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Luana Sofia & Diamantino Quentro 9ºB

Food Idioms

  • Food idioms are everyday expressions used in conversation, especially in English.
  • These expressions make conversations more fun and diverse.


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Sell like hot cakes

Large cheese

Having a bun in the oven

Eating like a horse

Stepping on eggs

Have bigger fish to fry

Like two peas in a pod

Hard to crack nuts

Take the bacon home

Piece of cake


Piece of cake- Pedaço de bolo

EX: -The math test was a piece of cake (very easy)-This task was a piece of cake (very easy for him)

  • This expression means "something that is easy or simple to do"

Have bigger fish to fry- Tenha peixes maiores para fritar

EX: -I couldn't attend the meeting. I had bigger fish to fry.-She won't come. She has bigger fish to fry.

  • This expression means "having more important things to do"

EX: -My husband brings home the bacon.-I don't bring home the bacon, but I do some of the housework.

Take the bacon home- Levar o bacon para casa

  • This expression means "to work and earn money, specifically to support a family or a household"

Hard to crack nuts- Noz dura de partir

EX: -She's a tough nut to crack-It won't be easy to decide. This is a tough nut to crack.

  • This expression means "something that is difficult", sometimes referring to a person or a problem.

Like two peas in a pod- Como duas ervilhas numa vagem

EX: -They're like two peas in a pod. -Everyone says that my sister and I are like two peas in a pod.

  • This expression means "two very similar things, practically identical"

Sell like hot cakes- Vender como bolos quentes

EX: -The new Harry Potter books sold like hot cakes.

  • This expression means that it is "bought by many people"

Stepping on eggs- Pisar em ovos

EX: -I've been walking on eggshells around my boyfriend.-David has been walking on eggshells with his boss all week.

  • This expression means "to be very careful not to upset or offend someone".

Having a bun in the oven- Ter um pãozinho no forno

EX: -My sister just found out she had a bun in the oven.

  • This expression means "to be pregnant"

Large cheese- Queijo grande

EX: -The boss is essential to the team.

  • This expression means "a very important person"

Eating like a horse- Comer como um cavalo

EX: -My husband eats like a horse.-Mr. Jones eats like a horse, doesn't he?

  • This expression means "to eat a large amount of food"