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Enri et Manael

How GFp detect Alzheimer

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Composition of alzheimer

information about alzheimer

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-neurodegenerative disease-difficulty in remembering recent events-include problems with language, disorientation, mood swings, loss of motivation, self-neglect, and behavioral issues.-More than 55 million people suffer from the disease -almost 10 million new cases are diagnosed every year-Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), a German psychiatrist and neuropathologist, published the first case of the disease

Information about Alzheimer

Composition of Alzheimer-proteins pau-responsible for stabilizing neuronal structures,

-inject gfp into neurons-Illuminating with UV light will expose the chromophore in the GFP protein to the tau protein.-The GFP proteins will then want to expel this energy and, as they do so, will emit a recent fluorescent green light

Who GFP detect this deases