Shungite FAQ
Mystical Wares
Created on February 10, 2024
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Shungite Questions?
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Question: Can Shungite be placed in your drinking water, and if so which type is recommended? Answer: Yes, there are several types of Shungite that can be used to enhance, energize & structure your drinking water. Regular Shungite Nuggets (aka Type 3 Shungite from Karelia, Russia) Shungite Water Beads (3 – 10mm Shungite beads are woven together using .925 sterling silver wire) Sterling silver is an alloy made up of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% other metals, usually copper or zinc.Cosmic Silver Shungite Nuggets: Shungite nuggets tumbled for 3 days using only 99.9% pure silver pieces as the tumbling medium, thus coating the Shungite in silver particles.Only available at Mystical Wares. All Shungite intended for use in drinking water should be checked for inclusions or veins of pyrite, also known as Fool’s Gold. If pyrite is present, do not use it for drinking water. Pyrite can grow in the presence of water. Shungite with pyrite on its surface can still be used for plants, trees, or electronics. Shungite can be used to enhance or structure drinking water energetically, not as a filter for physical particles. There is no minimum amount of Shungite/fullerenes required for an effect; any Shungite piece (as all Shungite contains fullerenes) can be used to make Shungite water. A larger quantity of Shungite does not make it stronger or more charged/aligned than a smaller amount.
*Warning: Avoid using Elite Shungite in your drinking water. Due to the composition of Elite Shungite, sharp chip pieces may break off when adding Shungite to water or when the water vessel is moved or agitated. Elite Shungite also contains a higher percentage of pyrite and quartz compared to other Shungite types.
Question: What are the different types of Shungite, and what are their suggested uses?Answer: There are several types of Shungite, and their uses can vary. Regular Shungite Nuggets: (aka Type 3 Shungite)Common uses: plants/gardens, drinking water, jewelry, creating energy tools, performing energy work, on electronics. Also recommended for use with beehives (Shungite Beehives). Elite/Noble Shungite Nuggets: (aka Type 1 Shungite) Common uses: plants/gardens, jewelry, creating energy tools, performing energy work, on electronics. (not recommended for use in drinking water)Cosmic Silver Shungite Nuggets: Common uses: plants/gardens, drinking water, jewelry, creating energy tools, performing energy work, on electronics. (recommended for use with energy workers on humans & animals)Regular Shungite Powder: Common uses: plants/gardens, drinking water, jewelry, creating energy tools, performing energy work, blending into paint, spread in gardens/around plants to remove toxins/poisons. Also used in cement or grout during construction/remodeling. Also recommended for use with beehives.Petrovsky Shungite Nuggets: (aka Type 2 Shungite) Appears grey in color. Common uses: plants/gardens, carving, gridding, creating energy tools.
Recommendation: The combination of Shungite and silver creates a more powerful and cohesive energy field compared to using Shungite alone. While raw Shungite nuggets can have positive effects on personal energy fields and electronic devices, we suggest using Shungite/silver stickers on electronics.This allows the Shungite/silver blend to be integrated into the device’s energy field with minimal space, and can be easily hidden if necessary. For personal use, we recommend our Cosmic Silver Shungite nuggets or jewelry.
Question: Does Shungite ever need to be cleared or cleansed energetically?Answer: No, Shungite does not hold onto energy, it keeps it in a constant state of motion, thus no energy build-up occurs. Shungite needs no energy clearing, it does not need to be placed in the Sun, or buried in the Earth, nor does it require salt/water cleansing. Due to Shungite’s abundance of fullerenes/C60 molecules it’s often recommended as a energy tool to assist with clearing a person’s own biofield/aura as well as other crystals & minerals.
Question: How many pieces, and what size does the Shungite need to be for various electronics, or when used in water?Using Shungite for water purification is not about filtering physical impurities; it’s about enhancing the water’s energy and frequency. The combination of Shungite and silver is recommended for drinking water, but not Elite or Noble Shungite. Our Shungite Water Beads, made from Shungite beads and .925 sterling silver wire, can be used in various water containers, including glasses, pitchers, bathtubs, and even swimming pools. Similarly, Shungite’s effect on electronic devices is not dependent on the size of the Shungite piece. A small chip or larger carved shape can be used on devices. Our Shungite sticker is convenient, containing a blend of silver and Shungite inside an adhesive that can be placed on any electronic device. There is no specific quantity of Shungite required for different situations, as each person, environment, and device is unique. However, as a general guideline, we suggest placing (3) Shungite nuggets or one of our other products near each electronic device. It’s also beneficial for individuals to wear Shungite jewelry or carry a Shungite piece on their person for added energy protection. Every day, we are exposed to various energies and frequencies from electronics, locations, objects, and people. Incorporating Shungite into our biofield or aura can help align and heal these energies, both physically and energetically. There’s no specific range of Shungite’s effectiveness, so individuals can add as much or as little Shungite as they need to feel the positive energy change. For those less sensitive to energy, it’s recommended to place Shungite on all electronic devices used and wear or carry it on the person.
