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What was the proyect about?

Suggestions for improvement

What have we learned?


Create a blog

Talk about differences and cultures between countries

"Work" together

What was the proyect about?

Talk with people from other countries

What have we learned?

  • They're racist
  • The americans don't work and don't have the interest in doing it
  • Americans don't use WhatsApp
  • "We learned" to use Wix
  • The Americans are just as we imagined

They're very Racist

Luciano 2023-2024

Very important graphic about racism:

While being on our FIRST call to do the presentation questions, our American fella Luciano told us "Guys, im eating fried chicken without being black", and indeed, he was doing it.


"13% of the american population are black."


"And they commit half of the crimes, they have it on their genes"

Us when no "Fortnite" with our American Fellas:

The americans don't work and don't have the interest in doing it

The americans werent so involved on the project and we had like 3 intercharges, we were the ones who always tried to interact with them out off academic activities like playing some "Fortnite" (We never did)



After a couple days of "Interacting" with the americans, we discovered that they don't use WhatsApp.They usually use "Snapchat" and the messages app of iPhone(They're all vald dudes with iPhones because they think its better than an Android)

AMERICANS don't use whatsapp

Us trying to figure out how to highlight text:

The website was not very customizable and the options were very limited, leaving a "default", boring and common website to do.We also didn't got many help from the faculty.

We "Learned" to use wix

The Americans are just as we imagined

Very racist people


Stereotype of rich american kid

American's participation

Better organization

Our opinion about Wix

Do not make us believe they live in a different culture

Difficulty with time difference


Difficulty with time difference

Do not make us believe they live in a different culture

god knows how to use this, because i don't

our opinion about wix

not at all intuitive

The worst tool we've ever used

unintuitive florida oberta

Better organization

bad organized in florida oberta

delay in reviewing certain tasks

american's participation

