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Health & Wellbeing

What do you see?

What do you see?

What do you see?

What do you see?

What do you see?

What do you see?

Oquendo : What kinds of food do you include when meal prepping?Fengling: When meal prepping I normally include...Oquendo: Do you cook a mixture of foods or the same thing everytime?Fengling: I cook a mixture of foods such as ....Oquendo: How often do you normally meal prep?Fengling: I normally meal prep/ often meal prep.....

Example dialogue

  • Physical activity
  • Sports
  • Park
  • Physical health
  • Mental health
  • Balanced diet
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Sleep
  • Fats
  • Salt
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Smoking

Let's watch!

  • What are the healthy habits mentioned in the video?

Comprehension Check

  • What are some examples of physical activities mentioned in the video?

Comprehension Check

  • What are bad habits that the video mentions that we should stay away from?

Comprehension Check

  • What can happen to us if we don’t cut down on unhealthy habits?

Comprehension Check

  • Do you agree that what is good for your body is good for your mind?

Comprehension Check

Raul should ....

  • Raul smokes a lot of cigarettes and drinks a lot of alcohol. His doctor says he is now at risk of getting lung cancer and respiratory diseases. He also has liver damage. What can Raul do to get better?

What would you recommend ?

Sarah should ....

  • Sarah sits at home everyday eating junk food and watching T.V. She barely exercises and has been gaining a lot of weight to the point that she feels depressed. What can Sarah do to get better ?

What would you recommend ?

John should ....

  • John stays up late playing video games every night. He notices that he has irregular sleeping patterns and concentration problems. What can John do to get better?

What would you recommend ?

Jessica should ....

  • Jessica has been really stressed beacause of the work she has to do everyday. She has started to experience anxiety problems and notice that her wellbeing is at risk. What can Jessica do to get better ?

What would you recommend ?

Kevin should ....

Kevin has been skipping meals and consistently eating irregularly. He has lost a lot of weight and started having deficiency issues because he is lacking the nutrients that his body needs. What can Kevin do to get better?

What would you recommend ?

  • Write one word or sentence in the chat about something you learned today.

What did you learn today?

Write a short paragraph about your own healthy habits or record yourselves discussing healthy habits that you practice in your daily life.

