended Management auto set to Virtual Hospital Attender (VHATTEND)
  • Attribute VW Referral(VWr) switched off
  • NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • OL attribute not set.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from a Virtual Hospital Attender/ ED ward on Salus to another Virtual Hospital Attender ward or to an ED ward will be set as a Pending Transfer to the new ward.

Complete Transfer On completing a pending transfer from a Virtual Hospital Attender ward on Salus or of a VH Attender patient on an ED ward to another Virtual Hospital Attender ward or to an ED ward the patient is transferred to the new ward and their Intended Management will remain unchanged.

  • NO Change to Intended Management, remains as VHATTEND
  • The Transfer is NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA
  • OL attribute switched off.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from another Virtual Hospital Attender ward or VHAttend patients transferred from an ED ward on Salus to another Virtual Hospital Attender ward or to an ED ward will be set as a Pending Transfer to the new ward. what happens when patients are moved between ed wards on nervecentre?????

Complete Transfer On completing a pending transfer of a VHATTEND patient on Salus to a Virtual Hospital Attender/ ED ward the patient is transferred to the new Virtual Hospital Attender/ ED ward.

  • NO Change to Intended Management, remains as VHATTEND
  • The Transfer is NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the patient's 'Intended Management' of VHATTEND.
  • OL attribute switched off.

Virtual Hospital Attender

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Livewell Inpatient

Emergency Department Attender


Non Face to Face Encounter

Discharge Lounge Attender

Discharge Lounge

Virtual Ward Inpatient


Ward Transfer

Pending Admit

VW Inpatient ward

Salus Ward

Salus Ward

Not Admitted



Ward Transfer

Pending Admit




VW Inpatient

Patient on ward

VW Inpatient, ED, Assess/Treat ward

Pending Transfer

Ward Transfer


Non VWInpat Patient on ward

Pending Transfer


Patient NOT Admitted

VWInpat Patient on ward

VW Inpatient, ED, Assess/Treat ward

VW Inpat/ ED/ Assess/Treat ward

Complete Admit

Ward Transfer



Intended Management auto set to Virtual Ward Inpatient (VWINPAT)

Intended Managementremains asVirtual Ward Inpatient(VWINPAT)

Intended managementremains asVirtual Ward Inpatient(VWInpat)

Intended Management setbased on the ward/ admit details

Pending Admit

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to the new ward on Salus the patient will be admitted to the new ward.

  • Intended Management set based on the ward the patient is being admitted to/entered details if not a special ward.
  • The Admission is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the 'Intended Management'
  • OL attribute set based on the rules of the new ward.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from a Virtual Ward Inpatient ward on Salus or VWInpat patients transferred from an ED ward, an Assessment unit or a Treatment area to a ward that is NOT another Virtual Hospital Attender ward and is NOT and ED ward, Assessment unit or Treatment area will be automatically discharged and set as pending admissions to the new ward.

  • VWInpat ischarged from their current ward .
    • Discharge sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the new ward.

Ward Transfer VWInpat patients transferred from a Virtual Ward Inpatient ward, ED, an Assessment unit or treatment area on Salus to another Virtual Ward Inpatient ward, ED, an Assessment unit or Treatment area will be set as a Pending Transfer to the new ward.

Complete Transfer On completing a pending transfer of a VWInpat patient on Salus to another Virtual Ward Inpatient ward, ED, an Assessment Unit or Treatment Area the patient is transferred to the new ward and their Intended Management will remain unchanged.

  • NO Change to Intended Management, remains as VHATTEND
  • The Transfer is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA
  • OL attribute switched off.

Ward Transfer Non Virtual Ward Inpatient patients that are transferred to a Virtual Ward Inpatient ward on Salus will be automatically discharged and set as pending admissions to the Virtual Ward Inpatient ward .

  • Patient discharged from the current ward.
    • Discharge sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the patient's Intended Management
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the Virtual Ward Inpatient ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to a Virtual Ward Inpatient ward on Salus the patient will be automatically admitted as a Virtual Ward Inpatient (VWInpat) patient.

