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· questions


· post operationnal stage

· formal operational stage

· concrete operationnal stage

· preoperational stage

· sensorimotor stage



1- stages2-One stage must take place before another3-take place in the same order for all children but not at the exact same age4-.Intelligence is built up gradually

Definition :


  • explore and interact
  • babies are primarily focused on their own bodies
  • primary physical needs
  • development of object permanence
  • explore the coordination of sensory and motor actions
  • ability to mentally represent objects and events

sensorimotor stage0-2 years

  • mentally represent objects and events using symbols such as words and images
  • thinking is still largely intuitive and non-logical
  • egocentric, unable to understand others' viewpoints
  • establish links between events without necessarily understanding the causal relationship between them.

preoperational stage

  • they may sometimes struggle with abstract concepts or hypothetical situations
  • think more logically and concretely
  • concepts such as conservation and reversibility
  • perform simple mental operations
  • to understand classifications and seriations

Concrete Operational Stage

* ability to think abstractly and hypothetico-deductively*complex concepts, formulate hypotheses, and test them logically*beginning of scientific reasoning and high-level problem-solving

Formal Operational Stage

- integrate different perspectives and nuances into their thinking- evaluating arguments, and can solve problems with creativity and originality

Post-Operational Stage (or Stage of Hypothetico-Deductive Operations)

scheme recaps

QUESTIONS : What are the main challenges children face during the preoperational stage of cognitive development, according to Piaget's theory ? How does egocentrism manifest itself in children during the preoperational stage? What cognitive abilities typically emerge during the concrete operational stage according to Piaget? Describe the type of reasoning associated with the formal operational stage in Piaget's theory. How does the post-operational stage differ from the formal operational stage in Piaget's model of cognitive development?