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Process for using rodenticide bait













The steps in this process are a general rule. But rodents can behave differently in some situations. They can be scared of new things in their habitat - for example not approaching bait boxes, and not taking bait when their usual sources of food are still available.That's why you should look at different options, and not just rely on one solution.

Step 1

To help you decide on your options, you should conduct a site survey before you begin any rodenticide treatment.This site survey should include a location list that Identifies areas of particular concern.

Site survey

Step 2

You should identify changes to the environment/site that could be made after the rodenticide treatment has been completed. For example:

  • Rodent proofing
  • Rubbish clearance
  • Weed removal
You should not make these changes before treatment as it might disturb the rodent population and mean they won't take the bait.

Environment changes

Step 3

Remove or cover any obvious sources of food, for example spilled grain.

Remove food

Step 4

Bait stations should give rodents access to the bait, but minimise the risk of being:

  • Accessed by non-target species
  • Contaminated by rain
  • Contaminated by dust
  • Interfered with by unauthorised personal
The bait boxes should be labeled in the following way:"Do not move or open, contains a rodenticide [product name, authorisation number, active substance]. In the case of an accident call a poisen centre - UK: 111."

Bait stations

Step 5

You must keep a record of:

  • The number of bait points
  • The amount of bait laid at each point
  • Any activity at each bait point (including missing or disturbed bait)

Recording bait points

Step 6

You must take care to protect bait from non-target species. You do not want birds or squirrels accessing the bait and being poisoned.If you cannot use a bait box, you must cover and protect the bait to the same extent that a bait box would give. Only bait labeled for use in "covered and protected bait points" should be used.

Protecting non-target species

Step 7

You should use enough bait points so that the treatment will finish in the most efficient time possible. This means the risk of exposure to non-target species is minimised. You should add extra bait points during the treatment if needed.

Adding bait points

Step 8

You must follow the instructions on the labels of rodenticide. Look specifically at:

  • The size and location of bait points
  • Number of visits to the site required
  • How often visits to the site are required
The risk assessment for the site may also instruct you on how often you need to visit the site. This could be daily.At each visit you should replenish the bait boxes as needed according to the product label.

Frequency of visits

Step 9

Rodenticide should only be used for the time needed to get the rodent population under control.In most cases, this is up to 35 days. If there is still a problem after this time, you should look at the reasons why and record this. Consider:

  • Resistance to the rodenticide used - use a stronger rodenticide
  • If the bait take is poor - look at moving the bait points
  • Making environmental changes

Time limited

Step 10

You should inspect the site for dead rodents and remove them regularly. This includes after the treatment has ended.Rats may die several days after eating poison and up to 100m away.Rodent bodies may contain traces of the poison and be a risk to non-target species. They should be disposed of safely as instructed on the product label.

Dead rodents