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Education should be accessible for all
Ohio University Accessibility 
A look into the physical accessibility of Ohio University's campus
of Ohio University dorms have elevators
Elevators are essential for those requiring wheelchair access. Stairs limit the accessibility of dorms for some people.
of Ohio University dorms have ADA accessible entrances
ADA accessible entrances are classified as having at least 32 inches of clear width, should require less than 5 pounds of force to be opened and should not snap closed quickly.
of Ohio University dining halls and sports/performance venues have accessible entrances
According to Ohio University's Building Directory.
How accessible are Ohio University's Buildings?
Total in Category
Has Accessible Entrance
Has Elevator
DormsDormsLecture HallsLecture HallsDiningDiningSports/PerformanceSports/Performance3636272718189900
DormsLecture HallsDiningSports/Performance
Total in Category363558
Has Accessible Entrance313058
Has Elevator162741
Chart data table
Why does accessibility matter?
According to an article from Higher Ed Today, first-time students with a disability have a 25% chance of dropping out by the end of year 1, and a 35% chance of dropping out by the end of year 2. The article also says accessibility plays a major role in those numbers, as well asa campus' culture surrounding diversity and disabities.
From the brick streets and uneven pavement in uptown Athens, to the lack of reliable elevators, ramps and wide hallways in many buildings across campus, Ohio University struggles with accessibility. While Ohio University appears lawful in their admission of students with disabilities, it is not enough to simply admit them. All students should have access to reasonable accomodations.
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Education should be accessible for all

Ohio University Accessibility

A look into the physical accessibility of Ohio University's campus


of Ohio University dorms have elevators

Elevators are essential for those requiring wheelchair access. Stairs limit the accessibility of dorms for some people.


of Ohio University dorms have ADA accessible entrances

ADA accessible entrances are classified as having at least 32 inches of clear width, should require less than 5 pounds of force to be opened and should not snap closed quickly.


of Ohio University dining halls and sports/performance venues have accessible entrances

According to Ohio University's Building Directory.

How accessible are Ohio University's Buildings?

Why does accessibility matter?

According to an article from Higher Ed Today, first-time students with a disability have a 25% chance of dropping out by the end of year 1, and a 35% chance of dropping out by the end of year 2. The article also says accessibility plays a major role in those numbers, as well asa campus' culture surrounding diversity and disabities.

From the brick streets and uneven pavement in uptown Athens, to the lack of reliable elevators, ramps and wide hallways in many buildings across campus, Ohio University struggles with accessibility. While Ohio University appears lawful in their admission of students with disabilities, it is not enough to simply admit them. All students should have access to reasonable accomodations.

Ohio University, Baker Center. Photo courtesy of Ohio University.

  • Arnston, L. (2020, October 20). Higher Education’s challenge: Disability inclusion on campus. Higher Education Today. https://www.higheredtoday.org/2020/10/19/higher-educations-challenge-disability-inclusion-campus/
  • Hammond, T. (2022, December 4). Building Accessibility & Accessible Entrances at Ohio University. Arcgis.com. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/instant/basic/index.html?appid=5a5e0401a7f34a4dbc05ef1da73419ad
  • Informational brochures | Ohio Civil Rights Commission. Ohio Civil Rights Commission. (n.d.). https://civ.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/civr/decisions-and-publications/informational-brochures
  • Ohio University. (n.d.). Building directory. Building Directory | Ohio University. https://www.ohio.edu/building-directory
  • Ohio University. (n.d.). Hall index. Hall Index | Ohio University. https://www.ohio.edu/housing/hall-index
  • Opening doors to everyone. ADA National Network. (2024, February 22). https://adata.org/factsheet/opening-doors-everyone

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