  • Intended Management auto set to Virtual Ward Inpatient (VWInpat)
  • Sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • OL attribute not set.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from another Virtual Ward Inpatient ward or VWInpat patients transferred from an Assessment unit, a Treatment area or an ED ward on Salus to another Virtual Ward Inpatient ward, ED, Assessment unit or Treatment area will be set as a Pending Transfer to the new ward. what happens when patients are moved between ed wards on nervecentre?????

Complete Transfer On completing a pending transfer of a VWInpat patient on Salus to a Virtual Ward Inpatient ward, ED, an Assessment unit or Treatment area the patient is transferred to the new ward.

  • NO Change to Intended Management, remains as VWInpat
  • The Transfer is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA
  • OL attribute switched off.

Admission Patients admitted on Salus to a Virtual Ward Inpatient ward will be set as a Pending Admission to the Virtual Ward Inpatient ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to a Virtual Ward Inpatient ward on Salus the patient will be automatically admitted as a Virtual Ward Inpatient (VWInpat) patient.

  • Intended Management auto set to Virtual Ward Inpatient (VWInpat)
  • Sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • OL attribute not set.

Virtual Hospital Attender

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Livewell Inpatient

Emergency Department Attender


Non Face to Face Encounter

Discharge Lounge Attender

Discharge Lounge

Livewell Inpatient


Ward Transfer

Pending Admit


Livewell Inpatient ward/Care Hotel

Salus Ward

Salus Ward

Not Admitted

Patient NOT Admitted



Ward Transfer

Pending Admit



Patient on Salus ward


Patient on ward/in Care Hotel

Patient on Salus ward

Virtual Hospital Attender or ED ward

Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel

Ward Transfer


Complete Transfer

Pending Transfer

Intended managementauto set to Livewell Inpatient (LWI)

Patient on ward / in Care Hotel

Intended Managementremains as LivewellInpatient (LWI)

Intended Managementset based on the ward/ admit details

Admission Patients admitted on Salus to a Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel will be set as a Pending Admission to the Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to the new ward on Salus the patient will be admitted to the new ward.

  • Intended Management set based on the ward the patient is being admitted to/entered details if not a special ward.
  • The Admission is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the 'Intended Management'
  • OL attribute set based on the rules of the new ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to a Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel on Salus the patient will be automatically admitted as a Livewell Inpatient (LWI) patient.

  • Intended Management auto set to Livewell Inpatient (LWI)
  • NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • OL attribute not set.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred to a Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel on Salus will be automatically discharged and set as pending admissions to the Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel.

  • Patient discharged from the current ward.
    • Discharge sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the patient's Intended Management
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the new ward.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from a Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel on Salus to another ward that is NOT a Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel will be automatically discharged and set as pending admissions to the new ward.

  • Patient discharged from the Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel .
    • Discharge NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the new ward.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from a Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel on Salus to another Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel will be set as a Pending Transfer to the new ward.

Complete Transfer On completing a pending transfer from a Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel on Salus to another Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel the patient is transferred to the new ward and their Intended Management will remain unchanged.

  • NO Change to Intended Management, remains as LWI
  • The Transfer is NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA
  • OL attribute switched off.

Virtual Hospital Attender

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Livewell Inpatient

Emergency Department Attender


Non Face to Face Encounter

Discharge Lounge Attender

Discharge Lounge

Ward Attender


Pending Admit

Complete Admit


Ward Attender ward

Salus Ward

Salus Ward

Not Admitted


Ward Transfer

Pending Transfer



Patient on Salus ward

Ward Attender Patient

Non Ward Attender PatientIntended managementNOT changed

IntendedManagementauto set to Ward Attender(WARDATTEND)

Pending Transfer

Ward Transfer


Ward Transfer

Pending Admit

Intended ManagementNOT changed

Intended Management setbased on the watf/ admit details


Patient NOT Admitted

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to the new ward on Salus the patient will be admitted to the new ward.

  • Intended Management set based on the ward the patient is being admitted to/entered details if not a special ward.
  • The Admission is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA based on the 'Intended Management'
  • OL attribute set based on the rules of the new ward.

Ward Transfer Ward Attender patients transferred to a ward that is NOT another Ward Attender ward will be automatically discharged and set as a pending admissions to the new ward.

  • WARDATTEND patient discharged from their current ward .
    • Discharge sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • Patient set as a pending admission to the new ward.

