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Emma Näckler

Street art: What is it?

It is part of a global culture, but there is no exact history of the street art movement. There are countless forms, so it's difficult to define street art exactly. People have different opinions about this movement.

Street artists usually work in secret

Painting public & private property is illegal

General information

There isn't much information available about Banksy's life, as he makes every effort to keep his real name and identity secret.

Very popular

Secret identity

in 1973 or 1974

Banksy = pseudonym

Born in England

Artistic style & significance

Banksy's distinctive style often involves the use of stencils to create detailed and striking images. His art is multi-layered and provocative. Important aspects of his art are:

Social criticism: his works are political.

Irony & humor: his works are surprising & leave a lasting impression

Street art & accessibility: he places his works in public places.

Art as activism: he campaigns for peace, equality...

Influence & impact

On streets, walls, buildings worldwide

Work overcomes language & cultural barriers

Galleries, museums, action houses internationally

Prefers to show his works in self- organized exhibitions

Influence extends beyond street culture

Famous works

Girl with a Balloon

  • longing, confidence, hope
  • you should hold on to love
  • sold for one million
  • after the sale, the artwork shredded itself

The Flower Thrower

  • man throwing a bouquet of flowers
  • like a Molotov cocktail
  • call for peace & harmony

Mona Lisa Bazooka

  • provocative redesign
  • Mona Lisa holds a rocket launcher
  • to question the meaning of beauty & violence

Controversy And Criticism

  • Encourages vandalism
  • Some question the authenticitiy of his political messages
  • Despite the ciriticism, his popularity grows
  • 2009: Bristol asked its citizens if his work should be removed
  • 97% voted against
  • A clear vote in favour of his art

Thank you for your attention!

Emma Näckler

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