Monk Madness: The Founders
kyleigh mills
Created on March 13, 2024
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Monk Madness:The Founders
By Abby Konshak, Dyani Rowan, Kyleigh Mills, and Maeli Clark
10. Meet & Greet
9. Mascots
7. Ecclesial Positions
6. St. Ignatius of Loyola
5. St. Bernard of Clairvaux
4. St. John of the Cross
3. St. Francis
2. St. Dominic
8. Highlights
1. Our Lineup
St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. John of the Cross
St. Francis
St. Dominic
Our Lineup
St. Dominic
- Born in 1170, Caleruega, Castile (Spain)
- The founder of the Dominican Order
- Patron Saint of: The Dominican Republic, Astronmers (he wasn't an astronmer), The Fasley Accused
- Founder of: The Dominican order
- Canonized on: 13 July 1234, Rieti Cathedral by Pope Gregory IX
- He was close to St. Francis of Assisi
- Feast Day: August 8th
St. Francis of Assisi
- Born 1181/82, Assisi, duchy of Spoleto (Italy)
- Founder of: Franciscans, Friars Minor, Poor Clares, Third Order
- Patron Saint of: The environment, animals, and birds because of the respect he gave to all God's creatures
- Canonized on: July 16, 1228, by his former protector, Pope Gregory IX
- His mother had him baptized as "Giovanni" - His father changed his name to "Franscesco"
- He was close to St. Dominic
- Feast Day: October 4th
St. John of the Cross
- Born in 1542, Fontiveros, Spain
- One of the thirty seven doctors of the Church
- Major figure of the Counter-Reformation in Spain
- Patron saint of of mystics and contemplatives and of Spanish poets
- Canonized in 1726 by Benedict XIII
- Feast Day: December 14th
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
- Born in 1090, Fontaine-lès-Dijon, France
- Patron saint of Cistercians, Burgundy, and the Knights Templar
- Canonized January 18, 1174
- Feast day August 20
- Knights Templar
- Abbey of Clairvaux
- Crusades
- Doctor of the Church
St. Ignatius of Loyola
- Born on October 23, 1491, Azpeitia, Spain
- Patron saint of the environment, animals, and birds
- Founded the religious order of the Society of the Jesuits
- Respected army solider by his late 20's
- Took great pride in his physical appearance, was known to drink and gamble
- Turned to the Lord after an accident
- Feast day: July 31st
Ecclesial Positions
Ecclesial Honors
1. Dominic - combatted heresies by founding an order of mendicant friars, Doctor of the Church 2. Francis - founded the Franciscan orders, ministry to the poor and care to God's creation, Doctor of the Church 3. John - reformer, mystic, poet, Doctor of the Church 4. Bernard - founder and abbot of the Abbey of Clairvaux, co-founder of the Knights Templar, founded around 160 monasteries in Europe, Doctor of the Church 5. Ignatius - founded the Jesuit order, huge role in the Counter-Reformation
Ecclesial Positions
Cool Stories
"Dominic's Birth and Vision"
- Dominic's mother experienced infertility before conception.
- She had a vision of a dog escaping her womb, causing a fire.Dominic founded the Dominican order, referred to as Dominicanus in Latin.
- The order's name, Domini Canis, means "Dogs of the Lord."
- St. Dominic, troubled by Toulouse heresy, received a rosary from the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- She instructed him to pray regularly and spread devotion to it.
- Following her instructions, he discovered the rosary's power in converting sinners and defending Catholic faith
- This vision is credited with St. Dominic's promotion of the rosary and its significance in Dominican spirituality.
St. Dominic's Highlights
- Town of Gubbio - Terrorized by a ferocious wolf- Livestock and townspeople- St. Francis decided to intervene - Many attempts to kill the wolf- Love and compassion, fellow creature of God- Calmed and listened- Made a pact with the wolf- Food - Companion to the community & never caused harm again
St. Francis Highlights
- Imprisoned and mistreated by his fellow frairs.- Reformer within the Carmelite Order.- Faced opposition and hostility from those who resisted the changes he advocated for. - Was captured and imprisoned by his own two brothers in the Order- Harshly treated and abused- Small dark cell - Physical and emotional suffering- Faith and prayer- Composed peoms and spiritual writings- "Dark Night of the Soul"
St. John of the Cross Highlights
- Defense of the faith during Second Crusade- News reached Europe - Crusaders were facing defeat in the Holy Land- Embarked on a mission - Rallied support for a new crusade to defend Jerusalem- Preached throughout France, Germany, and Italy- Used knights and nobles - Took up cross and join the noble cause- Miracle of Lagny- Piece of the True Cross was brought forth to St. Bernard- Restored the sight of a blind man- Relic to his eyes- Legacy as a visionary theologian, preacher, and reformer
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Highlights
- Transformation from a military soldier to a devoted follower of Christ and founder of the Society of Jesus- Early life - Soldier- Injured by a cannonball in 1521- Unable to pursue his military career - Recovery - Profound spiritual awakening - Books about lives of saints and teachings of Christ- Went to Jerusalem to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ- Pursued life of prayer, penance, and study - Founded Society of Jesus in 1540- Legacy continues to inspire lives of faith, service, and devtion to God
St. Ignatius of Loyola Highlights
What are they Patron Saints of?
Meet & Greet
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