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(thank you Matthew Prenter)

Song of the Week


Dr Nazanin Shahrokni, IS221, 19 March 2024

The (Global) City

- 2018 World Cities Report

Urbanisation gone amok

In 2018, an estimated 55.3 per cent of the world’s population lived in urban settlements. By 2030, urban areas are projected to house 60 per cent of people globally and one in every three people will live in cities with at least half a million inhabitants.

Harvard Kennedy School, Taubman Center, March 2009

Urban Inequality

Economic Growth

Urban inequality reflects both the unequal distribution of skills and unequal returns to skill. Inequality is positively related to crime, slow growth, and unhappiness.In almost every metropolitan area inequality has risen since 1980. In many cases, the increase in inequality has been considerable.

World Economic Forum, February 2018

Does urban concentration spur economic growth?According to dominant views, urbanisation is linked to the formation of agglomeration economies and productivity gains, which, in turn, lead to greater national economic growth.

Who uses the city, how & for what purpose?

Who produces the city?

Gendered individuals experience city spaces differently

Gendered Experiences

Looking at the city through an intersectional lens

Women missing from narratives & decision-making processes

Gendering City Making

It is important to note that women mayors often bring in new perspectives and agenda.

Feminist Geography

Who Shapesthe Cities?

Designing the Cities

Governing Cities

It has been a long struggle to gain recognition within geography as a discipline that gender relations are a central organizing feature both of the material and symbolic worlds and of the theoretical basis of the discipline. - Linda McDowell & Joanne P. Sharp

Of the world’s largest cities only a small percentage are governed by women.

Who Narratesthe Cities?

At least 13 barriers have been identified to Canadian women architects achieving equity—from low or unequal pay and slower rates of promotion, to inflexible working hours and poor return-to-work training following parental leave.

This paper examines the relationship between women's fear of male violence and their perception and use of space. Consideration is given to how public space is occupied and controlled by different groups at different times. The conclusion drawn is that women's inhibited use of space is a spatial expression of patriarchy.

Gill Valentine (1989) "The Geography of Women's Fear" Area 21(4): 385-390.

The Geographies of Fear

Cities as the key nodes in the international system

Global Networks of Interdependent Economies

Effective command-and-coordinate posts for Transnational Corporations



De-linked from national economy but located in national territories


Subject to agglomeration economy

European Business Magazine


London primed to be the next generation of global hubs by assessing four metrics: personal wellbeing, economics, innovation, and governance. 72 of the world’s Michelin star restaurants, Host to major sporting events. Developing Creative Enterprise Zones in different parts of the city.

London as a Global City

Migrant workers in

Global Migration & Migrants

Data on Labour Migration

Migration, Labour & the City

The Global City through An Intersectional Lens

Geometries of power

Geographies of centrality & marginality

Contradictory Space

Thinking analytically about global cities

"This is what happens when people move out," Johnson says, gesturing to a massive conference room with million-dollar views over Central Park. "I come in here and I do yoga."


Whose City?

by Paromita Vohra2012


by Matt Tyernauer2016

Citizen Jane: Battle for the City

by Lewis Mumford1939

The City

by Sean Baker2017

The Florida Project

It's Show Time Folks!

Go & explore the city with this new vision....

Have a great week!