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Sleep should not be underrated as a tool in your self-care arsenal. Harvard Medical School has an entire division dedicated to “sleep medicine” and the profound effect sleep has on mood, focus, and mental performance among other things.

Making healthier choices when it comes to nutrition can bolster our immune systems - which can be significantly weakened when we experience a heavy change load.

Exercise has many obvious benefits, maybe less obvious if that it increases Serotonin, the feel-good chemical.


Studies have shown that people who play are more adaptive, innovative, and have more positive relationships. And the benefits don’t just stop there. According to the National Institute for Play, play generates optimism, spurs curiosity, fosters empathy, cultivates perseverance, and leads to mastery.Neuroscience has demonstrated that playful environments powerfully shape the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain where the highest level of cognitive processing takes place. So, it makes sense that not playing much stifles creative energy.

Examples include: Board games, sports, video games, walking the dog, gamifying tasks.


Mindfulness inoculates us against the harmful effects of change and can be an antidote for the stress that often accompanies change. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, being present, or expressing gratitude, mindfulness plays a powerful role in our brains. There is a reason that every wisdom tradition since the beginning of history purports some type of mindfulness practice.Mindfulness leads to emotional intelligence. As you learn to sit and be with feelings, you have much more compassion for yourself and others, therefore you’re not so reactive to feelings.

Examples include: Meditation, Arts or Creative Activities, Gardening, Time in Nature, Spiritual Practices