Complete Admission On completing a pending admission to a Ward Attender ward on Salus the patient will be automatically admitted as a Ward Attender (WARDATTEND) patient.

  • Intended Management auto set to Ward Attender (WARDATTEND)
  • Sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA.
  • OL attribute not set.

Admission Patients admitted on Salus to a Ward Attender ward will be set as a Pending Admission to the Ward Attender ward.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from another Ward on Salus to a Ward Attender ward will be set as a Pending Transfer to the new ward.

Complete Transfer On completing a pending transfer of a patient on Salus to a Ward Attender ward the patient is transferred to the Ward Attender ward and their Intended Management is NOT changed.

  • NO Change to Intended Management
  • The Transfer is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA depending on the Intended Management
  • OL attribute switched off.

Ward Transfer Inpatients transferred from a Ward Attender ward on Salus to another Salus ward will be set as a Pending Transfer to the new ward depending on the rules of the ward they are being transferred to.

Complete Transfer On completing a pending transfer of a patient on Salus to another Salus ward the patient is transferred to the new ward and their Intended Management is NOT changed.

  • NO Change to Intended Management
  • The Transfer is sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA depending on the Intended Management
  • OL attribute switched off.

Virtual Hospital Attender

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Livewell Inpatient

Emergency Department Attender


Non Face to Face Encounter

Discharge Lounge Attender

Discharge Lounge

ED Attender

Attend on Nervecentre

Salus ED

Salus ED Ward

Salus Ward

Not Admitted


Ward Transfer

Pending TransferDischarge on Nervecentre

Intended Management is not changed

Patient on Salus ward

Patient NOT Admitted

Intended Management set to EDATTEND

ED Front Door - Dummy ward on Salus


Patient Attended on Nervecentre

Patient transferred between ED wards on Nervecentre

Patient departed from Nervecentre

Patient already Admitted on Salus: Transfer them to the ED ward.


Patient NOT currently Admitted on Salus: Admit them to the ED ward

Patient transferred to the new ED ward on Salus.

Patient is an ED Attender: Discharge them from the ED ward. If patient is set as an intended admission on Nervecentre to a Salus ward then set them as a pending admission to this ward.Patient is NOT an ED Attender: Set as a pending transfer back to where they came from UNLESS patient is set as an intended admission on Nervecentre to a Salus ward in which case set then as a pending admission to this ward.

Bed space reserved

Intended Management is not changed

Attend patient on Nervecentre. When a patient arrives at ED they are Attended on Nervecentre

  • The patient is attended to the chosen ED ward on Nervecentre.
  • An attendance message is sent to Salus.

Ward Transfer to ED Front Door - Dummy ward on Salus Patients transferred to the ward ED - Front Door will be set as a Pending Transfer to ED Front Door on Salus. The user will be asked if they wish to reserve the patient's bed space on their current ward and if they select 'Yes' the bed space will be reserved. A discharge message will be sent to Nervecentre (ED System) to discharge the patient from Nervecentre so that the patient can be Attended on Nervecentre when they arrive in ED. NB. Patients can only be transferred to ED front door using Salus. If you attempt to transfer a patient to another ED ward using Salus you will be blocked. ED attendances and departures are controlled by Nervecentre.

Ward Transfer Patients transferred from another Ward on Salus to the ED ward ED - Front Door

  • Will be set as a Pending Transfer to ED Front Door.
  • A discharge message will be sent to Nervecentre to discharge the patient from Nervecentre.
NB. Patients can only be transferred to the ED ward, ED Front door using Salus. If you attempt to transfer a patient to another ED ward using Salus you will be blocked. ED attendances and departures are controlled by Nervecentre.

Ward Transfer to ED Front Door When a patient is transferred to ED Front door on Salus

  • The user is asked if they wish to reserve the patient's bed space. If they select (Y)es then the patient's current bed space is reserved for their return.
  • The patient is set as a pending admission to the dummy ward, ED Front door.
  • A discharge message is sent to Nervecentre which discharges the patient from Nervecentre. This means when the patient turns up in the Emergency Department they can be Attended on Nervecentre.

ED Attendance on Nervecentre Attendances on Nervecentre are automatically sent to Salus. If the patient is currently admitted on Salus, they were initially transferred to ED Front Door, then they will be transferred to the ED ward on Salus and their Intended Management will NOT change.

