Caroline Williams
Created on March 23, 2024
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Caroline WilliamsGrand Canyon UniveristyEDU-551: Differentiated InstructionDr. Jan WilliamsMarch 25, 2024
Benchmark-Differentiated Instruction and Assessment Presentation
"By integrating patterns of learning, knowing, and doing that are familiar to culturally and economically diverse students, academic content becomes easier to connect to their lives and is understood on a deeper level" (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, n.d.).
- Knowledge student's bring from home and the community.
- Incorporating students life encounters into learning.
- Integrating families cultural practices into teachings.
- Comprehending students funds of knowledge can help students to interpret academic topics.
Funds of Knowledge
(Check each picture for more info)
Examples of Funds of Knoweldge
Students and their families' cultural beliefs, activities, and daily home/community routines.
Content: Information students learn and is modified by students' interests. Process: How students learn content with activities to engage students by making connections.Products: How students show what they have learned through different methods to meet student's needs.Learning environment: Set up of classroom. Including: expectations, routines, seating, and multi-cultural materials.
Differentiated Instruction
"Differentiated instruction involves teaching in a way that meets the different needs and interests of students using varied course content, activities, and assessments" (Stanford University, n.d.).
"Effective differentiation supports all students to achieve learning growth, regardless of their starting point" (Clarke, 2021).
- Provide options for assignments.
- Provide a variation of materials and text forms.
- Customize instruction by learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic with hands-on activities.
- Integrate technology options for learning and assessments.
- Whole and small group discussions, activities, instruction, and collaborative choices.
How to differentiate instruction?
Check each student for more info.
Learning Styles Inventory
"Students have diverse abilities, backgrounds, interests, and learning styles, so assessment variety puts all students on a level playing field in terms of demonstrating what they know and can do" (Variety in Assignment and Assessment Methods | Centre for Enhanced Teaching & Learning | UNB, n.d.).
Getting to know your students.
Learn about students interests, families, learning styles, and goals.
Opportunities to demonstrate content mastery.
Have students display what they learned in their own way.
Different forms of assessment tools.
Use students' strengths to have them design, draw, respond, develop, explain, etc..
Connections to real-world experiences.
Connect topics learned to daily routines, jobs, and family/community life.
Assessment Strategies
- Choices of activities were provided to students.
- Discussions and turn and talks checked for understadning.
- Cut-and-paste worksheet and interactive time matching activity for assessment.
Discussions:turn and talks to engage prior knowledge, check for understanding, and collaborate with sentence stems. "All students are able to process new learning while engaging in meaningful conversation with a classmate" (Turn and Talk - The Teacher Toolkit, n.d.).
Hands-on engagement: clocks to practice time and ineractive activities through iPads and ViewSonic board.
Anchor charts, videos, and clock song to engage memory, and improve concentration and focus.
Developmentally Appropriate Instruction
Students can video responses inside or outside the classroom for depper discussions and build communication skills through Flip.
Math games with Boddle to asses students knoweldge and skills with assigmnets tailord to needs.
Seesaw activities can be assigned by skill and students complete on iPads for practice and assessment.
Technology Integration
Clarke, M. (2021). Differentiate learning for different levels - Department of Education, Australian Government. Department of Education. https://www.education.gov.au/australian-curriculum/national-stem-education-resources-toolkit/i-want-know-about-stem-education/what-works-best-when-teaching-stem/differentiate-learning-different-levels#:~:text=Effective%20differentiation%20supports%20all%20studentsStanford University. (n.d.). Differentiated Instruction | Center for Teaching and Learning. Ctl.stanford.edu. https://ctl.stanford.edu/differentiated-instruction#:~:text=Differentiated%20instruction%20involves%20teaching%20inTurn and Talk - The Teacher Toolkit. (n.d.). Www.theteachertoolkit.com. https://www.theteachertoolkit.com/index.php/tool/turn-and-talk#:~:text=This%20strategy%20permits%20all%20studentsVariety in Assignment and Assessment Methods | Centre for Enhanced Teaching & Learning | UNB. (n.d.). Www.unb.ca. https://www.unb.ca/fredericton/cetl/services/teaching-tips/assessment-methods/variety-in-assignment-and-assessment-methods.html#:~:text=Students%20have%20diverse%20abilities%2C%20backgroundsWashington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. (n.d.). Funds of Knowledge Toolkit. Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. https://ospi.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/2023-10/funds_of_knowledge_toolkit.pdf
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