Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

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'L'une des caractéristiques frappantes du travail en Inde est l'emploi dans l'économie informelle. En Inde, plus de 90% de la main-d'oeuvre est informelle ((elle travaille sans aucune assurance sociale)L'organisation internationale du travail a spécifiquement défini les caractèristiques importantes du travail dans une économie informelle, à savoir "des lieux de travail non définis, des conditions de travail dangereuses et insalubres, des niveaux faibles de compétences et de productivité, des revenus faibles ou irréguliers, de longues heures de travail et un manque d'accès à l'information, aux marchés, aux finances, à la formation et à la technologie"Les relations de travaille en Inde sont caractérisées par 2 phénomènes : l'informalité et l'alignement des conditions précaires.

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- Sommary

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Une compréhension conceptuelle à l'aide du concept de travail sans pied ainsi que des information contextuelles.1. La relation d'emploi entre les travailleurs libres et le rôle des sous-traitants dans la vie des travailleurs.2. Les politiques sociales pour les travailleurs de la construction qui est informels dans certaines régions de l'Inde en mettent en évidence les défis opérationnels et les contradictions inhérentes à l'état.


  1. Interactivity
  2. Animation
  3. Creativity
  4. WOW Effect
  5. Awesome Interactivity

01. travail


Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to be able to visualize it on any device and spread it anywhere.

  1. Plan your communication structure.
  2. Prioritize and visually emphasize the main points.
  3. Define secondary messages with interactivity.
  4. Establish a flow throughout the content.
  5. Measure the results.

05. T. Framework

Interactive step-by-step visual communication:

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and give it exposure anywhere.

  1. Plan your communication structure.
  2. Hierarchy and visually emphasize the main points.
  3. Define secondary messages with interactivity.
  4. Establish a flow throughout the content.
  5. Measure the results.

06. Methodology

Population and sample

Disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate visually rich note-taking through the use of images, charts, infographics, and simple drawings. Get on it!

Field work

Write awesome text by clicking on Text in the left sidebar.Note: fonts, size, and color should be adjusted to the topic you are discussing.

State ofthe issue



Bring your creation elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!


Use graphics in your presentation. Interactive visual communication enhances communication outcomes on any topic and in any context you can imagine. Make numbers turn into stories.

08. Development

Write an awesome headline

The visual content is a cross-cutting, universal language, like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

Write a great headline

We better capture visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things enter through the eyes, the first image is what matters. We associate visual contentwith emotions.

08. Development

Write a great headline

Our brain is ready to consume visual content. Some data: 90% of the information we process comes through our sight, and we process visual content up to 60,000 times faster than text. That's why visual communication ismore effective.

A great title

  1. Generate experiences withyour content
    1. Measure results and experiment
  2. It has a WOW effect. Very WOW
    1. Activate and surpriseyour audience
  3. Make your audience rememberthe message
    1. It is organized, hierarchicaland structured

    09. Conclusion

    Write an awesome headline

    Disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate the creation of visually rich notes thanks to the use of images, graphs, infographics, and simple drawings. Let's go for it!

    1. Present your genially...

    • With tranquility and conciseness. Synthesize the content.

    2. Show enthusiasm!

    • Take a deep breath and count what you have come to say.

    3. After practicing a lot

    • The best improvisation is the one that is worked on!

    Thank youfor your attention

    Any questions?