  • Patient transferred to the ED ward.
  • Intended Management is NOT changed.
If the patient is not admitted on Salus they will be admitted to the new ED ward on Salus and their Intended Management will be set to ED Attender (EDATTEND).
  • Patient admitted as an EDATTEND to the ED ward.

Ward Transfer on Nervecentre Ward Transfers on Nervecentre are sent to Salus. The patient will be:

  • Transferred to the new ED ward on Salus.
  • Intended Management is NOT changed.

Patient Departed on Nervecentre. Patient departures on Nervecentre are sent to Salus. If the patient is an ED Attender, they were admitted directly to ED:

  • They will be discharged from the ED ward.
  • If patient is set as an intended admission on Nervecentre to a Salus ward:
    • They will be set as a pending admission to this ward
If the patient is NOT an ED Attender, they were transferred to ED from a Salus ward:
  • If patient was set as an intended admission on Nervecentre to a Salus ward: they will be set as a pending admission to this ward.
  • Else: If Patient has a bed space reserved: they will be set as a pending transfer to this ward
  • Else: they will be discharged from the ED ward.

Selected patients that do not meet the NHS criteria for admission can be admitted to specified wards on Salus allowing staff to utilise the systems available.

Non Inpatient Patient Flow

On admission to one of the specified wards the patient's 'Intended management ' is automatically set , this will drive whether the admission is sent to iPM , how the admission is excluded from SUS reporting , whether the patient is discharged and admitted to the new ward or can be transferred. Click on each of the individual buttons at the top of the screen to see the details for each of the designated Non inpatient patient types

Some patients are physically in hospital such as the 'Discharge Lounge Attenders', some are at home such as 'Virtual ward inpatients', but they are all NOT an inpatient

Some of these admissions are NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMASome of these admissions are sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA so the staff can utilise these systems.

Discharge Lounge Attender patients are patients that need a supervised, safe place to stay to await their onward transport. They are patients that have been admitted directly to the Discharge Lounge from a non inpatient area.Discharge Lounge Attenders can only be on the Discharge Lounge.

Discharge Lounge Attender

ExampleA vulnerable patient discharged from ED or following an outpatient visit awaiting transport home.

In hospital, on the Discharge Lounge butNOT an inpatient

NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA

Excluded from reporting as not on iPM

isoft Patient manager (iPM) is the patient administration system currently in use at UHP.all ADT Secondary User Service (SUS) reporting comes from iPM.Salus/SeeEHR are systems that have been developed inhouse to support bed management and clinical care at UHP.Salus and SeeEHR share the same underlying database. Salus is the bed management system and can be used to admit/transfer/discharge patients and move them between bed spaces.SeeEHR is the clinical portal which contains systems such as Clinician patient list (CPL), E Discharge, eForms, access to EPMA , GP Connect and the Devon and Cornwall care record (DCCR) There is a 2 way interface between iPM and Salus. All admissions, transfers, discharges, edits and cancellations are sent from iPM to Salus and vice versa for standard wards.Some admissions, transfers discharges on Salus to specified wards are NOT sent to iPM as designated in this genially.Some admissions, transfers discharges on Salus to specified wards are sent to iPM but are EXCLUDED from reporting based on the Intended Management as designated in this genially.


Acute Assessment Unit Non Face to Face, RK9NONFTFAAU01

Non Face to Face wards, RK9NONFTF

Acute Assessment Unit Non Face to Face, Code: RK9NONFTFAAU01

SALUS Wards that can hold non inpatient patients.

Discharge Lounge, Ward Code RK950101

Most patients on the Discharge Lounge are inpatients transferred from other wards, waiting for transport home.

Some patients are admitted directly to the Discharge Lounge from non inpatient areas.These patients are physically in the Discharge Lounge but are Discharge Lounge Attenders, NOT inpatients.

Patients on a Non Face to Face ward are NOT physically in hospital and are NOT inpatients.

Ward Attender wards, RK950WA

Ward Attender wards are not currently live.

Most patients on a Ward Attender ward will be admitted directly to the Ward.These patients are physically on the ward but are Ward Attenders, NOT inpatients.