Question: Does Shungite need to be replaced?Shungite used in electronics or water does not need to be replaced after a certain amount of time, as its effectiveness works energetically rather than physically. It does not weaken or degrade over time. Shungite works within the quantum aspects of our reality, not the physical. However, when using Shungite in drinking water, it is suggested to periodically clean off any biofilm that accumulates on its surface. Biofilm buildup can be more or less of an issue depending on your water source and the time of year. We recommend cleaning Shungite used for drinking water every two weeks or more frequently if needed. To clean Shungite, rub it with your fingers under running water or use a toothbrush on its surface. Do not use any soaps or chemicals, as residues can be left on the Shungite surface.
Question: Shungite is a mineral found in the form of a rock, does modifying it affect it’s energetic qualities?Answer: No, Shungite can be used either in it’s raw nugget form or ground into a powder, which then can be blended with different metals/crystals/minerals to expand it’s uses.Metals: Shungite nuggets can be rock tumbled using 99.9% pure silver as the tumbling medium, coating the nuggets or beads with a layer of silver. The addition of silver with Shungite enhances it’s energetic capabilities including assisting with personal energy/healing both physical & energetic.We use our silver/Shungite powder in various products including, but not limited to; Shungite Rubber, Shungite Honey/skin balm, Shungite Resin Animal Totems, Shungite Plant Spikes and many more.Crystals: Shungite not only be used to clear crystals, but when layered together with various metals a person could construct an orgon device (aka Orgonite).Minerals: Shungite can be blended with other minerals such as Diatomaceous earth or salts and used to energetically enhance both plants & animals. View our Shungite/Diatomaceous earth blend (food-grade) or Shungite Grid Salt (Dead Sea Salt/Shungite powder).
Question: Why don’t the readings/measurements change on my electronics after I add Shungite?Answer: Shungite doesn’t block energy, it moves energy-fields encouraging them into a constant state of motion where there’s no excess energy build-up; restoring energy-fields & bio-fields to their natural frequency or state of being. Everything living has a natural energy state of being healthy. This is one of the reasons Shungite is often used to clear or ground, not only humans & animals but also other crystals & minerals.
Silver can improve Shungite’s ability to alleviate the negative effects of electromagnetic frequencies, their properties can complement each other boosting its effectiveness. To create Cosmic Silver Shungite, we begin with carefully selected pieces of Shungite, then place them in our hexagon-shaped rock tumbler, tumbling them in 99.9% pure silver for (3) days. This process ensures thorough coverage of the Shungite’s surface with a thin layer of silver particles.* Mystical Wares is the only source for Cosmic Silver ShungiteA person’s biofield or aura can benefit from the removal of excess or built up energy or frequency through several ways. The biofield, also known as the human energy field, is believed to be a subtle energy system that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is thought to be composed of various layers or fields of energy that interact with each other and with the external environment.When excess or built up energy or frequency accumulates in the biofield, it can create imbalances and blockages, leading to various physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. By removing this excess energy, the biofield can be cleansed and rebalanced, allowing for improved overall health and well-being.
The synergistic blend of silver and shungite represents a unique and powerful combination in the realm of energy work, which is increasingly being recognized and utilized by practitioners worldwide. This Cosmic Silver Shungite, as we call it, possesses the remarkable ability to eliminate any excess energy that is out of alignment with an individual’s natural energetic state. By doing so, it facilitates the healing process on both an energetic and physical level, promoting overall well-being and balance within the individual.Cosmic Silver Shungite has energetic properties that can help clear and balance the biofield. By removing excess or built up energy or frequency from the biofield, a person can experience improvements in their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This can lead to a greater sense of balance, harmony, and overall health.Note: Honey bees construct their comb in hexagonal shapes due to the exceptional ability of this structure to maintain energy cohesiveness for both their brood and the honey they produce. We fully understand the bees know what they’re doing, we’ve incorporated their natural/intuitive way of working with energy by using a hexagon shaped rock tumbler when creating Cosmic Silver Shungite.
