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Harnessing language learning motivation & investment through a writing project


Dario Luis Banegas

How can we promote language learning motivation and investment through writing?

I have an idea!

  • Framed as action research for 2 school years (Cycle 1 + Cycle 2)
  • Ts planned & delivered writing skills lessons: SCT, CLT, TBL.
  • Genre-based L2 writing, process writing, & language awareness
  • Coursework from Cycle 1 became reading material in Cycle 2

what we did

In practice

  • Dörnyei’s (2009) L2 motivational self system: (1) the ideal L2 self, (2) the ought-to L2 self,and (3) the L2 learning experience.
  • Social, contextual, and relational factors (Ushioda, 2013).
  • Engagement - investment (Darvin, 2019).

key concepts


I like these activities and the chance that we can write a poem or a story about what matters to me as a person, my feelings, or my concerns about the environment, for example. It’s what I sometimes do in Spanish. I write things I don’t show to anyone, or things I post on Instagram."


"When we first answered questions reflecting on a comic about water pollution written by a learner from another city, I couldn’t believe the whole project was true. It was real, writing our stories became so real, they were here published!"


"I feel driven to write these stories I’ve got in my head and even think of some illustrations to go with them because they might be published for real."

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Why do you think the students (and the teachers) found it motivating and as a drive for investment?

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  • Context-responsive projects & responses
  • Praxis-oriented endeavours



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Darvin, R. (2019). L2 motivation and investment. In Lamb, M., Csizer, K., Henry, A., & Ryan, S. (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of motivation for language learning (pp. 245–264). Palgrave.Dörnyei, Z. (2009). The L2 motivational self system. In Z. Dörnyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.),Motivation, language identity and the L2 self(pp. 9-42). Multilingual Matters.Ushioda, E. (2013). Motivation and ELT: Global issues and local concerns. In E.Ushioda (Ed.),International perspectives on motivation: Language learn-ing and professional challenges (pp. 1-17). Palgrave.