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Horizontal infographics


Horizontal infographics


Horizontal infographics


Horizontal infographics


Horizontal infographics


Horizontal infographics


Assignment Three

Abigail James

Design & Development: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace


Collecting & Visualising data

Scope Document





Step Four

Step Three

Scope Document & Commentary

Step One & Two

As part of Module One, An Introduction to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, I decided to develop an infographic from the second topic, Protected Characteristics in the Equality Act 2010. The infographics main aim is to enable learners to identify the nine protected characteristics covered in the Equality Act 2010. Through the personas created for this programme, it was evident that short, micro-learning was essential to learner retention, and therefore through using formats such as infographics to sharing information, it is hoped that learners will remain engaged with the programme. This infographic is a single infographic and does not contribute to a larger collection on this topic. The learning outcome identified to be supported by this infographic is: • Identify the protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010. When considering the instructional design principles that underpinned the choice of an information infographic, it was deemed to be the most appropriate format as the information that needed to be conveyed requires little text to make it understandable, but some use of graphics would support knowledge retention and therefore, an infographic lends itself well to this requirement.

Collecting & Visualising Data Commentary

For this element of the design and development process, it was important to gather information on the nine protected characteristics. There were a lot of different sources available, however it was decided that the gov.uk website was the most relevant and reliable source to use for this piece as the terminology and information would be up to date and accurate. It would also likely be a source the learners were familiar with, subsequently generating a greater level of trust for the learner on the information that the infographic contained. Due to the learning objective, Identify the protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010, being in the Remember stage of Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956), it was key that the infographic focused on the important information and didn’t go into too much detail on each characteristic, as at this stage of the programme, the learners are only required to have an awareness of each characteristic, and not yet an in-depth understanding. Therefore, further research was not required for this piece, but further information on when people are protected under this legislation and the types of discrimination that can occur in relation to these protected characteristics are to be provided elsewhere in the programme.

Screenshot: gov.uk


Wireframe & Commentary

The wireframe for this infographic took inspiration from the information infographic template provided by the Digital Learning Institute. This is evident as the title and subheadings are situated at the top of the infographic, followed by the main content, and then supported by the relevant sources at the bottom. This allowed for the flow of the infographic to be curated in a way that followed the learners natural reading pattern, i.e. top to bottom, left to right, allowing for an easy experience for the learner when trying to disseminate the information. The wireframe was created using Canva. The wireframe provided me with a clear layout of where the different elements were going to be situated before creating the prototype. The design was specified to be 1500px x 2000px so that its width was under the 1800px that is recommended to ensure it suitably fits most websites. Limitations of this wireframe include a lack of detail, however given the nature of the infographic, there is limited information being presented due to the requirements, therefore the wireframe focused on layout only.


Prototype & Commentary

The prototype of the infographic was created using Canva. The colours used throughout the infographic are from the organisations colour palette and are utilised to encourage continuity between programmes the learners experience through their employer. All programmes therefore share the same colour scheme and fonts. This colour scheme also allows for WCAG compliance. When considering the instructional design principles that guided the creation of the infographic, it uses a minimal amount of text to compliment the learning. Where there is text, it is in a consistent font, size, and alignment. When considering the graphic design element of the infographic, images were kept a similar size to ensure they were not overwhelming and to ensure not one characteristic was emphasised more than the others. The use of colours is repetitive, as well as the shapes used in the layout of the infographic, creating a consistent, cohesive design where one element doesn’t draw the attention over the other and the learner can focus on the information being shared rather than needing to work out how to absorb the learning. Moving forward in the development of this infographic, I would like to develop/source a range of graphics to replace those shown on the prototype so that there is a greater cohesive feel as the graphics are not currently all of the same artistic style.


Bloom, B. S. (1956).Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.Gov.uk (2024) Discrimination: your rights. https://www.gov.uk/discrimination-your-rights