The synergistic blend of silver and shungite represents a unique and powerful combination in the realm of energy work, which is increasingly being recognized and utilized by practitioners worldwide. This Cosmic Silver Shungite, as we call it, possesses the remarkable ability to eliminate any excess energy that is out of alignment with an individual’s natural energetic state. By doing so, it facilitates the healing process on both an energetic and physical level, promoting overall well-being and balance within the individual.Cosmic Silver Shungite has energetic properties that can help clear and balance the biofield. By removing excess or built up energy or frequency from the biofield, a person can experience improvements in their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This can lead to a greater sense of balance, harmony, and overall health.Note: Honey bees construct their comb in hexagonal shapes due to the exceptional ability of this structure to maintain energy cohesiveness for both their brood and the honey they produce. We fully understand the bees know what they’re doing, we’ve incorporated their natural/intuitive way of working with energy by using a hexagon shaped rock tumbler when creating Cosmic Silver Shungite.
Cosmic Silver Shungite is accessible in two forms: as a tumbled nugget or as a fine powder mixture suitable for your own endeavors. Furthermore, we’ve created a line of Cosmic Silver Shungite products, where we’ve combined the powder blend with resin to produce an assortment of animal totems, pet tags, orgone devices, and more.Shungite’s effectiveness is not contingent upon its volume or size, but rather on its energetic properties. Thus, the physical size of the Shungite is not a limiting factor, which is why the powder blend proves to be highly effective when used with resins/molds.
Derek Condit – Founder of the Shungite Beehives In 2017, Derek launched his Shungite Beehive project, combining his expertise in treatment-free beekeeping with the unique properties of Shungite.Derek has shared his experiences through videos, photos, interviews, and podcasts, aiming to contribute to the global effort to save the bees. Shungite is known to affect various forms of energy, including non-biocompatible energies like those from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi routers, radio antennae, and more.By incorporating Shungite at the beehive entrance for grounding and creating a protective barrier within the hive paint, this can help reduce the impact of these potentially damaging frequencies and support optimal bee health.
How-to start your own Shungite Beehive:Any type of beehive can become a Shungite Beehive, for our description here we’ll talk about using a Langstroth beehive setup. Recommended steps, not all are necessary in all cases, although we do suggest staying as close as possible to the description below. (example, if you’re using a used beehive, you can Shungite paint over other paints)Begin with a new beehive where no toxic paint or chemical treatments have been applied. Paint the exterior of the beehive using Shungite Paint, which you can make yourself.We recommend generously spraying the inside of all the beehive boxes with colloidal silver (15ppm or higher), then allow to completely dry, then repeat if desired for a more thorough coverage of silver particles throughout the beehive. The silver particles present inside of the beehive will inhibit harmful bacteria and fungal growth. (Chalkbrood disease/Stonebrood disease/American & European foulbrood)
How-to make your own Shungite Paint (U.S. measurements):Begin with 1 gallon of low voc paint (volatile organic compounds), any color will work. (low voc paint will limit the harmful/toxic chemical fumes that can come off of other paints when beehives get hot) Pour appx 1 cup of the paint into a separate container, where you’ll now add appx 1 tablespoon of fine Shungite powder to the paint and blend/mix well.After the Shungite powder is mixed; ensure any clumps of powder are broken up, now add the 1 cup of Shungite paint back into the 1 gallon container. Finally ensure the cup of Shungite paint gets mixed back into the gallon bucket where it will become the Shungite paint you’ll use to paint your beehive(s).
After applying the Shungite paint to your beehive, you can introduce bees to the hive from another hive, a package, a nuc, or by capturing wild bees. Place three medium-sized Shungite nuggets (at least 2 inches long) in one corner of the hive’s entrance to provide the bees with a grounding spot before entering or leaving the hive.As your bees begin to gather around the Shungite nuggets, ensure that the frames within the hive are free from chemical treatments, replacing any contaminated frames with new ones by the end of the honey season. The Shungite-coated hive acts as a faraday cage, protecting the bees from electromagnetic frequencies.To further inhibit bacterial and fungal growth, spray the interior of the hive with colloidal silver. Studies have shown that electromagnetic frequencies, such as those emitted by cell phone towers, radio signals, and 5G networks, can harm bees.By providing a Shungite beehive, you enable bees to regenerate their energy fields and recover from the effects of these frequencies during the night. This will help prevent colony collapse disorder and improve the overall health and resilience of your bees.
