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Sea King

Let's Rescue An Apollo Capsule!

Rescue Mission

"We need your help to complete all 3 missions and rescue the Apollo capsule"

Mission 03

Mission 02

Mission 01

B. Call for backup and wait for conditions to improve

Mission 1 out of 3


A. Attempt the rescue despite the conditions

As you approach the capsule, you notice high winds and rough seas. What do you do?

"Plan a safe approach for the rescue operation."

You attempt to rescue despite the conditions. Strong winds throw you off balance, and you struggle to maintain control.

"Plan a safe approach for the rescue operation."

You decide to prioritize safety and call for backup. You receive news from the capsule crew they are stable but eager to be rescued.

Let's go

Decode the Storm

Decrypt a scrambled weather report. Use this information to plan a safe approach for the rescue operation.

2. Solve the clue by entering the wind direction as the passcode

Clue: It's not South but _____

1. Drag the letters into the space below to decipher the clue

Encrypted Weather REport

Enter wind direction

Enter the wind direction you unscrambled

lowercase only

"Confirm call sign"

Mission Control requests you provide a signal specific to the helicipter for this mission due to enemy targets discovered nearby.

You will need to walk around the SH-3 Sea King Helicopter to find the clue

Solve this question

Confirm Call Sign

You receive this cryptic message: "In the kingdom of symbols, five of these stand together, yet not a word about their companion in armor. Together, they hold the key letter, hidden in plain sight"

Enter the one key letter to confirm your call signal

Make sure it's UPPERCASE

Unlock Mission 2 with the passcode you received in Mission 1


"Drop equipment that's not critical. "

You decide to proceed with the lift at a slower pace. The helicopter struggles to gain altitude, and the ride is bumpy. You need to drop equipment that's not critical.

Drop equipment that's not critical

You decide to drop the auxiliary fuel tank. The helicopter immediately feels more responsive but it's not enough. You need to drop more equipment that's not critical.

Drag equipment into the right bucket

Drop Equipment

Keep This

Drop Items

Drop This



"That was a tough call but you were able to lift the capsule successfully." The passcode to unlock the next Mission is: sub

Unlock Mission 3 with the passcode you received in Mission 2


Apollo 8

Apollo 14

Apollo 11

Name the Apollo mission first used to recover astronauts after splashdown

First Question:

Try Again

Please try again



What is the call sign when the Sea King serves the role of transporting the president?

Marine One

Apollo One

Gemini One

2nd question:

Try Again

Please try again


Select the true statement below

The Sea King holds the record for the fastest helicopter ever built

The Sea King Helicopter is amphibious

The Sea King helicopter can carry up to 20 passengers


Last question:

Try Again

Please try again




"Incredible work! Verification passed. You have landed safely on the Midway and rescued the Apollo crew!"

"Use code HRO to unlock your virtual prize, called Hero's Honor"


Loren impusm dolor


Name Surname


Rescue Pilot

Unlock Prize

Mission accomplished!