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MUHS 2023-2024Tier 1 WICOR-based Instructional Goal

Planning for Learning

What are your lesson planning strengths? What do you feel goes right in your planning process? Explain.



Write a response to the prompt. When the timer goes off, stand up. The person with the birthday closest to January 1 will go first. After sharing, sit down. Continue clockwise.

Write, Stand, Share, Sit

Culture of Collaboration


90-Day Plan- Deadlines

How will we meet the need?

Evidence of Planning

Connect to Data- Moving the Needle

Why this, why now?

Quote- Reflection


90 days from now, we will have made progress in leveraging AVID to support Tier 1 Instruction by intentionally and collaboratively planning and implementing lessons, reflecting on them in CTs, and gathering evidence in Guiding Coalition.

90 Day Plan:

What actions can be taken in the fourth quarter to improve overall instruction on our campus?

Essential Question:

Dr. Jahkari Taylor

"Academic outcomes will not change until instruction changes. Instruction dictates student achievement. Not poverty, not culture, not race, not dis/ability, not parent involvement, or any other factor. It's Tier 1 instruction."

AVID College and Career Readiness Framework

  • What do we want our students to achieve?
  • Who do we want our students to be as scholars?
  • How can we help students develop skills, habits, and behaviors that serve them in all high school contexts, as well as in their post-secondary lives?

AVID Provides Tools

AVID Academic Language Scripts


What skills, habits and behaviors do we want to promote?

Profile of Marauders as Scholars

Write about a moment in a classroom where learning is taking place. What would you see? Hear? Smell? Touch? Taste? What would be the evidence of learning?

A Sensory Moment in Time

Differentiated Instruction for all students

Best Practices Support the Curriculum

Make it meaningful and relevant to students

Student Centered Instruction

What criteria will be used to determine student mastery of skills?

Success Criteria for Mastery

Main Components of a Strong Core Curriculum

Content knowledge + communication, collaboration, critial thinking, and creativity

21st Century Skills

Identify those "must know" standards

Essential Standards

  • Formalizing forces intention
  • Backwards design- what are the desired outcomes?
  • Chunking learning
  • Share the why
  • The 4 PLC Questions
    • What do we want them to know?
    • How do we know if they learned it?
    • What do we do when they got it?
    • What do we do when they didn't?

Plan for Learning

Lesson Plan Example

Google Sheets Version

Lesson Plan Example

Collaborative Planning, Individual Implementation, Communal Reflection

Refined lessons given to Guiding Coalition members for group reflection, celebration, and uploading to EMBARC

April 2

Instructional Rounds opportunities to see lesson put into action

March 19 & 21

Collaborative planning takes place during CT's *Strategy of the Month during prep hours for additional lesson plan support

March 6

CT communal reflections take place in library

March 27

Lesson plans are implementedCollect student work

Week of March 18

Overview of Planning for Learning as a full staff

Feb. 28

Repeat throughout the quarter, if possible