Some patients will be inpatients transferred from other wards .

Virtual Hospital Attender wards, RK9LWVH

Virtual Hospital – COVID Code: RK9LWVH01 VW - Hospital to Home Code: RK9LWVH02 VW – ED to Home Code: RK9LWVHED01

Patients on a Virtual Hospital Attender ward are NOT physically in hospital and are NOT inpatients.

Virtual Ward Inpatient wards, RK9VW

Virtual Ward Hub Code: RK9VW01

Patients on a Virtual Ward Inpatient ward are NOT physically in hospital and are NOT inpatients.

Livewell Inpatient wards, RK9LW but not RK9LWVH

Care Hotel 4 Code: RK9LWCH01Livewell – LCC Finch Ward Code: RK9LWLCC03Livewell - Plym Neuro Rehab Unit Code: RK9LWMG01

Patients on a Livewell Inpatient ward are physically in a Livewell hospital or a Care Hotel but they are NOT UHP inpatients.

ED Attender wards, RK950ED

ED Resus Code: RK950ED01ED Majors Code: RK950ED02ED Majors Hold Code: RK950ED03ED Ambulatory Code: RK950ED05ED Paediatrics Code: RK950ED07UTC Cumberland Code: RK950ED08ED SSDEC Code: RK950ED09ED – Front Door Code: RK950EDFD

Most patients on ED wards are ED Attenders. These patients are physically in EDas ED Attenders , NOT inpatients.

Some patients on ED wards have been transferred to ED front door and are inpatients attending ED as part of a longer inpatient spell.

Treatment wards, Ward Group Code = TREAT

CRGW Ward, Diabetes centre, all ED wards, All Endoscopy Units, Estover HC, all Dialysis units, Nuclear Med day case, PIU, Primrose, REI day case, Saltash HC, SW Liver unit, Theatres 14/15 plastics, UTC Cumberland

Treatment wards are wards that patients are transferred to for treatment . When a patient is transferred to a treatment ward the user is asked if they wish to reserve their bed space.

Assessment wards, Ward Group Code = ASS

Brent Oncology Assessment Unit , Medical SDEC, Plym SDEC, SAU, Tavy, Thrushel

Virtual ward inpatients and ward attenders can be transferred to treatment wards

Virtual ward inpatients can be transferred to assessment wards

Livewell Inpatients are physically on a Livewell Inpatient ward or in a Care Hotel

Livewell Inpatient

Current Livewell inpatient and Care Hotel wards Code: RK9LWLCC03 Name: Livewell – LCC Finch Ward Code: RK9LWMG01 Name: Livewell - Plym Neuro Rehab Unit Code: Code: RK9LWCH01 Name: Care Hotel 4

In a Livewell hospital or Care HotelNOT a UHP inpatient

NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA

Excluded from reporting as not on iPM

Livewell Inpatients can only be transferred to another Livewell Inpatient ward or Care Hotel, if transferred to other wards they will be automatically discharged and set as a pending admission.

Virtual Hospital Attender patients are patients that are being looked after in a Virtual Hospital environment but who do not require access to inpatient diagnostics. They have been admitted to a Virtual Hospital Attender ward so staff can monitor them utilising Salus/SeeEHR.Virtual Hospital Attender patients can only be on Virtual Hospital Attender or ED wards.

Virtual Hospital Attender

Current Virtual Hospital Attender Wards Code: RK9LWVH01 Name: Virtual Hospital – COVID Code: RK9LWVH02 Name: VW - Hospital to Home Code: RK9LWVHED01 Name: VW – ED to Home

NOT in hospitalNOT an inpatient

NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA

Excluded from reporting as not on iPM

Can be transferred to another Virtual Hospital Attender ward or ED.

Discharge Lounge

Ward code = 'RK950101'Patients are sent to the discharge lounge to be cared for whilst they are awaiting onward transport. The majority of patients are transferred to the Discharge Lounge from other wards within Derriford to free up bed spaces for new patients.Some patients are admitted directly to the Discharge Lounge e.g. patients from ED or Outpatient visits that need somewhere safe whilst they are awaiting onward transport. These are termed Discharge Lounge Attenders, Intended Management Code = DLA.Discharge Lounge Attenders are NOT inpatients.

