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Lizoon NaharTeaching AssociateIndiana University of Pennsylvania, USA

Virtual Science Labs: Unleasing Experiments on Your Device

Practical science lab courses develope

  • enhanced understanding of concepts (Wright, 2020; Tsakeni et al., 2019),
  • development of critical thinking abilities (Durkaya, 2022),
  • promotion of inquiry-based learning (Smith, 2015),
  • practical skills development (Heng et al., 2022),
  • increased engagement and motivation, and preparation for real-world applications (NSTA, 2007).

Practical science lab The schools in the United States are deficient in lab materials, equipment, and trained faculty to run science laboratories (NAEP, 2016). Same is true for

  • South Africa (Shambare & Simuja, 2022)
  • India (Joyti & Prashad, 2018)
  • Bangladesh (BANBEIS, 2016)
  • Nigeria (Aladesusi et al., 2022)
  • Tanzania (Manyilizu, 2023)
  • Indonesia (Lestari et al. 2023)

Virtual science laboratories (VSLs) equip learners with an on screen platform to engage in scientific investigations without physically attending the school’s science lab (Elmoazen et al., 2023; Wagner, 2023)VSLs hold great potential for students to enhance their science knowledge and skills by assuming the role of scientists in virtual environments (Liu et al., 2022).

Virtual Science Labs (VSLs) may provide a significant solution to a longstanding challenge in science education. An alternative way to complement inadequate lab facilities (Aljuhani, 2018; Lestari et al., 2023)

  • Inquiry skills (Efstathiou 2018; Lue et al, 2022)
  • Enjoyment (Asiksoy, 2023; Çivril1 & Özkul, 2021)
  • Cost-effectiveness (Manyilizu, 2023)/ VSLs offer an economical solution.

The Adoption of VSLs

  • The rapid expansion of e-learning worldwide (Wagner, 2023).
  • Over the past two decades, enrollment in distance education classes has steadily risen (NCES, 2021),
  • European Union - GoLab (de Jong, 2005). United States - Labster— 2012 (Thisgaard & Makransky, 2017).
  • India-OLabs- 2011- India


  • To fully grasp the potential of VSLs, it is important to consider the perspectives and behavioral intentions of teachers (Li et al., 2023) who play a key role in the learning process, and their acceptance is vital for the successful integration of virtual labs into science learning (Chen et al., 2023; Khukalenko, 2022).

Goals and Research Method

  • This research aims to add teachers' perspectives on VSLs to the field of science education, creating new avenues for dialogue among science teachers and ultimately benefiting all stakeholders.
  • Mixed method study
  • Quan-Survey (200 teachers)Qual-interview (10 teachers)
  • Time of data collection and analysis August 2024-December 2024

Research Question

  • RQ1: What are the perceptions of secondary-level science teachers regarding VSL?
  • RQ2. How are the factors of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) related to the behavioral intention (BI) of science teachers to adopt VSL in secondary education?
  • RQ3. What role do teachers' gender, age, experience, and their country's economic status play in their perceived behavioral intention to adopt VSL?

Share Practical Experiences

Indentification and classification of living organisem usings mobile app Plantify

Indentification and classification of living organisms usings mobile app Plantify

Indentification and classification of living organisms usings mobile app Plantify

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjPZHy5kJiA&t=693sStatrt 10: 25

Conducting Virtual Science Experients

Adoption of VSls