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Play along! Try to answer alllllll the questions regarding cognitive explanation for unipolar depression! Win points and prizes see ya!

Give evidence against the ABC theory, what did Brown 2007 find?

Pretend to be the animal you've selected for one round

What was Beck´s cognitive explanation?

Tell me one credibility AO3 for the ABC theory

Recite, in an Australian accent, three weaknesses to ABC theory

What is an application AO3 for ABC theory?

In a British accent, give supporting information for ABC theory. Weissman and Beck 1978

On the nearest whiteboard, write out what the Ellis ABC theory is!

What is a negative self-schema?

Bothwell and Scott 1997, what did they find?

Drop and do 15 pushups


Sing opera for one minute

You lost this game, very sad

Pick an animal, role the dice!Take the number of steps you roll and answer ther questions.First one to the finish line wins!Oh, and be careful of the X!!!

It focuses on irrational thinking.A - activating events, irrational thoughts are triggered by situations. B - beliefs, a persons irrational belieds about the event itself, mostly self-defeating. C - conseqeunces, irrational beliefs have emotional and behavioural consequences.

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found that negative thinking accompanies depression but very little evidence that it causes depression.

Bothwell and Scott 1997 found that faulty thinking and errors in cognitive processing, especially in needing approval and low self-esteem linked with the symptoms of depression.

The cognitive triad suggests depression is a result of a negative view of self, thw world, and the future

lack of predicative validity, Eysenck 1997 argued that cognitive explanation doesn’t explain depression because there’s no way of establishing the existence of negative schemas. lacks validity because it doesn’t identify a risk factor for depression and cannot predict who is likely to become depressed. reductionist, the explanation only targets the cognition rather than wider socioeconomic. lacks holistic perspective may be a weakness of cognitive explanation as it reduces the complexity of depression into one single element. Objection, Kendler et al 1995 studies MZ and DZ twins and the onset of depression. they found that genetic risk was an important factor along with stressful life events, so the cognitive explanation may not fully account for depression.

depressed people possess negative self-schemas which may come from negative experiences. for example criticism from parents, peers, teachers - ineptness schema – makes sufferers feel like they are expected to fail. - self-blame schema – makes them feel responsible for any misfortunes. - negative self-evaluation schema – constantly reminds them of their worthlessness.

Weissman and Beck 1978 investigated the thought processes of patients with depression using DAS scale and found evidence for negative schemas.

Evans et al 2005 measured self-beliefs of 12,000 women who were pregnant. they found that those with the most negative beliefs were more likely to become depressed. therefore, a negative schema is a risk factor for pregnant women, and this supports Beck´s views as the negative thoughts occurred before the onset of depression.

Lipsky et al 1980 supports ellis views that challenging the irrational beliefs of depressed people can improve their symptoms. Beck´s CBT identifies the negatives beliefs and changes them to more postivie ones. effective treatment for depression implying that faulty processing can be at the root of the disorder.

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