Selected patients that do not meet the NHS criteria for admission can be admitted to specified wards on Salus allowing staff to utilise the systems available.

Non Inpatient Patient Flow

On admission to one of the specified wards the patient's 'Intended management ' is automatically set , this will drive whether the admission is sent to iPM , how the admission is excluded from SUS reporting , whether the patient is discharged and admitted to the new ward or can be transferred. Click on each of the individual buttons at the top of the screen to see the details for each of the designated Non inpatient patient types

Some patients are physically in hospital such as the 'Discharge Lounge Attenders', some are at home such as 'Virtual ward inpatients', but they are all NOT an inpatient

Some of these admissions are NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMASome of these admissions are sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA so the staff can utilise these systems.

Virtual Ward Inpatients are patients that are being looked after on a Virtual ward and may require access to inpatient diagnostics. They have been admitted to a Virtual ward so staff can monitor them utilising Salus/SeeEHR and request diagnostics using iCM.Virtual Ward Inpatients can only be on a Virtual Inpatient ward, ED or an Assessment or Treatment ward .

Virtual Ward Inpatient

Current Virtual Hospital Attender Wards Code: RK9VW01 Name: Virtual Ward Hub

NOT in hospitalNOT an inpatient

Sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA

Excluded from reporting based on Intended Management code of VWInpat

Can be transferred to another Virtual Inpatient ward, ED, an assessment ward or a treatment ward.

Discharge Lounge

Ward code = 'RK950101'Patients are sent to the discharge lounge to be cared for whilst they are awaiting onward transport. The majority of patients are transferred to the Discharge Lounge from other wards within Derriford to free up bed spaces for new patients.Some patients are admitted directly to the Discharge Lounge e.g. patients from ED or Outpatient visits that need somewhere safe whilst they are awaiting onward transport. These are termed Discharge Lounge Attenders, Intended Management Code = DLA.Discharge Lounge Attenders are NOT inpatients.

Discharge Lounge

Ward code = 'RK950101'Patients are sent to the discharge lounge to be cared for whilst they are awaiting onward transport. The majority of patients are transferred to the Discharge Lounge from other wards within Derriford to free up bed spaces for new patients.Some patients are admitted directly to the Discharge Lounge e.g. patients from ED or Outpatient visits that need somewhere safe whilst they are awaiting onward transport. These are termed Discharge Lounge Attenders, Intended Management Code = DLA.Discharge Lounge Attenders are NOT inpatients.

Discharge Lounge

Ward code = 'RK950101'Patients are sent to the discharge lounge to be cared for whilst they are awaiting onward transport. The majority of patients are transferred to the Discharge Lounge from other wards within Derriford to free up bed spaces for new patients.Some patients are admitted directly to the Discharge Lounge e.g. patients from ED or Outpatient visits that need somewhere safe whilst they are awaiting onward transport. These are termed Discharge Lounge Attenders, Intended Management Code = DLA.Discharge Lounge Attenders are NOT inpatients.

Ward Attenders are patients that are being looked after on a Ward Attender ward as ward attenders. They may require access to inpatient diagnostics. They have been admitted to a Ward Attender ward so staff can monitor them utilising Salus/SeeEHR and request diagnostics using iCM.Ward Attenders can only be on a Ward Attender ward. If they are transferred to a non ward attender ward they will be discharged and admitted to the new ward.Inpatients can be transferred to a ward attender ward.

Ward Attender

Current Ward Attender Wards No current wards, ward attenders are not yet live

In Hospital as a ward AttenderNOT an inpatient

Sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA

Excluded from reporting based on Intended Management code of WARDATTEND

Can be transferred to another Ward Attender ward.

ED Attenders are patients that are attending the Emergency Department (ED) . ED Attenders can only be on ED wards. Inpatients can be transferred to ED wards, in this case their Intended Management is NOT changed and the ED attendance forms part of the patient's current inpatient spell.

ED Attender

Current ED Wards Code: RK950ED01 Name: ED ResusCode: RK950ED02 Name: ED Majors Code: RK950ED03 Name: ED Majors HoldCode: RK950ED04 Name: ED AmbulatoryCode: RK950ED05 Name: ED AmbulatoryCode: RK950EDFD Name: ED - Front Door Code: RK950ED07 Name: ED PaediatricsCode: RK950ED08 Name: UTC CumberlandCode: RK950ED09 Name: ED SSDEC

In ED as an ED AttenderNOT an inpatient

Sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA

Excluded from reporting based on Intended Management code of EDATTEND

Can be transferred to another ED ward.

