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Why is it important to learn about digital literacy and safety


Digital Literacy&Safety

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What is Digital Literacy?

The ability to participate safely, critically, meaningfully, and justly in the production and consumption of content

on line

What is Digital Literacy?Another way to express this is an individuals ability to find, evaluate and communicate information using typing or digital platforms online.

Digital Literacy


What about the cookies?

Digital footprints- The information about a person that can be found online as a result of their internet activity

  • Photos
  • Websites you've visited
  • Posts you have made on social media
Remember if you delete a post, it may remain accessible online.

Why should you learn about Digital literacy?

Echo chambers---being persuaded to have a partisan view-Ligitimacy concerns-innacurate content (fact check!)Online radicalization

Not having knowledge can harm you not just now but for years to come


Here are some definitions you should become familiar with: Echo chambers-being persuaded to have a partisan view Legitimacy concerns- inaccurate content (fact check!) Online radicalization- students unable to distinguish good and bad information

What are the safety concerns

Internet scams

exploit financial trust or breach security

Uncivil online behavior

bullying and hate speech, pages with no moderator

Digital footprints

photos are forever

Privacy concerns

hacking, stealing info, etc.

More about literacy


laughter and enjoyment, usually at someone else's expense


a method of learning or solving problems that allows people to discover things themselves and learn from their own experiences.


hacking, stealing info, etc.

More about literacy

Media Hacking

the manipulation of electronic and online media , especially social media to shape a particular narrative.

Meme culture

internet culture centered around the creation and distribution of memes meant to be funny and shared online

on line

Digital literacy is important in this ever evolving technical world. Knowing how to be a responsible participant will enable you to safely navigate the cyber world.

Digital Literacy






Media Hacking

illusory truth effect

Meme Culture

terms to know

They key is "knowledge is power"

A psychological and sociological phenomenon in which members of a group will conform to majority opinion to maintain group harmony rather than stating their own opinions

Slang laughs at someone else's or one's own expense.

A procedure used to locate specific data within a collection of information. Also called a search algorythm.

A heuristic is a mental shortcut that allows an individual to make a decision, pass judgment, or solve a problem quickly and with minimal mental effort.

Media Hacking refers to the usage and manipulation of social media and associated algorithms to define a narrative or political frame. Individuals, states, and non-state actors are increasingly using Media Hacking techniques to advance political agendas. This is used to shape a narrative (Fake news)

The illusory truth effect, also known as the illusion of truth, describes how when we hear the same false information repeated again and again, we often come to believe it is true.

Internet culture centered around the creation and distribution of memes: images, videos, phrases, symbols or other brief texts meant to be funny and shared widely online, often with slight changes.

Online safety



Digital Citizenship

Our objective is to learn how to think critically with the use of digital media and use the technology available to explore, create and learn in new ways keeping in mind that there are challenges with the use of this technology.

Us institute of diplomacy and human rights

Digital Citizenship teaches individuals how to engage and participate in responsible ways of using technology, in order to protect themselves from internet dangers and respect each other’s human rights

Digital Citizenship allows citizens to use technology in a thoughtful and empathetic manner

With the rise in fraud, misinformation and disinformation, it is important that people choose credible and valid sources in their online practices.


The 9 "P" s of Digital Citizenship


Are the pictures you post secure and in good taste? A picture says a thousand words and can be on the internet forever. Be aware many pictures identify private information such as your location.



Anything that can be used to identify you should be avoided, picture of yourself, family, pets, places, address, email, phone number.


Have you given credit where credit is due? Before using online works, go to the source, check for copyright or creative commons licensing and cite your source appropriately.


A good password is unique with at least seven characters with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters and symbols

How well do you protect your private information? Anything that can be used to identify you should be avoided, picture of yourself, family, pets, places, address, email, phone number

When was the last time you changed your passwords?

How well do you protect your private information? -Anything that can be used to identify you should be avoided, picture of yourself, family, pets, places, address, email, phone number

Property; Do you understand and protect property rights? -Public domain rights are owned by the public , while all other intellectual property have some sort of copyright protection… you can license your own work too!

Personal information; Do you keep your personal details private?? - Your best friend’s name, favorite color all can be used to create a fake profile of you.

Ms. Black's favorite quote "Keep your personal business personal"

Think before you share!


Safety 1st!

Have you given credit where credit is due? Before using online works, go to the source, check for copyright or creative commons licensing and cite your source appropriately.

Unsure? ask for help

Protection: Are you safely browsing the internet? -Protection against viruses and other potential malware is a must, be wary of pop ups, unfamiliar sites and what you click.

Do you balance professionalism with your digital identity? - Use correct grammar and good netiquette when you communicate online, be conscious of how you conduct yourself.

Do you balance professionalism with your digital identity? -Use correct grammar and good netiquette when you communicate online, be conscious of how you conduct yourself.

Knowlege is power! You control who you are online.

Personal brand: How do you want to be perceived online? -Your reputation is your greatest asset. Your digital tattoo is almost impossible to erase. Be very selective with what you choose to share with the world. -Integrity is everything!

on line

Showing respect for others is as important online as it is offline.-politeness - kindness -appreciation

Positive Digital behavior

+ info

Word cloud discussion

Best practice for showing respect for others such as friends and family

  • Get permission before sharing a photo of someone else
  • Be aware of pressures online to do or say something, you may be provoked to give out someones personal info.

Bullying is no joke. And, if you’re dealing with it, you deserve help. Because, everyone deserves kindness and compassion. From how to make it through the school day to how to ask for help.

Negative online behavior can potentially make you a target


https://libraryguides.mdc.edu/FakeNews/FilterBubbles LibGuides: Fake News (and how to fight it): Filter Bubbles & Confirmation BiasFakeNews...Mdc


https://www.sentrypc.com/home/statistics.htm Online Child Predator Statistics | SentryPCView some shocking online child predator statistics every parent should be aware...Sentrypc

Could not tell the difference between fake stories (Filterbubbles)

Implicit mechanisms of pre-selected personalization, where a user's media consumption is created by personalized algorithms; An AI-driven algorithm that reinforces their existing beliefs and preferences, potentially excluding diverse perspectives


Of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyberbullying


Relevant data

Involves the use of technology to stalk or harass someone online.

Cyberstalking can have serious consequences on the victim's mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.


Spending too much time on social media can have serious consequences on mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues


It's important to fact-check information before posting or spreading it on social media. You don’t want to be the source of online radicalization

Spread of misinformation

Its easy for hackers to get your information

Privacy concerns for yourself and others

More risks


Safe practices

Online Safety

https://www.sentrypc.com/home/statistics.htm Online Child Predator Statistics | SentryPCView some shocking online child predator statistics every parent should be aware...Sentrypc



https://edtechbooks.org/k12handbook/digital_equityResources: thestudentview.orgwww.google.comrender.betaworks.com,helpcenter.trendmicro.comwww.youtube.comWilkpediawww.teachersdiscovery.com/https://fastercapital.com/topics/how-online-behavior-can-have-serious-consequences.html https://iiciis.org/international/2017/11/30/the-9-key-ps-of-digital-citizenship/https://edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2021/07/istelive-21-think-you-click-protect-student-data-privacy-expert-tells-educatorsDIT on Digital Literacy, Citizenship and Safety © 2024 by Marcia Black is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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