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Advanced speaking part 3 
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Language of discussion

Advanced speaking part 3


Asking for someone’s opinion

Expressing opinions

Starting a discussion

Basic observations for C1 Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 3

Today we will check...

CAE Speaking Test Duration: 15 minutes (23 minutes for groups of three at centres where there’s an odd number of candidates). Participants: Candidates interviewed in pairs or threes. Two examiners: one examiner asks the questions, the other acts as assessor and doesn’t speak during the interview. Format: The test consists of four parts. Part 1 (Interview) Tests ability to: use language for social purposes, e.g. making introductions, answering questions, stating an opinion. This first section of the CAE Speaking exam lasts about three minutes (five minutes for groups of three) and gives the examiner the chance to find out a little about you and your partner through some ‘getting-to-know-you’ questions. These will be simple questions to help ‘break the ice’, for example questions about your family, your studies, where you come from or what your interests are.

CAE Speaking Overview

Part 4: (Three-Way Discussion) Tests ability to: use language to summarise, report and explain decisions; develop a topic further. In Part 4 of the CAE Speaking test, which lasts about four minutes (six for groups of three), the examiner will join the discussion and ask candidates questions related to the visuals used in Part 3.

Part 2 (Long Turn) Tests ability to: speak at length coherently, use language to describe, compare and contrast, hypothesise and comment upon a topic. Part 2 of the CAE Speaking test lasts about 4 minutes (six minutes for groups of three). Candidate A is passed a set of pictures and has to speak about the pictures without interruption, either from the examiner or their partner. When Candidate A has finished the examiner asks Candidate B to answer a brief question about the pictures. The roles are then reversed: Candidate B is given a different set of pictures and speaks for 1 minute followed by Candidate A, who answers a brief question about the pictures.

CAE Speaking Overview

CAE speaking part 3

In the the sample task above, you will notice the following features of CAE Speaking Part 3: Instead of speaking alone, the candidates are required to interact with one another. Expressing and asking for opinions is important, as is agreeing and disagreeing with the other candidate and being able to change subjects. The examiner’s question is printed in the booklet he/she places in front of the candidates. There is no requirement for candidates to discuss all options on the booklet, but they are encouraged to do so. Candidates should share their opinions and ask questions during the discussion. Reaching an agreement with your partner is advisable, but not essential and not a test requirement. Candidates must demonstrate to the examiner that they are discussing and working towards a final decision, even if reaching an agreement doesn’t happen.

Basic observations for C1 Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 3

PART 3 frame

Spiderweb diagram

Starting a discussion Shall I start? / Yeah, go on. Shall I go first? / Of course, go ahead. Is it okay if I start? / Sure, no problem. Would you like to go first? / Yes, why not?

Useful expressions

Expressing opinions I believe/think that… In my opinion,… The way I see it,… If you ask me,… I would say that… It seems to me that… In my view… As far as I’m concerned,…

Agreeing I (totally) agree with you. You’re dead right. That’s (absolutely) true. You’re (absolutely) right. That’s a great idea. I couldn’t agree more. Yes, I see what you mean. I see it that way, too. Yes, of course. I think so, too.

Asking for your someone’s opinion statement, don’t you think/agree? statement, wouldn’t you say so? statement , wouldn’t you agree? statement, right? Do you think…? Do you believe that…? What do you think about…? How about…? What about…? What’s your take on…?


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