Our Silver Shungite Scalar Sticker combines the beneficial properties of all our Shungite stickers. This innovative product features geometry and energies that work together to create a more bio-compatible frequency field. The Silver Shungite Scalar Sticker is an enhanced version of our Smart Sticker, boosted by Scalar energy waves.By placing the stickers between our Scalar energy devices, the orgone energy present around the Shungite is transformed into a more compatible frequency.The Silver Shungite Scalar Sticker can be used on various devices, such as fuse boxes, power meters, cell phones, computers, wi-fi routers, vehicles, or any electronic device that emits EMF.With the Silver Shungite Scalar Sticker, you no longer need to worry about which Shungite sticker to use on which device, as we’ve combined the energy effects of them all into one powerful solution.
Shungite has been shown to have numerous benefits when used in various forms, such as raw nuggets. It can be used in gardens, around trees and houseplants, for energy work, in Shungite Grid Maps, for water structuring, placed on electronics, and anywhere the energy feels heavy.The possibilities for Shungite use are extensive once you understand its energetic capabilities and how it can be integrated into other products. Shungite is also recommended for use with beehives.
Shungite Nugget Uses:
- Electronics
- Plants & gardens
- Energy grids (The Shungite Grid Project)
- Energy devices (orgone devices, cloud busters)
- Jewelry, Art & Crafts
- Drinking water (humans/animals)
The mineral Shungite is mined in Shun'ga village, Medvezhyegorsky District, Republic of Karelia, Russia. Shungite was first discovered in the early 18th century in the Shunga region of Karelia, Russia.The mineral was first noticed by local people who observed its unique properties, such as its ability to absorb water and its unusual appearance. Word of the discovery eventually reached Peter the Great, who was intrigued by the potential uses of the mineral. Peter the Great ordered a study of shungite and its properties, and soon recognized its potential for purifying water, he ordered the construction of the first Russian spa in the town of Kuznechny in 1719, using shungite-rich water for its health benefits.The mineral gained more widespread attention in the 20th century when scientists began to study its unique properties, such as its ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation and its potential applications in medicine and water purification. The mineral is extracted from the earth's surface through an open-pit mining process. The mining is done by removing the topsoil and overburden layers to expose the shungite-bearing rock. The rock is then crushed and processed to extract the shungite. Estimated to be over 2 billion years old, Shungite ranks among the oldest minerals known on Earth, with an estimated 35 million tons present in the region.
Its atomic structure forms fullerenes, which are molecules made of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a soccer ball-like shape. These fullerenes have the capacity to neutralize toxins and radiation in their environment by altering electromagnetic fields to a biocompatible rotation. C60 is a carbon-based molecule that forms a hollow sphere or "buckyball" shape.In 1991, Science magazine designated fullerenes the "molecule of the year," anticipating their substantial impact on scientific research. It was discovered in 1985 by Harry Kroto, Richard Smalley, and Robert Curl, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their discovery in 1996. One of the reasons scientists are fascinated by C60 is its potential applications in various fields, such as electronics, materials science, and medicine.C60 has excellent electrical conductivity, making it useful for creating new materials for electronic devices. In medicine, C60 has been found to have potential as a drug delivery system. Its hollow structure can encapsulate various molecules, making it possible to deliver drugs directly to targeted cells in the body. Additionally, C60 is a powerful antioxidant, which could have applications in treating diseases associated with oxidative stress, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.
Shungite stands out as one of the few natural sources of fullerenes, specifically the C60 molecule. These carbon-based compounds exhibit potent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, along with a distinct capacity to serve as enduring antioxidants.Remarkably effective even in minute quantities, fullerenes within Shungite play a crucial role in purifying water by attracting and neutralizing contaminants. Furthermore, they assist in regulating cellular metabolism, enhancing enzyme activity and cellular stability, thereby bolstering overall cell health. By identifying and neutralizing free radicals, fullerenes in Shungite contribute to the prevention of cellular damage. Due to its exceptional characteristics, Shungite is believed to offer numerous health advantages.Many individuals utilize Shungite for water purification, as it effectively eliminates harmful substances like bacteria, heavy metals, and pesticides. Additionally, it is thought to possess antioxidant properties, providing protection against electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices such as smartphones and Wi-Fi routers. Notably, Shungite exhibits remarkable fire resistance due to its highly active and reactive carbon composition. When heated, Shungite does not rely on atmospheric oxygen but instead extracts oxygen from nearby silicate minerals, demonstrating its antioxidant properties during thermal processes.
