DLI Project - Part 3
William Tempest
Created on March 18, 2024
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Learning Platform
Staff / Resources
Go Live Plan
Learner Engagement
Part 3: Implementation
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Learning Platform
Our organisation already has an established Learning Management System (LMS), which hosts all of the digital learning content our staff need to access. This is clearly the best place to make this particular Course available. Anyone not employed by our organisation who needs to complete it can be given temporary "guest" access.Select the icons below to see an evaluation of the current version of our LMS in relation to this Course.
Click here for an image of the landing page of our LMS.
Assessment and Reporting
Collaboration and Communication
Staff / Resources
A positive aspect in launching this Course is that I will need minimal involvement from others and no additional software resources. This should result in staff being able to access the content soon after final approval from the SME.The LMS is already in place and the content will be developed using existing software (primarily Articulate Storyline 360.)Select the icons below to see which personnel will be required for each stage of implementation.
Internal Testing
Soft Launch
Post Rollout
Go Live Plan
As we already have an established LMS, the tasks needed to ensure a successful launch of this Course are arranged into the four areas below. Select the numbers for detail.
Internal Testing
Soft Launch
Post Rollout
Learner Engagement
The ways in which this Course will be promoted to try and maximise learner engagement will be split into the two areas below.
Short Term (immediate)
Medium / Long Term (3 - 6 Months)
- Promotion by Occupational Health department. As they deal with staff who are experiencing or have experienced Burnout, they are perfectly placed to direct learners towards this Course if appropriate (some staff may need more intensive intervention.)
- Link to Course on landing page of LMS.
- A poster outlining the potential benefits of the Course. This will be made available via a number of routes, as described in the previous section.
Click here to see a mock-up of the poster
- Endorsements from previous learners and managers of previous learners, including real-life application stories.
- These will be publicised via updates within the all-staff email and Intranet, as well as via an updated version of the poster.
Don't want this to be you?
Then enrol onto our new digital learning Burnout Course now.
Click here for a taste
What will I get out of it?
Understand the difference between Burnout and Stress
Identify your own triggers of Burnout
Get some tools you can use to reduce the risk of Burnout
Learn how to support your colleagues in relation to Burnout
Just search for Burnout in Learn+ to get started
This aspect of the project has been more familiar to me than some elements of the previous parts. However, I have found it useful to formalise the steps involved in launching a digital Course. I am now going to recommend that our team creates a standard process that needs to be followed when any Course is launched. Our team has recently merged with another and there are still differences in how we test and launch our digital Courses. The creation of a standard process should ensure we have a more consistent and robust approach, allowing for nuances that exist with certain Courses.Learner Engagement is also something I am going to pay much more attention to from now on. In the past, the majority of Courses I developed were set as formal requirements for staff in the LMS. Learners were reminded to complete these Courses and had a red entry on their Compliance record until this was done. Therefore, generating interest in these Courses wasn't necessarily as important. Naturally, this isn't an optimal learner experience though. As such, our organisation is trying to move towards a slightly different culture with respect to online learning, with the majority of our Courses (including this one) not being formal requirements. Our intention is to move to a place where our staff are motivated to complete a Course because of what they can get out of it. In this environment, I can see the benefit of creating promotional materials like the poster shown previously.The main consideration for the future will be whether there is value in developing a version of the Course in Rise. As identified in the Learner Personas, many of our staff now prefer to use mobile devices to access content. Feedback will be gathered from learners as part of the Evaluation phase (described in Part 4 of this submission), but a discussion will also have to take place with the SME about the trade-off in functionality. Some of the more advanced / interactive elements simply can't be re-created in Rise. I believe a more mobile-friendly version should be developed, but only if the Learning Outcomes can be delivered in an equally effective manner.
In addition to being able to host the SCORM file related to this Course, additional files (e.g. PDFs, videos) can be included as optional resources.This will allow learners to dive deeper into certain aspects of Burnout if they wish, without these files being part of the formal completion tracking.
Post Rollout
- Promote the Course to learners. The primary method will be via a poster, which can be seen in the Engagement section that follows. A link to this will be provided within the daily all-staff email and also via the front page of our organisation's Intranet. An entry will also be added to the "New Courses" section of the landing page within our LMS.
- Learners will be supported in the same way as any other Course, with contact details of the Learner Support team being reiterated in the links mentioned above.
- As with any other Course, the Learner Support team will be asked to let our team know of technical issues experienced by learners so we can update the content if needed.
- A completions report will be run every few days. If there is a higher proportion of learners with an "Incomplete / In Progress" status, a sample of these will be contacted to see if they have experienced any issues.
Post Rollout
This is the major limitation of the current version of our LMS.It doesn't facilitate discussion forums or notice boards. The absence of Notification or messaging functionality further limits communication. The personal nature of Burnout would lend itself to using these sort of features to enrich the learning experience, if they were available.
Collaboration and Communication
- Once any issues raised during the Soft Launch phase have been addressed, the Course will be opened up to all staff in the LMS.
- The SME will be notified when this happens, as they may want to promote the Course via their own means.
- The Learning Support team (who are the initial point of contact for queries about the LMS and digital content) will also be informed and given a brief demo of the Course. This may assist them in resolving queries without having to escalate them over to our team.
- The Course won't be promoted until it is live in the LMS. In the past, we have promoted Courses before they are live (to try and generate enthusiasm), but this led to confusion and frustration among many staff who weren't able to access it immediately.
- More detail around promotion will be provided in the Post Rollout and Engagement sections that follow.
Internal Testing
- Test content myself within Storyline via a number of devices. This step will focus on navigation, all multimedia elements displaying as expected and pages behaving correctly when re-visited (e.g. learners not having to answer questions twice.)
- Create test Course (only visible to my team members) in LMS.
- Test Course in LMS and ask team members to do the same. The primary focus will be that progress and completion are recorded correctly, but the aspects mentioned in Step 1 will also be covered.
- Make any adjustments as necessary and re-publish.
The assessment for this Course will be self-contained within the SCORM file, but the LMS does allow for standalone assessments as well. This functionality (compared to Storyline, for example) is very limited though.The system can report on basic aspects such as average duration, but reporting unfortunately quite basic. Compliance reporting is impressive, but this isn't relevant to this Course.
Assessment and Reporting
Lawless, C. (2021, September 7). 5 Tips for Marketing eLearning Courses to your Employees. LearnUpon. https://www.learnupon.com/blog/how-to-market-courses/
Internal Testing
Soft Launch
- The SME (who works in the Occupational Health department) will be asked to identify around 5 - 10 colleagues.
- This group will be enrolled onto the Course in our LMS (it will be restricted to everyone else) and sent guidance via email about how to access it.
- They will be asked to access the Course via different devices, but at this stage the content theoretically should function correctly from a technical perspective. It can never hurt to over-test this though.
- Their primary focus will be whether they feel the content meets the Learning Outcomes. The SME will already have approved this aspect at this stage, but getting the perspective of those not as close to the content development can be very valuable.
- Make any adjustments to the content as necessary, pending SME approval.
Soft Launch