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properties and classification

environmental inpact of metals


obtaining metal


ferrous metal

non-ferrous metals

metal machining and joining methods

The most important properties of metal are:-they are dense and heavy, with a shiny appearance.-The have grat mechanical resistance to force.-They are good conductors of electricity, heat and sound.-Thy are ductile and malleable.

The ferrous mtal production process is called ferrous metallurgy.

metals are extracted from the earth in open-pit or underground mines

the most significant impact of open-pit and under-ground mining is damage to the landscape. Mining causes major changes as a resultt of moving large amounts of material, as well as water pollutoin and dust production.

in the technologi workshop, we use manual methods, but industrial metal production uses machins like lathes, milling machins, extruders, laminators and electrical soldering equipment.