The sustained efficacy of Shungite in dealing with dissolved metals arises from its ability to convert metals into insoluble carbonates, facilitated by the oxidation of organic substances into CO2. Notably, the water from the “Marcial Waters” sanatorium in the Republic of Karelia, originating from Shungite deposits, lacks oxygen. Acting as a potent reducing agent, Shungite absorbs oxygen from water, leading to the formation of atomic oxygen through chemical interaction.This atomic oxygen serves as a potent oxidizing agent, transforming sorbed organic substances into CO2 and H2O while rejuvenating the Shungite surface for subsequent sorption processes. Research conducted at Moscow University and the Military Medical Academy explored the antioxidant properties of Shungite concerning organochlorine compounds and free radicals.The results demonstrated that Shungite effectively removes free radicals from water, surpassing activated carbon by a factor of 30 and achieving near-complete elimination. Free radicals, which emerge during water chlorination, pose significant risks to human health, and are implicated in various serious diseases, including cardiovascular ailments, cancer, diabetes, aging-related pathologies, and atherosclerosis. Ingestion of free radical particles through drinking water depletes the body’s biochemical mechanisms and contributes to the onset of diverse pathologies.
Additionally, Peter the Great introduced its use for providing purified water to the Russian army, and modern tests have confirmed its antibacterial properties. Russian doctors and scientists have achieved significant success in treating patients before and after surgery in rooms constructed with Shungite, reducing recovery and rehabilitation times. Research from Russia and Ukraine also indicates that fullerene rich Shungite can mitigate various forms of negative energy.Overall, the unique properties and potential applications of C60 make it an attractive subject of study for scientists across a wide range of disciplines. Shungite can affect not only our physical reality, but the metaphysical aspects of our reality which refer to the non-physical or non-material aspects of the universe, which are often considered to be beyond the realm of empirical science.These aspects are seen as the underlying principles that govern the nature of existence, consciousness, and the relationship between the physical and the non-physical.
Shungite powder is made from crushing regular type 3 Shungitenuggets. The powder can be used as an 'energy' ingredient with many products.Types of Shungite Powder:
- Fine Shungite Powder
- Granulated Shungite Powder
- Cosmic Silver Shungite Powder (only available at Mystical Wares)
Potential Shungite powder uses:
- Energy devices
- Bath products (soaps, lotions, balms & more)
- Plants & gardens (growth enhancement)
- Mixed into honey
- Shungite paint
- Restoring soil/gardens (removes toxins)
- Blend into resin molds
Our Silver/Shungite powder blend, does not loose strength or effectiveness when blended into resins. Our Shungite magnets begin with a rare-earth magnet, which is hardened into a silver/Shungite blended resin. (available in several shapes).Shungite magnets are recommended for use on vehicles, gas lines, large appliances (fridge, washer/dryer, freezer, etc.), really any device that either has a motor, pump or compressor.
Do not place Shungite magnets in vehicles engine compartments, due to high temperatures. Avoid placing Shungite magnets where they’ll be in direct sunlight, resin can soften and come loose from the rare-earth magnet that’s been inlayed.Vehicles: Shungite magnets can be placed on the steering column just under the dashboard from the driver seat, or under either seat attached to the metal seat frame. Both of these recommended locations come into contact with the metal frame of the vehicle.Pumps/Compressors/other: Avoid placing near any gauges or meters on the device due to the magnetic effects of the rare-earth magnet contained in the resin.
Our Silver Shungite Rubber is created with a special blend of Shungite powder & silver added to (non-toxic) rubber, producing an energy field that has a unique frequency that is extremely compatible with physical healing. Shungite does not lose strength or potency when used or blended into powder form.
- Shungite Rubber is flexible but retains it shape, is 100% waterproof & can be hand washable with mild soap.
- Can be cut into any size to fit your needs.
- Like all Shungite based energy products, your thoughts are a powerful ingredient in the effectiveness of this Shungite Rubber field.
