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How to reduce plastic with an organism?

  1. Why is plastic a major problem?
  2. Why did I choose this project?
  3. How can larvae help us?
  4. Experiment
  5. Thanks


  • 460 millon plastic produced
  • 500 billion float ocean
  • By 2050 seabirds, plastic
  • 420 years to degrade
  • plastic recycling expensive/high greenhouse gas emissions

Why is plastic a major problem?

  • Very important, impacted, melting ice
  • Wolrd of tomorrow
  • no longer be able, goods conditions

Why did I choose this project?

  • Ringworm larvae by Galleria Mellonella
  • lay eggs, bee hives
  • Eat bee wax
  • Beeswax = polymer close to polyethylene (PE)
  • New study: enzymes PE

How can larvae help us?

  • No major risk
  • Mor precaution/precision

Lab safety

  • 3 glass boxes
  • Plastic (1,5 mg) /Honey (3 spoons) /wheat germs (8 mg)
  • Weigh + time laps video
  • Less polluting way, suffering polar bear