Discharge Lounge

Ward code = 'RK950101'Patients are sent to the discharge lounge to be cared for whilst they are awaiting onward transport. The majority of patients are transferred to the Discharge Lounge from other wards within Derriford to free up bed spaces for new patients.Some patients are admitted directly to the Discharge Lounge e.g. patients from ED or Outpatient visits that need somewhere safe whilst they are awaiting onward transport. These are termed Discharge Lounge Attenders, Intended Management Code = DLA.Discharge Lounge Attenders are NOT inpatients.

Non Face to Face Encounter patients are patients that are having 'Non face to face' encounters with UHP staff . They have been admitted to a Non Face to Face ward so staff can monitor them utilising Salus/SeeEHR.Non Face to Face Encounter patients can only be on a Non Face to Face ward.

Non Face to Face Encounter

Current Non Face to Face wards Code: RK9NONFTFAAU01 Name: Acute Assessment Unit Non Face to Face

NOT in hospitalNOT an inpatient

NOT sent to iPM/iCM/EPMA

Excluded from reporting as not on iPM

Discharge Lounge

Ward code = 'RK950101'Patients are sent to the discharge lounge to be cared for whilst they are awaiting onward transport. The majority of patients are transferred to the Discharge Lounge from other wards within Derriford to free up bed spaces for new patients.Some patients are admitted directly to the Discharge Lounge e.g. patients from ED or Outpatient visits that need somewhere safe whilst they are awaiting onward transport. These are termed Discharge Lounge Attenders, Intended Management Code = DLA.Discharge Lounge Attenders are NOT inpatients.

Acute Assessment Unit Non Face to Face, RK9NONFTFAAU01

Virtual Hospital Attender wards, RK9LWVH

Intended Management: Virtual Hospital Attender Code: VHATTEND

Patients on a Virtual Hospital Attender ward are not physically in hospital. They are patients that require UHP input in a virtual environment.

Virtual Ward Inpatient wards, RK9VW

Patients on a Virtual Ward Inpatient ward are not physically in hospital. They are at home, being cared for in a virtual ward environment, receving inpatient standard levels of care.

Livewell Inpatient wards, RK9LW

Patients who are physically on a Livewell Inpatient Ward or in a Care Hotel that are managed by staff utilising our clinical systems.

These patients are NOT UHP inpatients, they are Livewell Inpatients

Current wards

Discharge lounge, RK950101

Most patients on the Discharge Lounge are standard inpatients, transferred to the Discharge Lounge to await transport, TTA's etc

Some patients are admitted directly to the Discharge Lounge from non inpatient areas e.g. ED or Outpatients as they need a supervised, safe place to stay whilst awaiting onward transport.

Intended Management: Discharge Lounge Attender Code: DLA


Ward Attender wards, RK950WA


Most patients on a Ward Attender ward are ward attenders. They are in hospital but do not meet the NHS definition of an inpatient.

Intended Management: Ward Attender Code: WARDATTEND

Some patients on a Ward Attender ward are inpatients that have been transferred to the ward attender ward and retain their Intended management designation





Intended Management: ED Attender Code: EDATTEND


ED Attender wards, RK950ED

Patients in ED are attended and departed on Nervecentre, which in turn updates Salus. Patients transferred on Salus to 'ED Front Door' are discharged from Nervecentre so they can be attended, but remain part of the current inpatient spell on Salus retaining their Intended Management designation.

Intended Management: Livewell Inpatient Code: LWI

Intended Management: Virtual Ward Inpatients Code: VWInpat

Non Face to Face wards, RK9NONFTF

Patients on a Non Face to Face ward are not physically in hospital. They are patients that require Non Face to face input from UHP staff.

Intended Management: Non Face to Face Encounter Code: NONFTFENC


Most patients on ED wards are ED attenders.

Some patients on ED wards are inpatients that have been transferred to ED Front door from other inpatient areas and are expected to transfer back.