Can be placed under human or animal beds to assist with healing while resting.
We have created a special frequency healing and water structuring device using .925 sterling silver wire and three 10mm Shungite beads. Each bead is inspected for pyrite inclusions and excluded from use in water if found. To use this device, place the Silver & Shungite Water Beads in your drinking container, preferably made of glass, wood, or ceramic. Enjoy the benefits of consuming water infused with loving and healing frequencies.By combining the physical healing properties of silver and Shungite, you can create a loving and living water that will help you rebuild from within.*Can also be used in animal water bowls.
Shungite can be used to enhance or structure drinking water energetically, not as a filter for physical particles. There is no minimum number of Shungite/fullerenes required for an effect; any Shungite piece (as all Shungite contains fullerenes) can be used to make Shungite water.A larger quantity of Shungite does not make it stronger or more charged/aligned than a smaller amount.*Avoid using Elite Shungite in your drinking water. Due to the composition of Elite Shungite, small chips may break off when adding Shungite to water or when the water vessel is moved or agitated. Elite Shungite also contains a higher percentage of pyrite and quartz compared to other Shungite types.
Elite/Noble Shungite *Do not use in drinking water.
Regular Shungite Bracelet: We use regular (type 3) polished Shungite beads then use them to make various Shungite and stone/crystal combinations.Ultimately there is no 'set in stone' way of choosing which Shungite bracelet would be best for you, use your own intuition or gut instincts. Often you will be drawn toward the bracelet(s) that are best for you energetically.
Cosmic Silver Shungite Bracelet vs Shungite Bracelet
Cosmic Silver Shungite Bracelet: Silver can improve Shungite’s ability to alleviate the negative effects of electromagnetic frequencies, their properties can complement each other boosting its effectiveness. To create Cosmic Silver Shungite, we begin with carefully selected pieces of Shungite, then place them in our hexagon-shaped rock tumbler, tumbling them in 99.9% pure silver for (3) days. This process ensures thorough coverage of the Shungite’s surface with a thin layer of silver particles.A person’s biofield or aura can benefit from the removal of excess or built-up energy or frequency through several ways. The biofield, also known as the human energy field, is believed to be a subtle energy system that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is thought to be composed of various layers or fields of energy that interact with each other and with the external environment. When excess or built-up energy or frequency accumulates in the biofield, it can create imbalances and blockages, leading to various physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. By removing this excess energy, the biofield can be cleansed and rebalanced, allowing for improved overall health and well-being. The synergistic blend of silver and shungite represents a unique and powerful combination in the realm of energy work, which is increasingly being recognized and utilized by practitioners worldwide. This Cosmic Silver Shungite, as we call it, possesses the remarkable ability to eliminate any excess energy that is out of alignment with an individual’s natural energetic state. By doing so, it facilitates the healing process on both an energetic and physical level, promoting overall well-being and balance within the individual.
Shungite can be used with both plants & animals.
Animals Uses:
- Shungite nuggets or Shungite water beads in their water.
- Shungite Rubber under their beds.
- Shungite Powder/Diatomaceous Earth blend on their food or skin.
- Shungite Honey for digestive issues or topical wounds.
- Shungite Skin Balm for irritated, dry or damaged paw pads.
Plant & Garden Uses:
- Shungite nuggets or Shungite powder placed near stalk of plants and trees to encourage rapid growth.
- Shungite powder placed blended into garden soil to remove toxins & pesticides.
- Shungite Plant Spikes can be buried at the base of any plant for extended Shungite powder release into the soil. (spikes last appx 6 months)
- Shielding effect of mineral Shungite during electromagnetic irradiation of rats.
- Influence of Dietary Addition of Mineral Shungite and Fucus vesiculosus on Production Performance, Egg Quality, Nutrients Digestibility, and immunity Status of Laying Hens.
- Carbonaceous Fullerene Containing Nano Mineral Shungite. Properties for Purification of Water Detoxification of Human Body.
- Water-soluble pristine C60 Fullerene attenuates acetaminophen induced liver injury.
- A study of the antioxidant, cytotoxic activity, and absorption properties of Karelian Shungite by Physicochemical Methods.
- C60 Fullerenes Increase the intensity of rotational movements in non-anesthetized Hemiparkinsonic Rats.
- C60 Fullerene Penetration into Leukemic Cells and its Photo induced Cytotoxic Effects.
