Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:










O que é a profissão de Medicina Veterinária? O médico veterinário é o profissional que atua pela saúde e pelo bem-estar dos animais, dos seres humanos e pela sustentabilidade do meio ambiente. A Lei nº 5517/1968 dispõe sobre o exercício da profissão e cria os Conselhos Federal e Regionais de Medicina Veterinária, órgãos de fiscalização dos profissionais da área.

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Clínica de grandes animaisCirurgia de grandes animais Cirurgia em médios animais Cirurgia em animais de companhia Cirurgia de animais selvagens Cirurgia de aves Cirurgia de peixes Cirurgia de carnívoros.

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O piso salarial no Brasil determinado por lei para essa profissão é de seis vezes o salário-mínimo em vigor, multiplicado por 6 horas de jornada diária. Dessa maneira, o valor seria R$ 7.272,00.



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UFPel - Universidade Federal de Pelotas(2) UPF - Universidade de Passo Fundo) UNIJUÍ - Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul ULBRA - Universidade Luterana do Brasil.


No início do curso o aluno estuda disciplinas como anatomia, microbiologia, genética, nutrição e produção animal, bem como matemática, estatística e bioética. Nos anos seguintes as disciplinas focam em doenças e técnicas clínicas e cirúrgicas.

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O que se aprende?


Prof: Joana

Got an idea?

Let the communication flow!

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.

Got an idea?

Let the communication flow!

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.

Got an idea?

Let the communication flow!

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.

Got an idea?

Let the communication flow!

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.