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Spring '24


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Obser. Assign.

C.E.D Work Time


Chapter 3

Service L. Project

Understanding and Applying Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Chapter 3

Can you identify the complex roles of early childhood teachers.

What to consider for creating a caring community of learners?


4. How can teachers build collaborative partnerships with families and communities?

3. How can teachers assess children’s development and learning?

2. How can teachers plan curriculum to achieve important goals?

1. How can we teach to Enhance Learning and Development ?

3. Widening the Lens

2. Five interrelated dimensions:

  • creating a caring community of learners
  • teaching to enhance learning and development
  • planning curriculum to meet important goals
  • assessing children’s learning and development
  • establishing reciprocal relationships with families

  1. Make useful decisions based on a broad base of information

The Teacher’s Role in Context

on Developmentally Appropriate Practice

D A P Learning Environments

Research on D A P

What works - Child-initiated and teacher-guided experiences - Active learning - Problem-solving - Positive social relationships.

Indicators of developmental appropriateness ...

  • Organization of the physical space
  • Provide developmentally appropriate learning materials
  • Organization of the day

Research on Elements of Developmentally Appropriate Practice

2. Effects of such practices on children’s social or emotional outcomes 3. Positive relationships to - School readiness - Cognitive development

4. Effects of positive teacher-child interactions 5. Effects of teaching practices

1. Higher academic achievement

The Future of Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Continued discussion and debate on

  • Culturally and developmentally appropriate practices
  • Closing the achievement gap
  • Increased demands for accountability

Time:Group Discussion - 10 minutesClass Discussion - 10 minutes

Discuss with your group and talk about: 1. What are the salient features of this developmentally appropriate classroom?2. What you liked or did not like about this setting?

Time:Group Discussion - 10 minutesClass Discussion - 10 minutes

How will your group explain your decision to support young children’s learning through the use of developmentally appropriate practices (DAP), such as play and child-guided learning experiences, to individuals who may not understand the benefit of these instructional practices?


(Preparation time)

Current event Discussion

(Preparation time)

Observation Assignment

Service Learning Project