- C60 Fullerene as a promising therapeutic agent for correcting and preventing skeletal muscle fatigue.
- Water-Soluble, Alanine-Modified Fullerene C60 Promotes the Proliferation and Neuronal Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells.
- Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects of Liposoluble C60 at the Cellular, Molecular, and Whole Animal Levels.
- C60 Fullerene Against SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus: An Insilico Insight.
- Water-Soluble Pristine C60 Fullerene Inhibits Liver Alterations Associated with Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Rats.
- C60 Fullerenes Suppress Reactive Oxygen Species Toxicity Damage in Boar Sperm.
- C60 Fullerene Reduces 3-Nitropropionic Acid Induced Oxidative Stress Disorders and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Rats.
- Prevention of mycotoxicosis in minks with the use of Shungite and hitinglucans.
- Green Extraction of Graphene from Natural Mineral Shungite.
- Silent Death by Sound: C60 Fullerene Soundynamic Treatment of Cancer Cells.
- Modifying additive for concrete based on Shungite processing waste.
- Chemical composition of extracts from shungite and “Shungite water”.
- Oxidatively modified carbon as an efficient material for removing radionuclides from water.
- Enhancement of Drought Tolerance in Cucumber Plants by Natural Carbon Materials.
- Role of Dietary Inclusion of Phyto biotics and Mineral Adsorbent Combination on Dairy Cows′ Milk Production, Nutrient Digestibility, Nitrogen Utilization, and Biochemical Parameters.
- Methods for sorption purification of underground water to remove uranium.
- Plant Regeneration medium composition and plant regeneration method.
- Method for treating joint diseases (Russian Patent).
- Substantiation of the possibility of using Shungite as an effective radio-absorbing material.
- Absorbers of electromagnetic radiation based on Shungite species.
- Physiological response of onion seedlings to shungite application under two soil water regimes.
- The applicability of shungite as an electrically conductive additive in cement composites.
- Carbonaceous Fullerene Containing Mineral Shungite. Research of Influence of Shungite on Mountain Water.
- A Study of the Possibility of Using Shungite in Latex Rubber Formulations for the Manufacture of Gloves with High Resistance to Aggressive Media.
- Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Shungite against Ultraviolet B Irradiation-Induced Skin Damage in Hairless Mice.
- Carbonaceous Fullerene Containing Mineral Shungite and Aluminosilicate Mineral Zeolite. Mathematical Model and Practical Application of Water Solution of Shungite and Zeolite.
- A giant Paleoproterozoic deposit of Shungite in NW Russia: genesis and practical applications.
- Crop Enhancement of Cucumber Plants under Heat Stress by Shungite Carbon.
- Process for preparation of water having therapeutic benefits using Shungite.
- Microbiological, Physio-Chemical and Organoleptic Parameters of Apple Juice, Processed by Shungite.
- Water-alcohol adsorbing cleaning out of higher alcohols by Shungite.
- Adsorption of ammonia nitrogen from water and of nitrate ions from vegetable juices by Shungite.
- The structure and composition of natural carbonaceous fullerene containing mineral Shungite.
- Review on the Antimicrobial Properties of Carbon Nanostructures within Shungite.
- Fullerenes: An introduction and overview of their biological properties.
- Using Shungite in Water Defluorination by Galvano coagulation.
- Glyphosate adsorption on C 60 fullerene in aqueous medium for water reservoir depollution.
- A Study of the Antioxidant, Cytotoxic Activity and Adsorption Properties of Karelian Shungite by Physicochemical Methods.
- Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of lightweight and flexible ultrathin shungite plates.
- Remediation of soil contaminated by toxic rocket fuel components using modified carbon–mineral adsorbing material produced from shungite rock modified with Mn4+ and Fe3+.
- Recharging the battery: Shungite nullifies physiological stress produced by electric vehicles.
- Shungite and its Industrial Potential.
- Extending the Storage Life of Foods Using Shungite.
- Carbonized Sorbents of Shungite and Rice Husk for Purification of Petroleum Contaminated Soils.
- Research on Potential Application of a New Fertilizer based on Natural Sorbents for Toxic Soils (Shungite Soil).
- Sorption Extraction of Heavy Metal Ions from Wastewater by Natural and Synthetic Sorbents.
- Fukushima Water May Benefit from New Purification Technique.
This is a partial list of the various Shungite studies we have available for viewing/download on our website.