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Types of Assessment Tasks

Assessment tasks are different ways people can show what they know or they don't know.Exams or tests are traditional evaluation tasks and, although they are useful in certain cases, there are also other options that allow us measure a deeper understanding of learning.InstructionsExplore each of the points of interest of each type of evaluation task to learn: what they are, why they should be used, when it can be used and an example.

Illustration or image


Case study or scenario sheet

Multiple Choice Quiz

Role Play

Why should it be used?



When should it be used?

Why should it be used?



When should it be used?

Why should it be used?



When should it be used?

Why should it be used?



When should it be used?

Why should it be used?



When should it be used?

In-person workshop

When can it be used?

The case study could describe a situation in which a coach applies a cream to a track and field athlete without knowing that it contains a prohibited substance. The story could continue with questions about the actions the athlete could take to apply the principle of strict liability and the possible consequences of not doing so.

To see the level of understanding of the principle of strict liability of a participant.


Questions are usually used multiple choice, true/false, or short answer to evaluate a participant's knowledge.Is more difficult to assess deeper learning with a multiple-choice quiz, as there is usually no space for participants to explain or justify their answers.


It is a short dramatic episode in which the participants pretend to be a character. The role-play can be written in advance or improvised on the spot. The goal of the role-play is for the participants to can practice a real-life situation or develop understanding or empathy placing yourself in a specific situation.Role Playing Too can be used to answer questions (by acting out the response) or to complete a scene from a video excerpt that has been shown.


Helps measure critical thinking, retention ofinformation, problem solving, risk management and the ability to apply knowledge. It gives more evidence of the depth of learning than a multiple-choice question.

¿Por qué debería usarse?

They are real or imaginary stories that describe a person, a problem or a situation. Are designed to be analyzed and reflected on.Information is read or given to participants on a worksheet, followed by a series of questions or statements to consider. Robust case studies and scenarios raise questions that are not easy to answer and promote critical thinking and the development of the capacity of Problem resolution.


The educators trained and authorized, who know the content, They must be able to lead a conversation, asking specific questions about the rights and responsibilities of an athlete. in a described situation. The conversation about the situation with the participant should allow the educator to make an objective assessment of the participant's ability to make use of his or her rights and his or her responsibilities.The educators They can also ask specific, pre-planned questions, record the response and then use a scoring system to measure key words or listen to the recording to hear the “correct answer.”

To assess a participant's level of understanding of their rights and responsibilities under the code.


It can occur in a group or individually. Include questions and answers and an opportunity to solve problems. Individual discussions occur between a participant and the educator.​The group discussions for evaluation purposes will require a experienced educator make sure that all participants have the opportunity to share and demonstrate what they have learned. Educators can, however, ask specific questions to a person even in a group discussion.


In-person workshop eLearning course Social media campaignVia online Q&A feature Event-based education (outreach)

When can it be used?

An illustration can be a drawing, graph, model, flowchart, or any other visual representation that relies more on images than words.


It can be used to assess whether they can comply with anti-doping control procedures or submit whereabouts information. It can also be used to take action to demonstrate how they would defend their rights in a given situation.

To evaluate a participant's ability to do something.


It can be used to assess a participant's knowledge of facts such as Listed substances.

To evaluate the level of understanding or knowledge of facts


Useful in following cases:- Assess basic knowledge (initial level) and adapt the session accordingly.- Assess understanding at the end of an educational activity where new content has been shared.

¿Por qué debería usarse?

Important considerations:- It will help with participants with difficulties reading or writing. - Not recommended for those who have difficulties with language or social anxiety.

WebinarIn-person workshopeLearning course, if you have a platform that allows the creation of visual representationsEvent-based education (outreach)

When can it be used?

It will allow you to see if participants can apply their knowledge and do something about it. It may be particularly useful for kinesiology students.

Why should it be used?

It will probably help visual learners express their thoughts more clearly than a traditional test. It may also benefit a group of participants who may have difficulty reading or writing.

Why should it be used?

They allow an evaluation to be carried out relatively quickly and cover a large population. Multiple Choice Quizzes, if online, they may be offered in different languages and it could be read aloud by computer software for those who have a visual impairment.

¿Por qué debería usarse?

WebinarIn-person workshopeLearning courseEvent-based education (dissemination)

When can it be used?

WebinarIn-person workshopeLearning courseEvent-based education (dissemination stand)

When can it be used?

For example, the doping control process or what happens when an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAR) occurs. Measuring learning can be achieved by asking athletes to order the steps in a sequence, as an example.

To help participants explain ONE process
