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Farners Cavallé


I think I have to listen more music in english. Also I have to practice more conversations because this things helps with the lenguage.

My areas of improvement

This second term I learned:- New grammar and Vocabulary (more jobs, around town, more school items. Used to and more.- More pronunciation- How to say words correctly

2nd term

I think that I know a lot of words, still, I have a hard time to pronunciate them. I also know a lot of Vocabulary, grammar and more things. Even more, I saw the eries and movies in english, it helps me with the pronunciation.

My strenghts

This is my reflective portfolio:

Reflective portfolio

1st term impresions

I have very good impresions of this first term. I thought I got very good marks. Still, I would have liked to learn more about the subject.


My favourites moments of the subjects are when we present projects, videos or presentations.

Usa este espacio para añadir una interactividad genial. Incluye texto, imágenes, vídeos, tablas, PDFs… ¡incluso preguntas interactivas!Tip premium: Obtén información de cómo interacciona tu audiencia:

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